Friday, November 19, 2010

35 Weeks

Today was a very special day for us as I am now 35 weeks pregnant (although my belly measures 45 weeks)! With twins, there is a higher risk of premature labor so this milestone comes as a wonderful relief. After 35 weeks, we are also able to deliver in our hometown as opposed to having to go to a hospital in Portland.

Our official due date is December 23rd. However, this is a due date for a singleton pregnancy, twins typically come several weeks earlier. For us, this means that we're expecting in the next couple of weeks!

Here's the last 8 months of my growing belly!

After eight months of pregnancy, I am still reveling in the beautiful reality of being pregnant. We cannot wait to meet our sweet little babies.

Also, the nursery is finally done! All I have to do now is take pictures!


  1. you are the perfect model for pregnancy..just beautiful :)

    I enjoy reading your blog..but rarely comment!

  2. Congratulations on reaching this milestone. As a grandmother of twins I know just what a gift they can be ... and I know yours are a precious gift already. Beautiful photos!

  3. Just found your blog. Congrats on having twins! You look beautiful! Babies are such a blessing.
    Do you know what you're having? Your home and farm
    look lovely. I look forward to seeing pics of those sweet babies wrapped up in those quilts!
    ~ Julie

  4. What great pictures. Your children will love seeing them when they get older. It's just all such a miracle. Amazing to think of two of them in there together! Wow, God is good. I can imagine the excitement you are feeling. You look great and your clothes are darling. Thanks for sharing with us. Looking forward to the nursery pictures!.... but even more excited for baby pictures :)
    J in WA

  5. You look lovely. What great news that you are past the 35 week point - and will coast into these final weeks. Enjoy every moment of anticipation. And sleep as much as possible!!

  6. Gorgeous, gorgeous , gorgeous...there is nothing more beautiful...
    Enjoy it, that is all I can say, I know it is cumbersome and then end few weeks are not always the most comfortable...( at all!) but I always greived after my big belly was gone, I really did because as soon as the babies are born, you never, ever remember that feeling again, until you are pregnant again that is..
    So very, very special, your photos are beautiful...excitment all round at your home I would say..........from across the miles, in Australia, blessings to you and your soon to be family.....xx Suzanne.

  7. Whow you look radiant. Pregnancy really suits you. Be prepared as anyday now your gonna pop. Sandy xx

  8. Hi there! Yes, I agree with the 1st comment above, you truly are the perfect model for pregnancy! My heart jumped for joy seeing the picture with that beautiful snow-covered mountain peeking out in the background! LOL! Was that Mt Hood? ooooh how I LOVE Oregon!
    I really enjoy my little visits to your blog, although I don't comment...I must say that your posts are very refreshing to the soul! Thank you & many blessings to you & yours'

  9. Congratulations on reaching 35 weeks!!

    You look absolutely divine and just the poster girl for healthy pregnancy. (I miss being pregnant...I know!!) It is the most beautiful time - words can not convey...!

    Sending big hugs with lots of love and light for the beautiful joy and wonderment to come.


  10. T & M, these photos have made me very, very happy this evening. Can't say any more, too emotional except, you are an absolute legend Trina!!
    Millie ^_^

  11. So beautiful photos! It's so good to reach these pregnantweeks. Our twins were born week 30+.

    Have a nice days!

  12. As a Mom of now 17 year old twins, I have tears in my eyes as I know the joys and the pains of carrying two. Feeling enormously ripe and ready to meet the wee ones!
    You are blessed and radiate joy. There is no way to prepare, but to let you know you will fall madly in love when you meet them!
    Ecstatic for you and what lies ahead!

  13. Oh, Trina, you look so beautiful!! You really glow and wear that belly so well!!! Thank you for sharing photos- pregnancy is such an amazing and wonderful thing. And congratulations on the news- 35 weeks!!!! That's something to celebrate:).

    Our first little guy will be born this weekend:). I'm actually 41 weeks today:). Poor kid is getting evicted this Sunday;). It'll be a blessing to meet him. And I very much look forward to seeing our little ones grow together from across the states:).

    Best of luck and I can't wait to see the nursery photos!!



  14. PS- that first photo of you in front of the window is absolutely gorgeous. Your children will cherish it forever:).

  15. You look radiant and so happy. My wish is for you to have a wonderful and stress free birth. The feeling of holding your babies in your arms will be the most amazing feeling ever.

  16. Trina,
    I am so happy for you. I know quite a bit of relief came from passing this significant milestone in your pregnancy. You look beautiful! Can't wait to see pictures of the nursery, but more especially it will be a wonderful day when we see pictures of those little precious ones faces!!

  17. beautiful pics and so gald you have reached a milestone safely. looking forward to seeing the nursery i just know its going to be beautiful

  18. Oh my gosh! Who took those gorgeous pictures? Way better than the "pose in front of the wall" preggo pictures I took last time!!!!

    So glad that everything is going well! It's always a big deal to make it to the "safe" stage!

    I have a small, intimate pregnant party every thursday on my blog. I know you're almost done, but I bet the others would LOVE to see these pictures as well!

  19. 35 weeks is amazing for carrying twins. And to be able to have them in your hometown is great. Continued good health to you, and I look forward to seeing the news on your blog soon that they have been born. :)

  20. you look just beautiful...i wish you all every blessing!



  21. Congratulations! I am so happy you've made it to the safe zone. Are they going to let you go into labor naturally do you think? I hope all goes well with the delivery. Maybe you'll have them on Thanksgiving! They are certainly something to be thankful for. I'll be so excited to her of their arrival!

  22. you look beautiful!! so happy for ya'll and I pray the next couple weeks pass smoothly for you and your sweet babies!

  23. Oh Trina, these pictures are so beautiful. The excitement is building for all of us that read your blog...your cyber friends. :) What a wonderful Christmas present you and Mike have. Enjoy every last minute of this pregnancy and REST!!!! You must have Mike tell us when they are born!!!!
    Cannot wait to see the nursery. xoxo

  24. Just found your lovely blog in this blogosphere and instantly started loving it and now following it.
    Your pictures are just amazing and u look so pretty, love the way each n every picture has been clicked.
    Congratulations on completion of 35 weeks and best wishes for your soon to be family......and please don't forget to share lovely pics of lovely babies :-)

  25. Beautiful! You have the 'glow' of joy as your wait for the arrival of your precious little ones. Can't wait to see the nursery - and hear the news that the four of you are home again. Safely tucked in for winter!

  26. You are too stinkin cute! Congrats on making it thru and good luck with delivery...cannot wait for nursery pics!!! Soon please :)

  27. Trina,
    I've been following your blog for a while now, and I almost feel like I know you and your hubby. I'm very happy for you and know you'll make great parents. I will look forward to many posts of the babies and enjoy seeing how they will bless and enhance your life. All the best for a smooth delivery, healthy babies and a bright, happy future.
    Claudia in NC

  28. you look wonderful! the birth of a child(ren) is awesome...God grant you good health in your last month of waiting!

  29. Trina, you've been in my thoughts as I've travelled the same road. What a blessing and joy you've been given. Wishing you a wonderful Birth Day!
    xoxo Pattie

  30. Trina, You look so beautiful in the photographs - you have that "glow" I am so excited for you.
    My Dad has a twin sister and they still share a very special bond after 72 years. They still look alike too. Looking forward to the nursery photos. All the best, Lori

  31. Gorgeous. The anticipation of meeting your babies is so wonderful, and the minute you hear them is like nothing else.

    Good luck. :)

  32. Congratulations... what a incredible story these pictures tell and what a beautiful place to bring your babies home to! How lucky the twins are to be part of your family, to have each other and to grow up in such a breathtaking setting. Wishing you all the best ~ Kate

  33. amazing what a sweet weight a woman can carry for weeks and weeks! all those pics are fabulous!

  34. Ahhh you look so lovely!!!
    Im happy everything has gone so smoothly for wont be long now...
    I love the snugger-fitting maternity wear...they didnt have that when I was pregnant..but having the shirts hug baby-belly looks so beautiful!!!
    Cant wait to see your treasures!!!

    Deborah xo

  35. dear trina,

    as you know, i've been with you from the start, i've read every single word you've ever written and loved every photo you have ever posted but this is by far my favorite post.
    you are Precious and Beautiful and so Blessed.


  36. Oh Trina...what wonderful pictures of your journey to becoming a Mom. Precious. It won't be long now before you're holding your two sweet little bundles of joy and looking back on these photo's. I'll be watching for pictures of the nursery...I know it will be beautiful. Enjoy your day.
    Maura :)

  37. soooo happy for you Trina! you look beautiful!

  38. I went into labor with my girls at 36 weeks.
    They were perfect and ready to see the world.
    The biggest compliment came from our pediatrician, 'They are both has fully healthy as a singleton.'
    So excited for you. Can't wait to meet them.

  39. You look sooo radiant and beautiful! Blessings to you, and may the next weeks go by quickly and you are holding your babies in your arms. Kit

  40. You look beautiful!
    Have a blessed pre-Holiday birth!

  41. Gorgeous photos - motherhood becomes you! Well done getting to the 35 week hurdle and best wishes for the delivery. Your blog was the first one I ever started to read. I couldn't help thinking that the house was missing something - little ones, and I'm so happy for you both that you will fill your lovely home with 2 beautiful babies.

  42. Oh, you look so beautiful. Isn't it a wonderful experience?! I waited for many years for my dream of becoming a mother to come true as well, so I know what it's like to revel in every.single.moment! I can't wait to see pictures of the nursery! I'm praying for you during these next few weeks for a safe delivery and a healthy Momma. Congratulations to you and the Hubby!

  43. Trina: You look wonderful! Also blessing you and your family. Looking forward to more pictures. Any name picks????? God bless.

  44. You look wonderful! Congratulations to you and many blessings!

  45. You look so beautiful and you have that glow. You are going to be a wonderful Mom!

  46. You are truly blessed ! God is good !
    Such sweet pictures,I know you are excited and we are too, we can't wait to see pictures of the babies and the nursary.

  47. So happy for you as you reach this milestone in your pregnancy! I will NEVER forget the first moment I saw the face of each of my boys. Then when they heard my voice they stopped crying and stared at me. (Single births, but they did the same identical thing!) At that very second, I was their mother. Best of luck as you deliver and experience this wonderful moment!


  48. You are a beautiful mother, Trina.
    Each and every one of these photos is just so lovely (and, as a knitter, I have to tell you how much I have enjoyed those gorgeous sweaters on you!!)
    We are all excited to see the upcoming nursery pics - I just know you were so joyful in planning and preparing it.
    Congratulations on the 35 week milestone!

  49. You are absolutely beautiful! The glow of pregnancy shines all over your face in every picture. I am praying for you and your husband and your sweet babies as you are nearing their arrival. Carla

  50. I have two sets of twin sisters and they are such joys and wonders to watch grow together. They will have their own secret language that only they will understand, and it is almost magical to watch. Hope everything goes smoothly! Peace and Joy to to you and your husband.

  51. I am so happy for you and your husband. The best years of a woman's life are during her childbearing years. Enjoy every minute of this time. You get to do that double time!
    Can't wait to see the nursery.

  52. I just found your blog this morning and I have tried to scroll back to the beginning. I must say I feel such a sense of peace and inspiration from reading your blog. Thank you so much for writing your lovely blog!

    I have saved you on my favorites - so I'll be reading everyday now!

    Congrats on you babies - I have 3 - all 12 months apart! Whew!

    Take good care!

  53. What a beautiful picture to share with the babies later. Congrats to you both on the soon to be occasion. Such a wonderful gift to be getting around the holidays.

  54. Congrats on passing that critical week Trina. You are just precious and I can't wait to see those little angels.
    Happy Friday to you.

  55. Trina,

    You look absolutely gorgeous in every single picture! Your going to be a wonderfull mother, your babies are oh so lucky. Congrats on the milestone - I can't wait to see photo's of the nursery!!!



  56. I'm sure that there are lots of fingers being uncrossed, after this milestone. It must be good to feel like things are on a normal timeline now. Good luck over the next couple of weeks!

  57. You're beautiful! What a wonderful time of anticipation.

  58. Congratulations- you look gorgeous!

  59. Trina- I cannot tell you how excited I am for y'all. I really am! -Brooke

  60. Trina,
    All I can say is you are just positively beautiful.
    All my prayers to you and your new family ~

    You sure do have a lot to be thankful for this holiday!

  61. Beautiful photos!! Enjoy this majical time!!
    Wishing you alll the joy and happiness that is jsut a few weeks away!!

  62. Hooray! What a terrific milestone, and how wonderful you'll be able to deliver close to home. You look great and congrats on still being mobile and happy at the end of this period! That's really terrific. We're all so excited for you guys and these two little people!

  63. Already?? It seems like you just broke the news. I'm so excited for you two to become parents! They will be here before you know it and you look beautiful. Can't wait for you to share them with us!

  64. Soooo exciting! I love all of these photos.

  65. Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe how amazing you look! I am so excited to see the nursery and babies! I will keep y'all in my prayers. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  66. Blessings to you both as you enter the next stage of parenting! And praying for a beautiful entry into this world!

  67. What beautiful pictures of you! Good luck with the last few weeks of your pregnancy.

  68. Dear Trina,

    You are glowing! Thank you for sharing this very special time.


  69. Congratulations! 35 weeks is a HUGE milestone!

    I hope you're feeling well; you look fantastic!

  70. Merhaba,sana çok kolay bir doğum diliyorum.İkizlerine sağlıkla kavuş ,sevgiler...

  71. congratulations,my twin girls are 4 years old and so healthy.I delivered them at 35 weeks and it was perfect they didnt even have to go the nicu:)i am pregnant with our 5th and due dec 25 2 days behind you,good luck with everything:))))

  72. Beautiful photos! I have a photo of my first baby bump at around 35 weeks, in a bikini! My mother-in-law was horrified! It's a wonderful time for you, but let me tell you it will be great when the babies are born and you can finally cut and paint your own toe nails!

  73. Congrats on the milestone! Can't wait to see the nursery and those babies! You are beautiful.

  74. Congratulations! That's wonderful news. You've done a great job of taking care of yourself and them!

  75. What a beautiful momma. I wish you all the best in the coming weeks.

  76. Found your blog off of another one I read (don't remember which one now). Thank you for letting us watch you renovate your lovely home. And congratulations on making it to 35 weeks!! What a beautiful Christmas gift you'll have this year!

  77. Congratulations - so happy and releived for you! :)

  78. you look gorgeous. i especially love the picture of you with your shadow on the red door - lovely!! good luck, your life is about the change in ways you cannot possibly imagine. the love you will have for your babies is like nothing in this world.

  79. Aww...what a sweet blessing!! YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!! XXOO, Damaris

  80. You are so beautiful. I am so thrilled for you that it is going well. If you send me your address I would love to send your little ones a little something. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  81. You look fantastic! They'll be here before you know it!

  82. You look gorgeous and I can't believe the time is almost here for you to meet your babies! My husband is a twin and his mom had an uncomplicated, easy delivery 39 years ago this month, so please know that twin deliveries can be wonderful and peaceful!

  83. Oh my dear you are gorgeous! So happy for you all and cannot wait to "meet" your newest additions :)

  84. You are literally burgeoning with new life. What a Thanksgiving you and your family will share this year. Enjoy these last few days of relative peace and quiet. You will not see the likes of it for many years, but then again, the sound of little voices calling Mommy and Daddy are what we live for, are they not?!

  85. You are a very beautiful Mum! Congratulations for the twins!

  86. I'm very happy you've reached this milestone Trina and you look wonderful! Can't wait to see the nursery and it's done just in time, you must be very excited! Rachaelxx

  87. wow! they will be here so soon!! blessings!!!

  88. Such beautiful photos .. happiness and contentment . . I look forward to the After photos too :)

  89. pregnancy is beautiful on you....

    can't wait to *meet* your babies from blogland...and can't wait to see those pictures of your nursery....

  90. Awww....what sweet photos of you and your babies : ) Good luck with your delivery and rest up before the twins arrive!!! Have a great have much to be thankful for : )

  91. Breathtakingly beautiful♥

    we set and wait with you...

  92. A wonderful and exciting time in your lives waiting for your new babies. Get lots of rest. You are going to need it but you knew that...right?

  93. Trina you truly have a gift. I look forward to the wonderful blessings that you will be receiving soon and all the joy you both with have. I also look forward to watching those two precious little ones grow up. What a treasure they will be able to read when they are older. We are praying for you daily and can't wait to meet these two new addtions to the you

  94. YOU look beautiful. I can't wait for you and your husband to finally meet those little babies. It has and will continue to change your life forever. That farm will come alive in a whole new way. Here's to the wonderful journey awaiting you both.
    Enjoy- tammy

  95. Bless your heart! What a beautiful mommy you are. I have twin grandgirls and they're the best of friends -- looking forward to seeing new pictures soon. Rest up (as best you can).

  96. simply stated Trina,you look beaYOUtiful!!! i am so very happy for you and yours, what a grand Christmas gift to you both...i look forward with anticipation to the pictures of the nursery and the perfect post revealing your beautiful babies, their names and their beautiful faces!!! have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday as you clearly have much to be thankful for this beautiful season! i am so so happy for you and your family, you already are an amazing Mommy!

  97. What a beautiful and exciting time for you. I feel a bit odd commenting because I don't know you but I wish you all the best for the coming weeks. As mum of 3 wonderful little munchkins I know you are in for the most amazing ride of your life. And if you thought renovating an old farmhouse was hard work... well just wait :-)

  98. You are beautiful. Many blessings for a healthy delivery.

  99. ~**~You are so blessed!!~*~* Have a wonderful Thanksgiving~*~* Hugs, Rachel :)

  100. Wonderful. Beautiful photos. Congratulations on the milestone and best of luck going forward. Can't wait to see their lovely little faces.

  101. So happy for you !! Praying for a safe and easy delivery :-)

  102. I know the relief you feel. My boys were born at 36.5 weeks, perfectly healthy. What a blessing to come home with two arms full of babies's gonna be fantastic!!!

  103. All the very best for the upcoming births. How very exciting for you and your husband. I wish you well. Looking forward to seeing the nursery pictures and of course your new little family. ;-)

  104. I'm so happy for you Trina! And the photos will be ones you'll treasure forever...gorgeous!

    Maybe the babies will arrive on my birthday...December 8th! ;-)

    Happy Thanksgiving...and remember you're eating for 3 so have that extra slice of pumpkin pie!

    Kat :)

  105. YAY! Your life will so very soon be changed forever! Enjoy these last days alone with your husband, knowing that these little lives will bring a measure of newness and sometimes daunting adventures, but also a new view of your husband as a father. Seeing my husband holding his baby for the first time is an image I will never forget as long as I live.
    And you do look beautiful pregnant!

  106. Trina...Oh my goodness, you and the babies have looked so beautiful every step of the way...and I'm thrilled that the three of you have made it safely and happily to this important milestone. Pregnancy had become you so very well and I just know that motherhood will become you even more so.
    Many, many blessing to you all these next few very special and life changing weeks!

    Much love and many *big* hugs!!!
    xo Jessica

  107. Just coming across your blog how delightful that you will have little Christmas babies, so very exciting. You look so very beautiful. Wishing you all the best, Hugs, Catherine x

  108. Oh, Trina! I'm still enthralled with the beautiful story this is! You are blessed, indeed! What a great collection of photos by which to remember these precious months of preparation and anticipation. You look lovely in every one! Oh, yes, and just like everyone else, I too can't WAIT to see the nursery!!

  109. You are just stunning. What wonderful photos for your little darlings. I think the very first one of you in front of the wall of windows is my favorite. It's just a gorgeous photograph. I hope you frame it and display it in the nursery. Speaking of which, I cannot wait to see the nursery reveal!! Good luck with everything!

  110. there is nothing more beautiful that a pregnant woman!
    Trish xo

  111. Trina, You have grown beautifully. I think your carrying the twins closer to term is your happiness in becoming a mother, and your not stressing over twins. You will be one terrific mother with your patience and joy. Congratulations and praying for more time for babies to grow some more. Eagerly awaiting with you and hub for the big day w/pictures of course. Happy Thanksgiving to you all too.

  112. what joy! congratulations on this miraculous journey. it is such a special time in life. i'm so happy to hear how much you've enjoyed it.

    you do look like the epitome of happy, healthy, pregnant mama. thanks so much for sharing.

    blessings on your labor and childbirth when the time comes!

  113. trina...
    you look amazing... truly lovely...
    jessica and i had coffee and treats the other day and we talked about you... were your ears burning??? we are so happy for you... i am glad the nursery (and house) are done... poor jessica... still in flood recovery mode...

    have a wonderful weekend... what a special christmas this will be for you! xx pam

  114. YAY...Safe dates! Great milestone...and who knows, with your great from the garden nutrition...those kidlets may just stay in until December 23rd!

    Wonderful and bountiful holidays to you!

  115. What great pics, you look so beautiful. So excited for you!

  116. Trina, you look beautiful. I am so happy that you are doing so well.

  117. It's hard to decide which is the most beautiful photo - what a truly gorgeous pregnancy you've had! Take care, Leigh

  118. Åh thanks for sharing! You look lovely!
    Looking at your belly pictures is like taking a walk down the memory lane! My twingirls are 5 years old now but it feels like yesterday! They was bord in week 33 and everything went OK. I delivered naturally. Good luck on the D day!
    And con gratulations to twins! it is the best!!! ;o)

  119. Your 35 week photo portrays a mothers love and tenderness a truly precious picture.
    Simply beautiful.

  120. Oh, Trina - I'm so very happy and excited for you! You are the picture of perfect happiness and joy - not to mention a beautiful lady! :) I will be lifting you up in prayer for a safe and easy delivery! :)

    xoxo laurie

  121. Trina,
    So exciting, truly beautiful!

    How wonderful too that one day you will be able to share this wonderful photos with your children!!!

  122. Trina!

    This is SO wonderful! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing this with all of us. You look beautiful by the way! :)


  123. What a lovely post to read, and what gorgeous pics. Cant wait to see the new room.

  124. Trina, you look GORGEOUS! So thrilled for you that you have reached the 35 week mark! All the very best to you both for the arrival of your precious babes xx

  125. I'm so happy for you!

    I went to 38wks with my fraternals :) Only had to be induced due to pre-eclampsia... so you could still have a few weeks yet :)

    All the best!

  126. Well you look just beautiful and how lucky those sweet little ones are to have such a welcoming mother and father. Your life is about to change in a very big way - the focus will be those babies for many years to come. Can't wait to see the nursery. Savor each moment. Much love and happiness to you.

  127. You look absolutely wonderful! Be sure to have some help around the house the first weeks or months so you'll be able to enjoy the babies..because, apart from being just adorable they will take up all of your time!
    best wishes,

  128. Congratulations - not long now!

    P.S. – I’m having a Jeanne d’Arc Living Christmas Giveaway!

    Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio

  129. I am so excited for you. I know you will just love being a family of four. I hope the delivery all goes smoothly and joyfully. You will be in my prayers.

  130. You are beautiful! Really. I was an ugly pregnant woman - all full of swelling and feeling terrible. I'm glad things are going well and you will soon be able to hold your precious babies in your arms.


  131. Your pictures are beautiful. I have 13 year old twin girls and I only have a few pregnancy photos to share with them. They were born at 37 weeks, 7.3 and 6 lbs. Best Wishes!!!!!

  132. amazing! congrats! you look beautiful!

  133. You all have done a wonderful job capturing your pregnancy through the past eight months. You look great.
    Will be praying for you in the upcoming weeks that you will have a safe and uncomplicated delivery to welcome these two little gifts of God.
    Blessings to you both

  134. I don't even know where to begin....I found your blog through interior design blogs that I read and loved it so that I've followed you now for a couple of months.

    As a designer, I started reading design related blogs as a diversion while enduring fertility treatments. I needed to indulge myself in something other than infertility and trying to conceive. For us, it has been a long road. Until today, reading this beautiful post, I had no idea that you had endured infertility as well.

    With tears, I pass along Congratulations! I wish you nothing but happiness and JOY. Enjoy your precious babies. I am currently 17 weeks pregnant with and celebrate our miracle each day.

    Many Blessings to you and your Husband

    ps Beautiful pictures...what a wonderful way to cronicle your journey.

  135. Oh my gosh, I am getting so excited for you! You look absolutely amazing.

  136. You are so very beautiful! We look forward to the special day, too!


  137. As everyone else has said - simply beautiful....

    BUT - TOTAL teaser on the nursery!

  138. Oh my goodness Trina, I cannot wait for these babies to make their debut! You look wonderful.

  139. It's all been said....beautiful, gorgeous, glowing, radiant! What beautiful photos you have to treasure of such an incredible time in your life.

    Congratulations on reaching your 35week milestone, it really is wonderful news. I'm so looking forward to seeing your nursery and following your journey once the babies are born, best of luck for the next few weeks!


  140. Growing beautifulness. I wish you a perfect delivery of two perfect little creatures who will enrich your life beyond belief! Congrats to you two and I hope you feel well during the final countdown days.
    xo Terri

  141. Beautiful pictures! These are going to be so cute for your babies to see in a scrapbook someday!

  142. Gorgeous. You have much to be thankful for & it shows. You are glowing. Your sweet husband must adore what a loving mother you already are. How's your sweet pup? Is he going to make it through? I bet he will & the children will love him so much.
    xo lisa

  143. Every time I log on I go straight to your blog to see what I have missed. Congrats on your fantastic news and you look stunning. Thank you for letting meshare your journey all the way over here in Australia. Good luck with the upcoming birth of your beautiful babies. They couldn't be luckier to have such a caring & loving family :)

  144. first off a Big HUGE congrats on the new little ones about to make their way in to the world and your family! I love love love the monthly pictures! I wish you the best in everything!

  145. Beautiful nursery and beautiful Mama! Congrats on all of these dreams come true!
    I had TTTS identical twins, and we were very fortunate to make it to 34 weeks. . . Thirty-five weeks is awesome indeed!

  146. Trina, you are absolutely beautiful. What gorgeous pictures to look back on and remember!! Your nursery is simple and fresh and lovely. Thank you for sharing this milestone with your readers. Enjoy this time it is so precious,Kathysue

  147. I'm new to your blog but already 100% enamored! Besides decor I'm also a huge fan of anything baby as I am also pregnant. I love how you've incorporated your pregnancy into the blog ... and your nursery is adorable. So inspiring!

  148. Congratulations! I discovered your blog through the Food & Wine feature...I, too, have my kitchen in there.

    Your house is gorgeous and has incredible natural light.

    I am 37 weeks pregnant now. You must have had your babes already. Busy time for you!

    Congratulations on the FW post and also on the babies!


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine

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