Monday, August 30, 2010


We enjoyed our first cherry tomato harvest over the weekend! It was a notable moment as the tomatoes got off to a rather slow start due our cool, rainy June.

Most of the heirloom varieties are still quite green. We're hoping that before the fall temperatures settle in, we'll get some more late hot summer days to help them ripen.

As you can see, I'm ripening as well. I'm a little over 23 weeks pregnant now and the babies are growing fast. I'm so excited to say that we've begun working on the nursery. Hubby finished all of the painting in the dining room (photos to soon follow) and has officially begun the painting projects for the nursery.

Once the painting is finished, everything should come together quite quickly as all the furniture and design plans are pretty much complete! Can't wait to share it with you!


  1. Your tomatoes are gorgeous! Heirlooms are hard to grow-- or at least they were for me and my purple thumb!! Yours turned out just beautifully.


  2. Trina, you look absolutely perfect! How exciting to be finally starting the nursery, I'm really looking forward to seeing how you decorate it. I've just planted our new cherry tomato seedlings here in anticipation of summer, we did quite well last year so hopefully the same this year..Rachaelxx

  3. Oh Trina, your round belly is gorgeous. I am so gald everything is going so well!
    Green tomatoes can taste yummy, too. Try a relish, or frying them in batter/crumbs.
    Looking forward to nursery pictures. I am sure it will be such a tranquil, beautiful room.

    xo Dawn

  4. Those cherry tomatoes look yummy. We'd didn't have much luck with the tomatoes we planted this season. It go sooo hot too quickly, and we didn't get much rain. Can't wait to see the dining room reveal.

  5. That's quite the harvest. We are hoping for some "late ripenings" too.

    You are looking beautiful, by the way

  6. love the cherry tomatoes!

    And, I love the picture of your growing babies even more!

    ...looking forward to seeing the dining room and nursery!

  7. My Tomatoes are green also. I live in the Northwest too. I am vacationing late in september and my fear is that is when ripening happens and canning must be done. Will see. BTW you are looking good.

  8. Your pictures are always so beautiful, Trina! Love the bump! Can't wait to see the nursery pictures, too! So happy for the both of you!


  9. AHHHHH! What a delightful blog! Just found you!! Off to explore!

  10. OMG! Look at that round little belly! ADORABLE! I loved being pregnant and love being a mom even more. My 2 are headed to college this Wednesday and Friday and my nest will be empty... Can't wait to watch your family unfold... I love your blog!

  11. What a fun picture!
    Our tomotoes were off to a slow start too until last week when we had so many, we had to give them away. I guess it's time to start canning.
    Hope all is well and I am really looking forward to the new pictures of your dining room and especially the nursery - I can only imagine what beautiful plans you have for that room!
    Take care ~

  12. You look great!! Those tomatoes look delicous!!

  13. Love the tomatoes! Ours are just finishing up here in Atlanta. I'm so jealous that you can wear sweaters already. We've been roasting here!!

  14. You are looking beautiful!!! I am so very excited to see both the dining room and the nursery. I spent the weekend in your archives. Wow! Your house is amazing!!! Your hubby is also amazing! Is there anything he cannot do? Your home environment is going to be PERFECT for raising those twins. Are you sharing names yet? Best of luck to you. I will be praying for a safe and happy delivery!

  15. hi trina,

    the pic of your tummy and those tomatoes is quite possibly the cutest thing i've ever seen.

    meanwhile, i just ripped out the last of our tomatoes yesterday. all done.

    i for one cannot wait to see your nursery. i have very high hopes my dear.


  16. Oh, I just love homegrown tomatoes! Our tomatoes got off to a slow start this year, too. We live in Hermiston, Or, and our weather was a little bit cooler than normal, too. We didn't really warm up until the end of July, while normally we start to get temps in the hundreds the beginning of July. So I thought our tomatoes were a lost cause, but they finally started to produce! And they are yummy! :)
    Our cantaloupes on the other hand.... :(

  17. I can't wait to see your nursery! I am finally starting on mine. I am just over 21 weeks now and so excited! Your baby bump is adorable. :-)

  18. Trina...Most of our tomatoes have come and are almost gone(we live north of Boston) the ones that are still green are the Heirlooms!! First year we have planted them.
    So happy for you that things are moving along. Any names in the works!!!! Ellen

  19. i was only thinking today how i cant wait for summer tomatoes, slow roasted and with avocado on bruschetta! yum!

    and look at you - gorgeous Trina! can't wait to see the nursery. jxxx

  20. The pic of your ripening belly with the tomatoes is so sweet! Our tomatoes here in Calif are off-schedule as well.It has been one of the gloomiest summers ever:( Our heirlooms are ALL still green as well....Im DYIN for them to ripen!!

  21. Such a beautiful harvest! I love to slice the cherry tomatoes in half, add basil and mozzarella cheese and toss in garlic infused olive oil. Yum.
    Can't wait to see the nursery. So exciting!

  22. Seems I can tell your happy even w/o seeing your face! What a joy to visit your site, makes me smile... what a great little salad they would make...

  23. Beautiful tomatoes! Give me a little salt and pepper, and ... oh YUM. Best wishes while you're expecting! :)

  24. What an adorable baby bump! Such an amazing feeling to be carrying two little lives around with you!

  25. Hi Trina! What an adorable photo of you! Little round tomatoes.....Trina's little round tummy! lol! We canned over 100 quarts and pints of salsa and stewed tomatoes this summer. Glad that's over! But we sure do enjoy the fruits of our hard work during the cold winter months. Hey - can hardly wait to see the nursery! :)

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  26. Wow, you got a lot of cherry tomatoes! Our tomato plants are taking a long time to ripen, too, and we have only gotten a small handful of ripe ones so far. Looking forward to seeing the dining room and nursery!

  27. wait...I didn't know it was twins!! That is so great....

  28. Love the tomato's! I can't wait to see the nursery. Your baby belly is so darn cute! Kathy - IL

  29. Growing cherry tomatoes is like growing candy in the garden...they are so sweet & yummy! Glad the crazy weather we had this summer didn't hinder their harvest...better late than never! I hope your farmer is right about the Indian Summer...I think we most definitely deserve one and it would be so nice for your bounty to continue into the fall.

    This "ripening" belly-babies shot is the best yet...adorable (and so clever)!!! :)

    Thinking Indian summer thoughts for the both of us...xoxo J~

  30. So funny how our seasons are so in Texas the tomatoes long since stopped producing due to the unbearable heat!

    Can't wait to see Nursery pics!

  31. Wonderful photo! Your tomatoes look do you! Good luck with your pregnancy! It is fun to be pregnant in the fall! Please share photos of the nursery soon!!

  32. Love those shots, Trina!! Can't wait to see the nursery!

  33. Just beautiful! The babies and the tomatoes!! lol.

    Looking forward to seeing your nursery, I just can't wait, such an exciting time for you, all the best!

  34. Beautiful! Can't wait to see the nursery . . .

    Jennifer in PA

  35. Love the picture of the tomatoes, I'm growing them here in Australia for the first time and loving them. Love the picture of your growing belly too.

  36. Your baby bump looks great! There's something so cute and special about a pregnant woman. Looks like all the things growing at the farmhouse are doing well! :) JJ-WA

  37. Your 'babies' are just are your tomatoes!
    Can't wait to see what you have done in the nursery!

  38. Hi Trina,
    thanks for your wonderful blog, I love your photos! I am very excited for you that you are expecting twins! I was wondering what camera you use - you have amazing photos! Have you done a photography course? Do you edit your photos in photoshop at all? Thanks and please keep blogging!

  39. Hi Trina! What a lovely photo of the cherry tomatoes and your're certainly growing along with your garden! I'm looking forward to seeing your dining room and especially your nursery. Have a wonderful Tuesday....Maura :)

  40. So excited for you! Can't wait to see the nursery

  41. Hi Lorena,
    I use a Canon Rebel xsi. I also run all my photographs through Photoshop Elements (the most basic version). I have always loved taking pictures, and did take a photography class back in college, but I really learn as I go. I would love to take another class someday as I'm often frustrated with my limited knowledge of the technical stuff!!!
    Trina ; )

  42. oh i LOVE your pictures... you look adorable... and i am so excited to see more of the nursery...

    wish my tomatoes looked as abundant as yours... i got a really late start... i will have 12 maybe by end sept... he he

  43. What a lovely picture of you and your baby bump! You look great! We are due to welcome #2 a month or so before your twins, and I really need to get cracking on decorating my older son's new room, since baby sister will be taking up residence in the nursery!

  44. I am so jealous of your baby belly and your tomatoes, but most of all the fact that you are wearing a sweater in these pictures. It is still burning hot here in Georgia and I would love to have more temperate weather right now.

  45. Your blog:A Country Farmhouse,is so crisp,clean,cheery and the pictures,your home is becoming such a beauty.Thanks for sharing,I am a new follower.

  46. Trina, Just pulled out most of our non producing tomatoes this weekend.....
    Pregnant bellies, pregnant women, are beautiful. That's a wonderful picture.

  47. I love your belly! Can't wait to see nursery pictures. Carla

  48. You and your tomatoes are looking fab! can't wait to see what you do with your nursery! :)

  49. yes, the small tomatoes have done well, not so much the big ones...I don't know about you....and really; what a great picture of you expecting - it's beautiful

  50. Oh how cute you are! Can't wait to see this chapter unfold!

  51. You are blossoming
    and I imagine at
    times you can't
    believe that finally,
    finally, it is your
    time to bloom : )
    Stay well and enjoy
    those tomatoes!
    xx Suzanne

  52. You're looking good Trina and I'm SO jealous to see you in a sweater and jeans! ;)

  53. Trina, sending much blessings to the babies and you!!! You look so cute in that belly!!!
    I can imagine the joy of the first cheery tomatos harvest, congrats!!!
    muchos cariños,
    maria cecilia

  54. So excited to see what you've been creating! I'm sure you will have the cutest nursery. ;0) Hubby and I just set up our crib today...and I gotta brought me to tears. This is such a happy time. Enjoy.every.second.

    Hugs to you,


  55. Such a beautiful harvest !
    I wish you all the best and send my blessings to you and the babies.

  56. Love that sweater and wait, it is plural, as in babies? Is it twins.
    We mothers of twins need to talk!
    My twins are 17!!!

  57. I love your tomatoes! But above all I LOVE your wonderful tummy!
    I'm 17 weeks pregnant and my tummy is already showing very well.
    Don't you love this magical situation?
    And your cardigan is so beautiful.
    Have a good day,

  58. What a beautiful picture + the tomatoes look yum! xx

  59. Your beautiful blossoming tomatoes and your beautiful blossoming tummy! What an exciting time for you. As you can tell from all of our comments, we are all looking forward to see what you have in mind for the nursery. You must be over the moon with excitement by now.
    It's wonderful and many blessings to you!

  60. I miss the days when a big round tummy was a good thing. Now it is just a reminder that I need to exercise.

  61. beautiful belly (shot)
    I love how women are showing it off these days!

    it's so cozy here!

  62. I'm very envious of your wonderful tomatoes Trina. MOTH planted a heap of heirloom cherry varieties ready for last Summer, but forgot to cover them & the marauding possums enjoyed them all before they ripened. I hope they found them to their satisfaction!
    Millie ^_^

  63. I've been reading your blog for a while and never have commented. I missed the post where you announced you were pregnant! So of course, I had to go back and find it :) Congratulations! So happy that everything is going well for you.


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine