Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December Tidings

I'm a little disconnected from blogging these days. It's not due to the arrival of our sweet babies though - we're still pregnant! Rather, it's due to my very pregnant body, and my general lack of energy to do much of anything.

Thankfully, my Mom is here and helped me decorate the dining room for Christmas!

On the way home from our last doctor's appointment (the only time I leave the house these days), we stopped in at our local Christmas tree stand to pick out a tree for our dining room. Mike commented that it was the quickest tree selection I've ever made! This is true...my aching feet and back cured my perennial case of 'Christmas tree indecision.'

The three of us decorated the tree with cardinals and simple strands of white lights. We'll have another Christmas tree in the living room, which will be decorated with our vast collection of childhood ornaments (yes, this includes my favorite ornament - 'Hunk of Love').

My favorite Christmas decoration is the greenery. I just love the lush green color against the sleeping winter landscape outside our window. I also love the fragrance of the cuttings, which offers such an intoxicating mix of nostalgia and crisp earthy freshness.

We replaced the burlap runner on the table with an antique crocheted table cloth I bought a few years ago for $10. My Mom has a larger one that my Great Great Grandmother made, which was always put out for Christmas Eve dinner.

My dear friend Joan from For the Love of a House added three beautiful antique brass candlesticks to my collection recently, which I've placed on the Empire card table below the mirror.

Hope you are staying warm and cozy wherever you are!

P.S. I've been meaning to mention that our kitchen was featured in a little article on Small Space Kitchen Design over at HGTV.com.


  1. It all looks so festive and beautiful! Great job on keeping it simple yet gorgeous~ What an exciting time it must be in your home - I can't wait to meet these babies!!!
    Have a fabulous week,

  2. Your Christmas tree and decorations look wonderful in your home. It's good to hear from you again. Hope you have a great Christmas - just think what it will be like next year!

  3. Hello Trina, I Love your home It is so beautiful. Love the simple green and reds for your Christmas docorations its such a clean , classic look. I remember those days of being so pregnant you couldnt or wouldnt want to move. Ugghh... I loved being pregnant but the last few weeks was very uncomfortable...to say the least.I worked at a dentist office and tried to work as long as possible then my Dr. and my husband said No more. But I would sit in my asst.chair and beg the girls to push me down the hall into the lab!! No joke it was bad. I hope all goes well with your babies have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed new year. Post pics when they come:)) Lisa

  4. The tree looks beautiful in the Dining Room! Good luck with the birth of your beautiful babies. Mimi xx

  5. Gorgeous. It's all so simple and striking. Your table is gorgeous. I missed the "hunk of love" post, so I had to go check it out. PRICELESS is all I can say! Love it!

  6. So beautiful, I love how the red pops against the white. Simple and elegant...lovely.

  7. Wonderful pictures. It's good that you and you baby is OK, even though your body is quite different from it's normal condition for the moment. (Hope that came out right in English...)
    Your tree is so perfect! We never find trees like that in Norway. If we find a tree close to yours, we call it a Walt Disney-tree. And wonder if it is made of plastic? Lucky you! I hope you will show us some pictures of the other tree later. My best wishes to you and your kind mother.

  8. Hi Trina, Your dining room is your trademark -understated loveliness! You are in the homestretch now. Sending lots of happy thoughts your family's way this Christmas! Karelyn in Vancouver, BC

  9. As always, Trina, your choice of simplicity and class delights and fascinates me! I am so glad that your mother is there, helping you. I can imagine she was suffering along with you all those years, hoping and praying. Bless you all this holiday season!

    Lots of love,


  10. I love the cardinals on the tree! So beautiful. And the candlestick collection is gorgeous. Thank you for letting us take a peek!

  11. Trina, the tree is beautiful! Congrats on the mention at HGTV!! Best Wishes for a safe delivery. Can't wait to see the little ones.

  12. For several years my twins tugged at the ornaments and now at age 17, they love seeing the collection of ornaments on the tree. Your dining room looks simply inviting and peaceful.
    Off to check out "hunk of love" post.
    take care ~

  13. beautiful as always...crisp and clean and simple but so, so beautiful.

  14. You will have to do something about letting us all know when you have the babies! I have been anxiously opening your blog in the last two weeks, waiting for news!
    Your living room is looking great, and I love your tree!

  15. So glad to have found your blog! Your dining room is beautiful!

    Greenery is my favorite part, too. I always get out our Christmas decorations and think, "How did the house feel decorated last year with so few decorations?" And then I go cut greenery and berries and remember WHY! Greenery makes it Christmas in our home :)

    I also love your crocheted table linen and the table of candles. Absolutely charming!

  16. Trina,
    You had me on pins and needles with fewer posts...but so glad to hear you are well and attempting to rest!

    The red is absolutely perfect against all the white!!! I am using some birds too this year and will post this week.

    The candlesticks are wonderful...don't you love a thoughtful friend who knows your taste!

  17. I love your Christmas decorations, very natural and charming!

  18. So beautiful! Admire you for getting any tree put up this close to delivery, but your dining room is gorgeous.

  19. Your dining room looks beautiful. No signs of Hunk of Love in there. My favorite ornament, which adorns our kid ornament tree was Birdie from a circa 1982 Happy Meal. My mom always moved it to the back of the tree and I always moved it to the front! We laugh about it every Christmas - the most treasured ornaments are sometimes the least expected.

  20. The fresh green in your beautiful, bright room is so refreshing. It's simple and gorgeous, and I love it.

    Enjoy this last time before those babies come, and that last little bit of being pregnant - it's such a wonderful feeling.

  21. I just stumbled on your blog and have fallen for your beautiful home. Simply lovely! I'll be back.

  22. Your home looks so beautiful and festive! I love the idea of doing a simple tree-- highlighting just the green of the tree and the red of the cardinals. I would like to try a smaller version of that in my home! You got me into clustering brass candlesticks! Love your new ones.

    Hope you are well, try to rest up...you are going to need all your energy when your little ones arrive!


  23. Beautiful dining room, Trina! We had two December babies,also, and I remember those times of holiday decorating from the couch!

  24. It's so beautiful and peaceful. Congratulations on the HGTV! Lots of inspiration.
    Thank you for sharing. Happy Decorating.

  25. hi trina,

    beautiful as ever. i'm on pins and needles here. good luck in the coming weeks. maybe mike can do a post or 2, that would be fun.


  26. Oh my. This is SO lovely. You've captured perfection! That's it. I'm painting all my walls white. :)

    Can't wait to "meet" those precious babies!

  27. Congratulations on the HGTV spot! How exciting!

    And I absolutley love your antique Louis Philippe guilded mirror. What a wonderful piece.

    Wishing you all the best as you await your little miracles.

    Merry Christmas!

  28. Trina, I've been reading your blog for a while and this is my first comment. Your house is absolutely beautiful. I adore the simplicity of your decorating style. I check your blog daily and always go back and look over everything again and again. Even my 9 year old daughter loves to look at it with me. Congratulations on your upcoming arrivals. "It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be wonderful". That quote was said at my wedding reception and I think it holds true for so many things in life. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  29. I've been thinking about you Trina~ wondering how you're hanging in there. ;) Your dining room looks lovely!! Now keep your feet up and rest my friend.
    Happy holidays.

  30. Everything in your home is so pretty! I check your blog often and had been wondering if you weren't busy with new babies. I look forward to seeing the pictures of the rest of your decorating.

  31. dear trina,
    your dining room is stunning in it's christmas splendor! the antique candlesticks look lovely and happy in their new beautiful home!xo
    that runner is gorgeous! I can only imagine how beautiful the one your great, great grandmother made is!

    HGTV??!!!! I am so excited for you I could POP!! that is amazing, and so well deserved; your kitchen is a work of art!


    p.s. I've had several new followers and comments from "your house" this morning.... thank you!!

  32. Oh I just knew the babies had been born when you didn't blog for a week. So the excitement is yet to come. We are all waiting. :)
    The cardinals in the dining room are perfect as I knew your decor would be. I hope you show us the living room tree too.
    Rest...put your feet up. Thank goodness your mom is there!! xoxo

  33. Love your Christmas decor...and love to hear that you are keeping rather quiet these days. I believe I would be sitting in the nursery dreaming of babies! I wanted you to know that your kitchen shelves were an inspiration for the shelving I had made for our laundry room. I always loved your shelves. Now I have some! They are so very functional and pretty. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with all of us.

  34. Looks simple, elegant and festive. I love it.

  35. Your home looks warm and inviting during this holiday season. I hope you are feeling well and as a previous poster stated, we can't wait to meet your babies! Many blessings to all of you and Merry Christmas!

  36. It all looks perfect! Did you get a little package from me?

  37. Dear Trina,
    BEAUTIFUL! as usual. Happy Holidays and keep us readers posted if you are able. Mickey

  38. Trina, what a beautiful tree and lovely runner on the dining table. I love the simplicity of the room. I had a little chuckle over the comment about your "perennial Christmas tree indecision." But sorry to hear that your quick decision was because you were feeling uncomfortable. In addition to your great photos, I enjoy your writing style very much.

    I wish you the best with delivery of your twins. Like others who follow your blog regularly, I eagerly await your announcement. Have a lovely Christmas.

  39. Your home is my inspiration, I just love the simplicity of your decorating and all the greenery. Beautiful! And your dining table is absolutely gorgeous!

  40. Such a gorgeous decorated dining room! Thank you for sharing :)

    CHRISTmas Blessings!

  41. So very pretty,every little bit of it!!! Take care of yourself my dear!!

  42. Classic and elegant, just like you! I have been thinking of you OFTEN and wondering how you are feeling and whether the babies had arrived. Thinking of you every day and praying for everything to go swimmingly!! Merry Christmas! xo's Terri

  43. ...so beautiful Trina...so peaceful, i just love the simplicity of your home!

  44. I was wondering if you had had the babies. I love your dining room and that $10 purchase. It's gorgeous!

  45. Everything looks so fresh, crisp and cozy! What a beautiful home you have created...it looks so joyful and Christmasy! Bless you!
    Sugar Pie Farmhouse.com

  46. I love your photos of your dining room, so pretty. I especially love your crochet table cloth, my dear friend has just finished one very similar to yours. She has been working on hers for quite some time. She plans on having it completed in time for Christmas. She made hers from linen thread.
    All the best to you and to those beautiful babies. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  47. WHat a beautiful, elegant space you have created Trina. Just lovely. Like everything you do!

    Congratulations on still being pregnant!!


  48. Trina...your dining room tree looks wonderful! I love the touches of red with the gold and wood, very warm and inviting, way to go Mom!!! So the secret to making a quick Christmas tree decision (and a fabulous one by the way) is being 9 months pregnant with twins...who knew!? Don't worry...next year, with the babies in the double stroller, you'll be able to take all the time in the world again! ;)

    Congratulations on the HGTV feature...that's pretty neat! I hope you had a glass of sparkling apple cider to celebrate! It's a beautiful image they have up (but 'of course' - another good one - all your images are beautiful).

    Thinking restful, peaceful, and 'super comfortable' thoughts for you sweetie...
    XOXO J~

  49. Trina,
    I think it is perfect. It's cozy and nesting-ish, but also simple and elegant and not too much. Wonderful!

  50. Just lovely, can't wait to see the family room tree! Stay rested!

  51. Trina - your house is sooo worthy of being in a magazine! Your taste is exquisite - energy or not energy! lol! Take it easy and rest up, sweetie! :)

    xoxo laurie

  52. I love the simple, authentic way you decorate, no matter what time of year, but especially at Christmastime! It just makes me want to pop by for a cup of tea and an iced sugar cookie! Don't worry I'll bring both so that you can rest! ;-)

    Kat :)

  53. This is beautiful! I love the cleanliness of the space with the white and the holiday decor. It makes the decor pop off that background. I will definitely be checking your blog out more often! Thanks for sharing!

  54. Trina,
    I love your dining room decorations. It is so inspiring as tackle moving in and decorating our new home...
    Happy Holidays!

  55. Simply gorgeous! I love a home that is so elegantly decorated. It's okay if you don't get it all done this year. Your rest is the most improtant thing. Carla

  56. So beautiful Trina! The red against all the bright white is just gorgeous and so elegant. I can just imagine how beautiful Christmas dinner will be at your home ~
    Please take care of yourself and I know we are all looking forward to hearing about your Christmas blessings. :)

  57. Your Christmas decor is so simple and lovely. I LOVE the tree with white lights and cardinals. It's gorgeous! Everything is so beautiful and serene, love it. Hang in there pregnancy wise, I know it's hard the last few weeks!

  58. Absolutely stunning, what beautiful rooms.

  59. Simple, gorgeous...and I can smell the tree all the way down here!

    Enjoy this last bit of pregnant time...just imagine how house-full you will be next year!

  60. I agree, fresh greenery is just the best! I think I shall don the snowshoes and blaze orange (hunting season here) and get out in the woods!!

  61. It look beautiful, warm inviting and elegant all at the same time:) Blessings as you deliver those sweet twins. Today is my son's birthday 12/8. It is the feast of the Immaculate Conception and a lovely day to have a baby (or babies;).

  62. Trina,
    Your talent for simplicity is admirable. Just lovely. Good luck in the upcoming weeks!

  63. Beautiful Trina! Hope you are feeling well and getting lots of rest.

  64. Omigosh, your dining room decor looks so simple and peaceful and BEAUTIFUL! Wishing you many blessings this Christmas and through out the new year! And may you have two beautiful babies who love to sleep! :)

  65. Elegant Christmas simplicity dear Trina! I'm astonished to hear that you are still incubating those babes so well. I'm sure you'll be seeing those 2 precious faces in person very soon. Thinking of you all often across the miles, even MOTH asked last night how you were going!
    Love Millie xx

  66. Enjoy this special time with your Mom; how fortunate you are to have her with you! Pamper "yourself" and enjoy the season!! Your home looks lovely, calming, and comfortable...the perfect place to be at this time!! Linda

  67. Your Christmas decorations are beautiful, simple and classic. Best wishes for your upcoming arrival of your babies.

  68. I was wondering: Do you have any pictures of your guest house? I would love to see how you decorated that apartment.

  69. I love the simplicity of your decor. Those sweet cardinals really pop on your tree. What a great brass candlestick collection.

  70. I just have to say that you have a gorgeous tree. And your kitchen is just divine! Have a wonderful day, Kellie xx

  71. Hi Sherry,
    The following is a post I did on the guest house.
    We have a lot of work left to do, both inside and out.

  72. Yes, the end of pg. is so very tiring, no energy for anything at all...I felt that way starting 32 weeks! Good news is you're at the tail-end and soon will meet your 2 loves! And life will never be the same!

  73. Trina, I think heaven must look like your dining room. I've loved your projects and your writing. Good luck with the babies -- I remember childbirth felt like science fiction to me: "What? A tiny, perfectly formed human being came out of MY body?" May your holiday season be filled with joy and miracle. Margie Boule

  74. Hi Trina,

    I would just like to say you have a beautiful farmhouse... It is so gorgeous. All the best with it. I love your photographs too!
    I have just started out with my own blog, My name is Bec Farquhar and feel free to visit my blog becfarquhar.blogspot.com,
    Kind Wishes.xx

  75. Congratulations Trina...I can see why they put your kitchen on HGTV as it is simple perfection. I love your dining room decorations...it enhances your beautiful room yet doesn't overdo it. VERY pretty. I hope you get the chance to put your feet up today...it won't be long until you'll be looking for a moment to do just that...enjoy it while you can!
    Maura :)

  76. Everything (as always) looks beautiful. I am on pins and needles over here waiting for these sweet babies. Thinking of you and your hubby often and can't wait to "meet" the little ones soon.

  77. I love the lush green against all the white too. SO RICH and so lovely!

  78. That's wonderful Trina and I'm not surprised. I am surprised, however, that your gorgeous house hasn't been in several magazines! I've been thinking of you, hope you're feeling really well! Rachaelxx

  79. As always, your home is so incredibly simple and lovely. Looking at your rooms decorated for Christmas is truly like taking a slow, deep breath of cool country air.
    I've been checking almost daily to see if those babies have made their appearance! Many good wishes to you, Hubby and twins. There is nothing like bringing home your newborn (in your case, newborns! :) )

  80. Trina,
    I get so nostalgic
    this time of year
    and especially when
    I am here with you.
    My first baby was born
    on December 27th.
    It was the best and
    quietest Christmas ever!
    My baby, she will be
    19 years old soon.

    Your table is beautiful
    and just what I would expect
    from you.
    Always appreciating the simple
    things of today & of the past.

    Wishing you all a
    Very Merry Christmas.

    xo Lisa

  81. hi trina... i am late with wishes (in bed with flu) but wanted to know i am thinking of you and know this is a wonderful time for you (despite the aches and tired feet,back etc) blessings to you and your family... the dining room is filled with love... xx

  82. Just checking in to see if the babies have arrived. I hope all is well at your house. We cannot wait to hear.
    This season is so full of all that is good.
    Merry Christmas Mike and Trina!

  83. Well like everyone else I'm waithing for the news. Today was my grandson's 5th and the 26th the twins will be 9! Hard to believe the sleepless nights and many diapers were so long ago. Hope your mom is staying on to help. It takes 1 1/2 adults for each baby til they're 1. (Well, it sometimes seems like it still takes that many to get them out the door:)

  84. Trina, I opened my new Food and Wine magazine yesterday and was pleased to see a picture of the kitchen of one of my favorite blogs-yours! Hope you are resting as those beautiful babies will be blessing your home this Christmas very soon...

  85. I have so enjoyed your posts and love seeing the progression of your renovations. Your style has ecome quite familiar and as I perused my new Food and Wine magazine---there you were--or at least your kitchen. I'm looking forward to future posts and wish you every happiness with your new family.

  86. oh dear......83 comments!
    what to possibly add other than to say the space is serene and very lovely.

    and to say i am so excited for you both with a wish for a blessed christmas

  87. Trina - Your home is beautiful! Very inspiring. Congratulations on being pregnant with twins! My twins (boy & girl) just turned 6 on December 10th. Still can't believe it. It's a wild FUN ride.

    IF you ever get a chance could you tell me what you finished your IKEA butcher block counter tops with? I would like mine to have that same varnished look!

  88. ~**~Beautiful!!~*~* Hugs, Rachel

    *French Farmhouse 425*

  89. Hi Trina,
    Just had to send a quick comment and tell you that I painted my kitchen white yesterday (walls, that is). I said in an earlier comment that I love, love white and somehow began getting convinced that anything white meant unfinished. Ahhh, as soon as stepped back and looked at my white kitchen I was elated. So clean and simple. And then I immediately thought of A Country Farmhouse. Thank you, thank you for the inspiration. We're now doing white wainscoating in our dining room, living room and master bedroom. Thank you!
    p.s. Are those babies here yet?

  90. So beautiful. I hope that you're feeling okay - the last weeks of pregnancy are hard-going by anyone's standards. Put your feet up. You'll need all your strength when the babies get here.

  91. Trina tudo bem !
    Sou do Brasil/SãoPaulo é um prazer deixar um comentário em seu blog.
    Amei sua dedicação, se puder me visite:

  92. The dining room is stun-stun-stunning, and congratulations on your recognition from HGTV. Love your home inside and out. Saying a prayer for all of you. Happy Christmas.

  93. Your house is so pretty. I really, really love it. Thank you for sharing it on your gorgeous blog.

    Take care.

  94. Trina,
    Your dining room looks beautiful!
    I'm guessing the babies have arrived?? I keep checking in, anxiously waiting news... i hope all is well!

    Merry Christmas!


  95. waiting to see your sweet babies! happy christmas and many blessings!

  96. GOR-GE-OUS!
    Really, just stunning, the crisp white and the greens...
    Nothing like finally having that baby though!


  97. Girl! You have sooo much beauty in your house, I don't think I can take it all in one day - I'm just gonna have to add you to my sidebar blog reader list and meet with you daily :)



Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine

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