Sunday, October 9, 2011

Lavender Dreams

I love lavender. I put sachets of it in our dresser drawers and in the nursery armoire to keep clothes smelling clean and freshly laundered. I've also enjoyed its aromatherapy benefits as a nighttime sleep aid - lavender is known for its ability to help with a deep, calming sleep.

As I watched our lavender grow this summer, I dreamed of how wonderful it would be to make a special pillow case to hold lavender every night. The drawer sachets I was using often migrate to spots that can be uncomfortable to sleep on. 

To obtain this special pillow case, I knew just the person to call. I had read about her on Heather Bullard's blog, who had some custom sewing done for her laundry room

After several e-mails back and forth, Trish Banner of Cottage by Design sent me this wonderful package. The pillowcase is made with beautiful white linen, trimmed with gorgeous antique lace. I can't say enough good things about Trish. I was so pleased that I immediately requested another custom order! I'll post on that soon. 

Here's a picture of the sachet Trish made to button inside the pillowcase. As someone who cannot sew, I have great respect and admiration for people who can - her work is impeccable! 

Sweet Dreams...


  1. Oh what a wonderful idea! I want one! I tuck little bags of lavender all over the house, but in a pillow..they have a way of migrating. Thanks for the wonderful idea..I am a sewer, so I will give it a try kat

  2. That is so beautifully sewn, and such a good idea! You will sleep well tonight~

  3. We used to have lavender on our garden too... By the way, I just steped into your blog and it is.. It is so amazing. What you've done with your house... Turning IT into a home.. A bright and luminous home. You are so lucky.. I wish I could have something like you here in Spain, but I guess I'm more a city girl, which I regret so much after seeing your lovely farmhouse =D
    I might have seeing pages and pages of older entries just to see all of your home.
    Really, congrats for what you've get out of that old house you bought. And congrats for your two supercute babies and husband (it ought to be great to have a cooking man at home, isn't it?)

    Have a nice day

  4. Hi Trina - this is such a beautiful pillowcase! I must admit in the past I've just hung bunches of lavender from the bedpost to aid my sleep.... And don't forget to sprinkle it in your bath. lol xxx

  5. what a lovely idea and yes exquisitely executed. ahhhh lvender...........

  6. You have French Lavender! Mine is Italian but French smells soooo much better I think! Gorgeous little pocket to fill up! I love it!

  7. Just beautiful...I'd love a pillowcase like that too :)

  8. What a lovely idea and looks lovely too. I love lavender in my bedroom, I put the cloth sachets on my radiator so when it heats up it scents the whole room :)

    All things nice...

  9. How lovely. What a great way to tuck those satchets into the pillow cases. Just might have to "borrow" that idea for next year's crop of lavender.

  10. What a gorgeous pillowcase and clever idea for keeping lavender tucked in it for sleeping! Beautiful work. Thanks for sharing this.

  11. My great grandmother and grandfather lived in an old brick mill on the edge of a creek. The house, painted a creamy peach color, faced south and the entire front yard was planted with lavender. To this day, the smell of lavender takes me back to that time and place. Your linens are beautiful way to enjoy this reminder of summer all year long.

  12. We planted some more lavendar this year. However, it didn't do too well. Hoping it comes back next year a bit stronger. I love the idea of adding it to a pillow, but agree the sachets tend to move to uncomfortable places. Her work is just beautiful! Enjoy and sweet dreams!!

  13. Such a lovely idea! I have a little silk batik pillow with lavender I use; it's only about 10 inches by 4 inches... just perfect for the forehead after a long day, or behind the neck when resting. I never thought to just make a sachet inside a pillow case! What a great idea! And who wouldn't feel special with a pillow case like that!! Nice work Trish.

  14. Oh those pillow cases are beautiful...and the place for the lavender is so smart!

    My friend once brought me some lavender plants. Somehow I got lucky and they survived two North Dakota winters (super cold!!!!), which was amazing! How I miss those plants. I did make some simple muslin sachets with the lavender......

  15. I am always so amazed at the wealth of talented artists and craftsman out there who can make what we visualize. Enjoy that new pillowcase and have wonderful dreams. :) Kit

  16. I LOVE lavendar too! Love the white fabric and hand made crochet, everything!

  17. Such a beautiful and useful keepsake! Thank you for introducing us to Cottage by Design - her work is simply lovely!

  18. Dream sweet dreams with lavender in your pillows.


  19. Your posts are so beautiful. I'm envious of your life out in the wide open, but your posts about your babies just make me downright cry. They could not be more beautiful and look so healthy, just like my boys looked as babies. Thank you for sharing a little piece of your life with us. :-)

  20. This is an amazing pillow case..and how wonderful that you can grow lavender.
    Sweet Dreams Baby....:))

  21. Beautiful photos and idea!♥
    Greetings from Finland,

  22. How beautiful is that! I adore lavender. Beautiful images Trina. A-M xx

  23. Beautiful! I love lavender and am growing some for the first time. The pillow case is lovely!

  24. Such a lovely blog! The pillowcase is such a fab idea...i love lavendar...such a beautiful post.

  25. ...deep calming sleep. I didn't hear a thing after that! Gorgeous.

    Linda@lime in the coco...

  26. I love this! I spritz lavender spray on my pillows and on linens before ironing them, but this is so clever!!
    Your blog is beautiful.
    xo isa

  27. it is so amazing how it can transform your mood... and brings immediate peace...

    and might i add... that tomatoe salad... HUM!

    hope you had a wonderful weekend trina... xo

  28. Did you say Lavender Dreams? I came right over! And this really is beautiful! I would love this but right now I need to get some more sweet smelling lavender! Hugs! ♥

  29. Trina,

    What a lovely idea! Your lavender is oh so beautiful and now you have the perfect place to store it!

    Sweet "scented" dreams,


  30. What a wonderful idea, Trina! My house, too, is filled with the scent of lavender. If I don't have fresh, then I just use my Air Wick plug-ins and they fill the house with that wonderful smell! :)

    xoxo laurie

  31. Thank you for sharing this beautiful blog, house, and family! I could spend hours looking...that's why i've bookmarked it;) May i ask what state you live in? It's beautiful! Also what kind of camera you use. Thank you so much, everything is just lovely!

  32. Hi Sarah, I use a Canon Rebel xsi. And we used Simply White by Benjamin Moore.

  33. Lavender is my favourite scent. The lace pillow is just beautiful and I bet it has the sweetest, freshest scent.

  34. Trina,
    What a clever idea to put your lavender in a sachet inside a beautiful pillowcase! Sweet dreams will certainly be yours!

  35. The pillowcase is lovely...
    Anything with lavender is beautiful, and the scent is so calming. I use it in many areas of our home.
    The photographs of your family are lovely, by the way, Trina.
    I can only imagine what the views will be like around your home in the Autumn--simply stunning!
    Have a wonderful week~
    Bilancia Designs

  36. ohhhhh - the white linen, lace lavender..... simply gorgeous!

  37. Years ago, I had a large English garden with a winding walkway lined in lavender. When you'd walk through it, the lavender would leave you smelling wonderfully fragrant. I miss that garden! I love the pillowcase - her work is amazing!

  38. Just letting you know I think your blog is great and I've given you an award that was given to me. No pressure, just letting you know. If you want to participate check my blog at and if not, totally cool. I still like your blog :) Not spam, not a cult and not a plea for money or more readership. Just some kudos from me to you.

  39. i just found your blog and i started reading it form the beginning. i'm on to the second year and i just had to express how much i love it! when i was six my family moved to a teeny tiny town in Canada called Glenwood and we bought an old farm house built 1n 1910 set on 4 acres. we spent countless saturday mornings chopping down burrs and old chicken coops. my parents to this day are renovating the old place. this blog brings back lots of good memories :) i am in absolute love with your style. it's so charming and classy. all the pictures you take honestly look like they should be in a magazine! good job on the remodelling- you must be very proud of your house. i hope to someday live in the country in and old beautiful house. i long to pick fresh flowers and berries and eat vegetable from the garden. you should consider yourself very blessed :)

  40. Your blog is lovely and I am enjoying looking through your archives. Have a nice day! Twyla

  41. I love lavender and have several plants that am always harvesting. I put it my car and also crumple some up and put in on my area rugs and then vacuum it up. Makes the rug smell wonderful and the scent also comes out every time I vacuum after that. Trina, I have an unrelated question. I have moved to all nontoxic 'green' cleaners. I've been using Mrs. Meyers, but I have three boys and do need to disinfect some things (boy, do I!). Do you use any type of green product that disinfects? I'd love to find one and I know you've been using green products for some time. Thanks for your time! Take Care.

  42. Hi Ami,

    I use Mrs. Meyers and Seventh Generation for all of my cleaning products. None of them really disinfect though. I use vinegar on floors and to put through dishwasher and washing machine. So if you find something that truly disinfects safely, I'd love to hear about it.

    Best, Trina

  43. yes her work is VERY VERY GOOD! thanks for sharing!!

  44. I am one of your newest readers, having found you on Miss Mustard Seed. I love your style and blog and I LOVE lavender! You now have my wheels turning about planting my own lavender next year and when I do I'll know just where to get the perfect pillowcase. Wonderful post.

  45. I absolutely love the smell of lavender and it definitely helps me sleep, and what a beautiful gift! I'm quite jealous. The fact that these pictures are stunning doesn't help much either!

  46. I just came across your blog and your photos are stunning! I love lavender more than most things, and I love the idea of lavender in a pillowcase. I also love the title of your post, because Lavender Dreams is the name of my favorite lavender tea! I have it before bed most nights.


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine