Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pumpkin Walnut Bread

Of course I couldn't make pumpkin soup and pumpkin birthday cake without making some yummy pumpkin bread. The aroma of it baking in the oven elicited the warmest of warm fall fuzzies. I love the smell of's the coziest spice of all.

I used an Epicurious recipe (found here).

I think this will be it for pumpkin recipes for awhile. But come November, I'll make pumpkin pies. Also, due to the abundance of pumpkins the garden produced this year (I counted twenty-five yesterday), I may make Pumpkin Walnut Bread to give as gifts over the holidays.

Our pumpkin plant, on average, was supposed to produce four to five not sure how ours exploded to five times that amount. Perhaps the pumpkins were trying to make up for the tomatoes that didn't fair so well.

Happy pumpkin season to you! xo


  1. Mmmmh, I can smell that delicious fragrance through the photos!
    Pumpkins are so cheerful and charming, aren't they?
    xo Dawn

  2. Trina, your pumpkin walnut bread looks divine....I shall have to try it. I remember growing up when my family planted a pumpkin patch in our garden....we had so many too....I'm guessing over 50. We used a lot of them to decorate the porch for Fall, then my mom cooked a bunch up, pureed their insides and froze the puree for pies and baked goods. Such fond memories. Treasures in life. ;)

  3. You lucky thing, all those tasty pumpkins at your disposal! The bread looks delish, I can almost smell it from here.. I love making pumpkin scones as well.. mmm
    Your plant must be on steroids or something, Enjoy,

  4. Oooh Yummy! That is one of my favorite things about this time of year...fresh pumpkin bread right out of the oven.

  5. umm this sounds DELISH!
    I must try.....
    Thanks for sharing

  6. Can I just tell you how beautiful your blog is? When it pops up as one my favorites, I just delight in how clean and simple it is.

  7. did your pumpkins turn out big or are they small?

    how fun!

    oh, to have land to grow pumpkins!!!

  8. I dunno...could be something in the air over by you. Pumpkins doubling their crop...and you doubling yours!

    Looks perfectly fall-tastic....think I can even smell the cinnamon from here!

  9. Mmmm. This looks so good!
    Maybe your pumpkin plant knew it would make wonderful things...thus the abundance!

  10. Hmmmmm... I can just imagine how wonderful this must taste and smell!

    Northern Light

  11. I found cake pans that look like pumpkins! I am looking forward to my own pumpkin baking! That recipee will be used! Thanks!

  12. That looks soooo good!! I'm really enjoying all the pumpkin recipes!

  13. I am going to have to try this!! Looks very good.

  14. I can smell it in N.C.---delish, comfy and cozy!

  15. Just yesterday my oldest was after me to make some pumking bread!


  16. YYUUMM!! I wish blogs came with "Scratch n'Sniff" pictures!! XXOO, Damaris

  17. Hi Trina...I was wondering if you were going to make pumpkin bread! It looks delicious and it's so pretty on the marble with your *beautiful* knife cozying up right next to it!
    It's must be nice to know your land produces extremely happy pumpkins...they settled and multiplied. Maybe if we have a warmer summer next year your tomatoes will do the same.

    I think some pumkin bread is in order now!
    xoxo J~

  18. Can't wait to try this recipe! I make a pumpkin walnut craisin bread pudding every season that always makes it into the Christmas brunch line up becuase it is just super yummy. I think this one might be my new pumpkin recipe! thanks :) and I absolutely love your blog, decorating taste with your home, and want to congratulate you on your twins on the way! How wonderful :)

  19. ahhhh that sounds so delicious.. pumpkins are $1 here everywhere on the roadsides

  20. Delicious! and lots of organic pumpkins to be found.

  21. I'd post something but have to go make some pumpkin bread......

  22. needed some smellivision for this post. That bread looks like it probably tastes delicious. Wow, 25 pumpkins! I think your idea to make pumpkin walnut bread to give as gifts is a great idea.

  23. The pumpkin cake looked so yummy that I made it and took it to work. Everyone loved it. Since it only took half a can of pumpkin, I still have half a can left. I was going to make another cake, but now I'm thinking I might have to make the pumpki bread!

  24. I'm going to have to give this one a try. Great idea to make bread for gifts.. from the kitchen and your own garden!

  25. I think the "fertility" of all the involved parties had to do with the water; it was in the water :o) You are Blessed!

  26. I have to try this recipe, the bread looks delicious and it's great for fall. Thanks for sharing! Greetings from Paris, Britta

  27. I love pumpkin yummy, plus while baking, the aromas that fill the house are wonderful!

  28. I'm crazy over sweet breads and have been looking for a good pumpkin bread inspiration! Thanks for helping me out!
    Lila Ferraro

  29. Hello Trina! Love your blog- and love your farmhouse! It's fun to nest and your house is beautiful!

  30. Oh, that is so my favorite bread and I love walnuts to go in it. I'm going to try the recipe. Thanks for the link. I smell the goodness already!

  31. I saw the recipe, and it looks delish! The sour cream and lemon was something different. thanks for sharing. I love fall!

  32. That recipe sounds amazing! I will definitely try it!!

  33. Tried and true! Yep, I tried the pumpkin bread recipe and heartily agree with you. It's scrumptious. I donate baked goods for our little theater company to sell in their lobby during intermission. I'm thinking I might use the same recipe for them only butter and sugar the inside of a bundt pan because that crunch of the granulated sugar was a tasty bonus. They would still be able to sell it by-the-slice too and make a little extra money.


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine

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