Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Last Pomegranate

Since last November, when the first pomegranates started appearing in our local Co-Op, we have been eating them daily. 

I'm extremely fond of the pomegranate. I remember eating them at the pullout bread board in our kitchen as a child. Like avocados, lemons, oranges, artichokes...they grew happily in the California sun. 

And we ate them all, in abundance. 

But several weeks ago, the season came to an end, and we had to bid farewell to our dear pomegranate for the year. 

We then settled into a routine with other winter fruit such as pears and apples.  Two weeks had passed when Mike said very nonchalantly, "Did you know that there's one last pomegranate in the refrigerator?" 

I was overjoyed with such a simple, yet decadent treat on one snowy morning in February. 

We ate our last pomegranate with gratitude and appreciation.


  1. Such a sweet post and a wonderful reminder to take delight in the simple pleasures in life :)
    Is that snow all the way up to the window? Deni

    1. It is! We are having a very DEEP winter. We're ready for Spring.

  2. The last time we were in Napa I picked a few to bring home. The dried so beautifully

  3. Oh my! Our family has the same relationship with pomegranate as yours. I was giggling reading your post! We are eating a lot of citrus these days and storage apples. It seems like the first berry is a long way away! Thanks for sharing :-)

  4. I also love pomegranates and miss them when the season ends. This year my hubby brought me a crate of them and I learned that I could lay the seeds out on a parchment covered cookie sheet, freeze over night, move to a freezer bag and store in freezer, and I've got the beauties well into summer for salads and on my oatmeal.

  5. Es increíble tu blog, saludos desde españa

  6. muchísima nieve en la zona dónde vivo, no recordaba nadie tanta nieve, os envío saludos, tengo fotos en mi blog

  7. Ahhh, we have the same view. I find myself looking at summer photos of the gardens to remember what it looks like when it is not all white :)

  8. We have one huge pomegranete tree along with five smaller ones in our yard here in Ca. We always look forward to the season but are sort of barraged with oodles all at once! I am sad when the last drops from the tree.

  9. I've never ate one! : - (( I wonder when I was a kid they ever even made it to Indiana's stores?

  10. Your post took me back to when I was a kid in California. My grandparents grew all the fresh fruit you could ever want and my grandma taught me how to eat a pomegranate :)

    Thank you for the memory.


  11. I never tasted a pomegranate until a little over a year ago (I'm 55). Now I adore them. Just can't get over all the snow you have! Linda R (Phila burbs)

  12. How nice. And whose helping hands are those in the last photo? Very cute! I love pomegranates too, but can't stand peeling them and getting the seeds out. So, I buy the seeds in containers at Trader Joe's. Very convenient and no mess!

    1. They belong to Graham. He loves them as much as Mommy and especially loves the part of picking out the seeds! It's a little messy as you can imagine. I've seen them at Trader Joe's but don't have one near us. They also come frozen but I don't find them as tasty. But perhaps I will give them another try, I miss them so.

  13. I have never eaten one, but I have tasted Pomegranate juice many is delicious. :)


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine

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