Sunday, October 24, 2010

Nesting Instincts

My nesting instincts have always been quite strong. Even as far back as my teenage years, I can remember devouring the pages of Colonial Home and Victoria magazines. 

Many years later and seven months pregnant, my nesting instincts are as strong as ever. Not only do they motivate me to create a lovely nursery for our little ones, but they propel me to organize the house from top to bottom!

In fact, my Mom's visit this past week was centered around feathering our nest (with tasks organized on paper in my favorite form - a 'to do' list).

The list included tasks such as organizing our coat closet...

...Trading summer coats for fall and winter, and filling baskets with scarves and mittens.

We also mopped the kitchen floor, ran a few errands, and of course, worked on finishing up the last details of the nursery.


  1. Hi Trina ~ How wonderful your home looks I have just been browsing your blogs and you have some gorgeous pictures. My daughter in law had her second baby 11 weeks ago So I know how excited your Mom must be. I love your style

    For me was Norm Abraham that man can use a power tool!

  2. love to see your to do list!
    love how a 7 month pregnant woman can nest in "overdrive."
    take care - rest. glad your mom is there to lend a hand.

  3. Wish you could nest at my house ,it's a wreck!!

  4. What a wonderful way to spend the weekend! The closet looks wonderful. Will you post photos of the nursery?

  5. Sounds like a very productive weekend!

    I remember This Old House. Although... I never had a crush on Steve Thomas [lol], I sure did love that show!

  6. Haha, I LOVED Steve Thomas too! Closet looks great, and can't wait to see the nursery. We've already had our first frost, and it even snowed here last week! Good luck with the last few months of pregnancy.

  7. I love your pumpkin dispaly..simply beautiful!!
    Oh how nice to have a visit from your Mom.
    Glad you got so much done together..what sweet company!
    I cant wait to see your darling nursery, and of course your new arrival.
    I love your country farmhouse, and all the ways you feather your nest!
    Have a great week!

    With all my heart...Deborah xoxo

  8. So sweet! I love when my mom visits too! We get to it!! The fall and being pregnant will definately get you into the nesting mood. Great way to get organized fast! I love the photo you took of your pumpkins on the mantel. Don't work too hard! Rest up~

  9. I really can't wait to see your nursery! Lovely coat closet, I need to work on mine.

  10. Would you and your mom come by my house and help me? I don't live far from you! Can't wait to see the nursery for your sweet, little ones. Take care - don't work too hard.

  11. Hi Trina! Your farmhouse is truly beautiful and is a source of inspiration for me ... I can not wait to see the nursery! Find me, find my blog, I'd like to share with you what I like ... See you soon!

  12. Sending a sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm. What a wonderful time you had with your mom - you did accomplish quite a bit! Like you, I've always been a nester - re-arranging my bedroom and creating little work spaces in my room or in a corner of the utility room. Sometimes just organizing a closet or room helps me feel more focused myself - and I love seeing rooms from different perspectives. Ciao, bella!

  13. Trina love, NO ONE has a closet that neat!!! Would your mom like to come visit me? :)
    So glad the nursery is almost done because your fans are very ready to see it.

  14. I am so glad that you enjoyed your Mom's visit! It sounds like you both got a lot of things accomplished. You have inspired me to tackle my coat closet! Happy nesting! Carla

  15. What a beautiful place to spend Fall!
    The nesting instinct is a wonderful time to fix and decorate the house, enjoy!

  16. That´s lovely! Your mother looks really nice, I´m sure she´ll be a great grandmother for your twins :) Maybe you could show us the nursery, I´m so excited for that!

  17. oh how exciting for you! I do remember the nesting stage.Best of Luck~Cheers Kim

  18. Oh, just cannot wait for the nursery photos! They will be lovely and inspiring, no doubt. :)

  19. trina, how brilliant! a basket in the closet for gloves, scarves..... organizing eludes me, and to think you can see the floor in your closet........i'll put that on my to do list

  20. Your coat closet looks like it just hoped off a magazine cover! I love it. I am so glad you were able to enjoy some time with your mother. I am sure she was a huge help to you!!

  21. Aren't moms the best? My mother came over last week and we got a lot accomplished as well for our nursery....we made a coverlet for the bassinet and worked on other odd projects. Your mother sounds terrific.....can't' wait to see what your nesting has created in your nursery!

    Hugs & best wishes,


  22. Trina, Moms are the best aren't they?! How fun to spend time nesting together. I remember when my Mom would help me out, only a Mom can do that for us. I wish my closet looked like that, it always feels so good to purge and organize, I need to get started, Kathysue

  23. What an inspiration you are, Trina! Your closets put mine to shame, girl! What a memorable time you and your sweet mom must'ave had together! Have a great week in your newly "nested" organized home! :)

    xoxo laurie

  24. I can't wait to see the nursery. glad you enjoyed the time with your mom!

  25. Trina,
    My crush is still Norm Abrahms! I dream of a master carpenter living next door!!!

    The closet looks fantastic and I can't wait to see the nursery!

  26. Gosh even your coat closet looks amazing! Am dying to see your nursery too.

  27. I am a huge fan of the to-do list. I have lists on which lists I need to make up lol. My favorite part: crossing items off once complete.
    Enjoy these last few months of pregnancy-they are so special!

  28. To do lists and a fan of This Old House...we have that in common! The closet looks great. Fast forward a couple years and there will be wee boots in that closet, too! I am dying to see the nursery. So happy for you!

  29. I've never seen a coat closet so pretty!

  30. Can I tell you that you have a lovely coat closet??? Wow, you are organized and even your closet is pretty.
    So glad your visit with your mom was an enjoyable and productive one. Looking forward to the nursery reveal.

  31. for me its the change of seasons that propels me to feather my nest. i love the simplicity of your home. i think i just have way too much stuff and not enough storage in my old farmhouse!
    judi ;)

  32. Everything, as ever, is just DIVINE!

  33. I love the stems on your pumpkins! That is one neat and tidy closet... I'm thinking I have too much stuff!! So happy you had such a nice visit with your Mum! That is so nice that she helped you with your projects. Now, did you make her wear white in that photo to make the wall, the chair and the project she was working on?!!!;)

    hugs to you and the wee-ones! (oh, and Mike and Lucy too!)

  34. No sneak peek of the nursery?:) Your closet is in perfect order and an inspiration to me while I have the nesting urges too, we will be cooped up inside too soon.

  35. Love how you're nesting. And how wonderful to have your mom there to help you get it all done! You'll be ready for the holidays....and that new baby!!

  36. Nest away, friend. As I believe you won't have much time when the little ones arrive!

  37. Your pumpkins against all that white look fantastic!

    What a wonderful time to spend with your mom! Looking forward to seeing what you've put together for the nursery.


  38. 7 months! you must be beside yourself with excitement! enjoy your nesting. A-M xx

  39. I am so excited to see the babys nursery, if it is anything like the coat closet it will be amazing. HeHeHE...

  40. Trina, what a lovely post. So exciting to share time with your Mom. I love that most about the last few posts, the closeness you have with her.

    How exciting to welcome your new baby soon. It's good to "nest" now, so everything is ready. xo Lidy

  41. just can't wait to see your nursery!

    the pumpkins look so lovely on your bright and cheery!

  42. Trina your Coat Closet is making me feel terribly guilty!! Cant wait to see the nursery, Im sure it will be gorgeous.
    Xo Navya

  43. I always know when I'm about to go into labor because out comes the can of Lysol to sanitize everything in sight! It's some kind of instinct to clean/organize/sanitize stuff right before baby comes. I have also spent the last week of pregnancy painting baseboards!

  44. I would always say 'my hero, Norm Abrahms', still do when I get the chance. Loved him on 'Yankee Workshop' and 'This Old House'. What a wonderful guy! Wonderful mom too! Hugs, Joyce

  45. I am always struck, when I see your posts, by how sparsely decorated everything is, and I mean that in the best of ways. There is no clutter; everything is perfectly arranged so there is breathing space/white space for the eye to rest. It doesn't look "decorated," it just looks calm and well-edited and soothing. What is the secret? How does one know when to STOP with displaying possessions and decorating?

    Also, as to nesting, now granted, it's been a FEW years since I was pregnant, but I remember clearly exactly the urge. I worked downtown in Washington and as my time approached, I found myself in the basement baby department of a local department store (Woodward & Lothrop) increasingly often. I'm sure the salesladies there got a kick out of my more and more frequent forays during my lunch break. I'd always buy something: another receiving blanket, another onesie, another something-or-other. And even on the Friday afternoon before my darling was born (on Sunday, Mother's Day!), I left my desk in absolute order, instrucing my office mate as to what was in each pile, what needed to be done, what had been was as though my body knew something at that point, but not me. Sunday morning dawned, I took a shower, and walked back into the bedroom calmly saying, "If we're going to get that azalea plant to your mom today, I think we'd better leave now; I have a feeling we'll need to stop at the hospital on the way home..."!??!

    Enjoy these magical days.

  46. WOW! What a great house!!! Just found your blog - Love. it.

  47. When we cleaned out my parent's house we found nearly every issue ever created of Colonial Home, she loved that magazine!

    Your pumpkins are beautiful perched on your mantle. What a lovely nest you have to bring your little ones home's not long now!

    Kat :)

  48. Oh mY! I just found your blog and it's delightful and so inspirational! It just sparkles with joy and does my heart good! Bless you and your sweet little one!
    Sugar Pie Farmhouse

  49. Oh I love that those are *your* pumpkins on the mantle...they're adorable! What a joy and a blessing to be able to have your Mom help with the nesting...she sounds just wonderful!

    AND...your closet is perfect (a good - of course!), ours still isn't finished yet...I will look to yours for inspiration when the time comes. Love the baskets! xo J~

  50. Nothing like Moms to help with nesting tasks. That coat closet...fabulous!!

  51. hi trina,

    you must be so happy to have had your mom there to help you. how sweet is that? everything looks absolutely perfect. i know you must be feeling really tired at this point. hang in there baby!


  52. I love the coat closet! And I completely know what you mean about nesting - my family always jokes that when I get pregnant, the nesting instinct is going to be insane since I'm already a "nester". Great pumpkin picture too!

  53. I really enjoy to come and visit your blog, it's always a pleasure! i really like your style and your good recipe! i wish you all the best for the decorating of the nursery! a bientot :)

  54. so great that you've been spending time with your mum trina, and getting ready for hte big changes. i'm getting so excited for you!! jules xoxo

  55. Love the pumpkins, one for each of you! How exciting. So nice that your mom can help you out! You should check out my latest post, I think you'll like my pie.

  56. Trina,

    I always love flying into your world for a visit. The pumpkins, well what could be more elegant for a farmhouse like yours.

    Have a joyous day,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  57. I just stumbled upon your blog today and I love it! You have a beautiful house and beautiful photos!

  58. I just found your blog...I love it...gorgeous house...lovely pics....really great blog:)

  59. Isn't it fun! I'm planning a baby next year with my husband. Let me tell you I feel like I am already nesting with my baking classes and experimenting with the sewing machine! I'm excited to have a baby, I've been wanting one since I was 7!

  60. Your beautifully clean closet is motivating me to tackle my own front closet! We are putting our house on the market in 3 months or so, and I need to make a list and slowly but surely sort through 14 years worth of 'stuff' - most of which has accumulated in my attic - I am kind of scared to start working on that!

    It sounds like your are really enjoying this wonderful time of your life.

  61. I'm with you on the nesting. Your farmhouse is my inspiration. I told my husband to just say the word when he's ready to pack it up and move to the country. Fingers crossed that we will get there one day.


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine

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