Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wild Peaches

We picked peaches from our peach tree this morning. In pajamas and rubber boots, we made our way to the bent branches laden with golden summer fruit. 

Although peach trees are cultivated, it felt as if we were picking something wild as this tree has grown on its own volition for many years.

Its limbs are lopsided, its trunk bending, and the fruit are perfectly imperfect.

We walked away with about a dozen or so of these fabulous wild peaches. 


  1. I love this post!

    To think it is your very own fruit tree and you picked peaches in your boots and jammies is beyond delightful.

    You make me smile! : - )

  2. I am so happy that you are posting again. You have been missed.

  3. How exciting!
    I never get tired of the miracle that we can grow our own amazing!

    I absolutely LOVE peaches. You should definitely make homemade peach ice cream or a peach cobbler...or both. :)

  4. Trina,
    I have so enjoyed reading your blog since I discovered it last year. Without offering details about your new land, could you tell us if you are NE, W, or SE in the US? Or another continent all together?
    Thanks so much!

  5. Looks like you guys found a great rental property with the edge of the house I can see and peaches just out your back door. Finding a nice place to be before you buy must make the transition easier for the family.

  6. Cobbler ? Peaches look great so glad your posting now ! Have a wonderful day !

  7. Love love love this! We had a peach tree in our backyard in Texas, but the squirrels got to all of our peaches right before they were ripe for us to pick. It sure was pretty to see with its bent branches, too. The picture of the peach tree brings me back to those sweet memories! Love it :)

  8. Oh wow! I have missed your beautiful images. It's a shame that we have to wait until Christmas for our stone fruit season down under.

  9. And how did they taste? I am thinking that a wildly uncultured peach would taste differently than a tame one. Sweeter, perhaps, like stolen fruit.

  10. We have a peach tree, too! We have lived in our very old (1853) farmhouse for just two summers now. Last year we had a drought, and no peaches. Not even one! This year is amazingly different. And we had peaches! Branches bending and breaking, smothered in peaches! It felt so luxurious. The kids and I picked them all, one hot, hot morning.
    Enjoy your beautiful peaches!


  11. Beautiful wild peaches . . . beautiful to see the words,
    A Country Farmhouse . . . in my reader!

  12. I am so glad to see you back... I have missed your posts! Those peaches look just wonderful... is there anything better than a ripe peach fresh from the tree? We planted a peach tree this year and anticipate the faraway day we'll have fresh peaches in our backyard, but for now we've been enjoying some from the farmers market. :-)

  13. Nothing quite like a fresh ripe peach!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  14. Yum! Nothing better than freshly picked peaches! Lucky that you have this tree. It is so good to see you posting again!!!! :) donna

  15. Hmmm, that looks like a house in New England...maybe you're in my neck of the woods?

    Enjoy your posts and letting us have a glimpse of your daily delights.

  16. I have missed your beautiful posts! Good to see you back here:) Love the photos-best part of summer might be fresh peaches...

  17. Oh yum... sliced peaches and real cream. Ah now that sounds like a great little treat.
    take care

  18. My parents have several peach trees and they produce the absolutely best peaches ever! I am certain your homegrown beauties are the same. It is so good to see your lovely photography and read your peaceful text. It is a treat to get a new post from you!

  19. Beautiful peaches and great pictures of them! Thanks for sharing! So, glad you decided to come back!

    From Gina in Georgia, The Peach State

  20. How lucky to have your own peach tree! I love living in the country,,,walking around the yard in pj's is totally allowed here in Alberta as well!!

  21. Great to have you back Trina; like the others, I have missed your posts and was delighted to see A Country Farmhouse in my inbox. Looking forward to the next update.

    kind regards
    Tricia (UK)

  22. Hi Trina, I'm so glad you're back and posting again. I've been looking forward to when your life settled again and you could devote some more time to your lovely blog. I hope you tell us where you and your family have settled once you do. I bet your new home will be just as beautiful as you last home. Hugs and enjoy the peaches. We've had some amazing peaches this year in England thanks to the lovely summer.

    Looking forward to hearing more about your new home and the search for a more permanent one.

  24. You have moved????? Can't believe it!!!! To leave such an amazing and glorious spot must have been hard!!! I hope you will update us soon on your new "Digs"!!

  25. I feel spoilt, another post ~ yeah!

    I've missed the way you find such treasure on your doorstop, I love it.

  26. We had a peach tree in our yard growing up; some of my best summer memories were of picking the fruit and baking pies with it as I was just learning to bake as a kid. I was so sad to find out my parents cut it down 8 years ago or so!

  27. Sounds like fun picking peaches together in jammies and boots. I have a peach tree in my backyard too. There was an abundance of very small peaches this year because I didn't prune it last winter. When I do prune it, it always gets peach leaf curl in the spring. Peaches ripen mid-July here in Northern California.

    It looks like you've landed in a beautiful place, but of course we knew you would. It's wonderful to see your posts again.


  28. My husband today made peach butter or is trying. He is recently retired from teaching and filling his days with using up the goodies from our huge garden and fruit trees. Our peach tree was so full it is practically laying on the ground from the heaviness of all the peaches, Mike is going to have to pull it back up once peaches are gone. I made peach cobbler earlier this evening and it was delicious. My husband is also getting cider made this weekend with all of our less then perfect apples and pears. So nice to have you back. Mickey

  29. Those peaches look yum and juicy !! What a blessing you have to have your own tree peach !!



  30. Home grown wild peaches are like a fantasy for me :D I have always wanted to grow em in my garden too, but everytime something came up and I could not :p
    This post is however like a wake up call for me. They look so fresh & nice. *Slurp*
    Jessica x

  31. I was very happy to see you are posting again but it would be very nice to know where you are located. Is it a secret?

  32. We just moved to Austin Texas and I can't believe all the peach stands here. In California it was always strawberries. You are so lucky to have your own peaches. Yum! Can't wait to follow your adventures in your new city!

  33. We have been trading apples from our trees with peaches from our neighbor's trees lately. :) What a joy! There's nothing like biting into those juicy gems instead of the ones from the grocery store which are so hard and never soften up!

    xoxo laurie

  34. So lovely. Harvest time for you in more ways than one, as you're in this wonderful chapter of life. Very happy for you.

    Take good care, Em

  35. What delicious looking peaches - know what I must have for breakfast now! Happy Sunday ~

  36. Wow! I wish we had access to such a tree... I've yet to enjoy a fresh summer peach!

  37. Absolutely beautiful....I can't think of a better fashion statement to make while picking good fruit from my tree.


  38. Let me tell you what I just made....Fresh peaches, coconut milk (lite), Ice. Fresh and yummy smoothie!

    Beautiful images

  39. So glad to see you back! Love reading your thoughts and seeing your beautiful photos.

  40. Deliciosos para hacer mermelada

  41. Thank you for posting again. I have missed you. :)

  42. You DID move! Thanks for the update and congratulations. As my mom always says, "Home is where the heart is" so I'm glad to see you already loving your new location.

  43. wonderful blog

  44. Everyone is happy you are back. I beg to differ. Your first and last post was on Sept 5th. It is now Sept 22. I don't want to be rude but what is going on?

  45. We have planted fruit trees in every home that we have lived in, and moved before we received fruit from any of them. Now we live in our "forever home", and plan on planting some fruit trees here, too. Can't wait to finally be able to pick fruit from our very own trees!
    I hope that you all are doing well in your new location. It is really good to see new posts here on your blog. I don't keep up with too many blogs any more, but yours is one that I always check to see if there is an update.
    On that note, though, don't feel pressured to leave new blog posts all the time. I used to blog and think about starting it up again now that we have an old house that we are fixing up, but it feels good to just enjoy our home and family and not feel like I have to keep blog readers happy.
    Have a wonderful week!

  46. Yummy I love Peaches! You images look professional too.

    Nice Post!

  47. Wow. Amazing photos. I am just gushing!


  48. Trina,
    I've been away from blogging all summer and just went back a few posts- you're moving and have a new job- oh my goodness and congratulations! I'm going to miss visiting the farmhouse so much, but look forward to seeing how your new journey unfolds.

  49. Bellissime immagini, deliziano gli occhi e la mente!
    Felice giorno!


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