Sunday, February 8, 2015

Before and After: Utility/Mudroom Windows

Before...Tiny mid-20th century windows are shown here in the utility/mudroom. 

During...One new (old) window has been installed. I love the side-by-side comparison. 

We've been fortunate to have the help of an amazing craftsman who specializes in historic homes. Here he is putting in the second window. 


Items left to do include replacing siding this spring/summer and painting everything white, including the new windows. I think they are currently a pale yellow. 

We've had delays with installing the large picture windows due to all the storms we've had here in New England. Weather permitting, their installation is planned for this week.

And, just to catch up with that winter weather...this is our deck at our rental house after the first storm...


Third storm, or was it the fourth? 

This morning. And there's more snow on the way. 


  1. Love the windows. They look perfect. Love the documenting of the transformation.
    So over the winter. Just think, Spring is around the corner.

  2. I grew up in North Carolina then lived in California then NYC.
    I am now living in Upstate NY where it seems this year, it started snowing as soon as it was officially winter and has not stopped. We are being buried again as I type.
    I never thought I would say I am sick of snow.
    I am about to sell this house ( mid century modern) and hopefully buy a tiny little cape cod that is perfect for one woman with a kitten and occasional visitors with one little baby.
    Every time I have moved, there have been renovations. This might be the first move where the only real change will be paint colors and carpet removals.
    I admire your changes that you bring to these wonderful old homes .. this is so enjoyable for me to watch you bring these old homes back to life. and now I am reading closely to see if I can pick up any ideas for my own little house .. besos and thank you , C

  3. Yikes, all that snow and ice ... brrrrr!!! Today my husband and I were sitting outside in the sun reading. I think we had a high of 65 degrees today. Hope you don't get much more snow so you can make progress on your house.

  4. Lovely to see your progress. I've been wishing for a little snow here, but I guess I should be careful what I wish for! Take care. J. x

  5. I hope you enjoy snow! My daughter in Connecticut has had enough, but she was raised in the mid atlantic, so she's not used to this. But it has been extreme. The ice coming off the house would make me very, very nervous. Stay warm and happy! :) donna

  6. Love the new windows, who would think those windows would make such a change. Awesome icicles....bad for house but still. Speaking of , are you putting gutters back or going with the up north gutters. I have a friend whose's 18 th century have none. I am with you I cannot remember is this the third or fourth storm ?...sitting here in RI watching it snow again.

    1. Our new house doesn't have gutters but we are planning on installing them because the moisture is running down the house and into the windows. Our rental house has gutters and some look like they'll need some repair come spring. Stay warm!

    2. May I make a suggestion regarding gutters? I live in NH and we've had the most horrible luck with gutters: they get full of snow and invariably fall during the winter. We have a saltbox and we've installed a product called "Rainhandlers". (No, I'm not a paid spokesperson). They push the rain away from the house. In the winter, they do get icicles hanging from them, but we knock them off and with the sun, they do melt the snow easier. It might be something to consider...Just sayin'.

      We've gotten 16 inches of snow since Friday: and expecting more.. I love living in NH, but sometimes the winters can be a little rough. But it's character building!

    3. We'll certainly look into those! Thank you for passing the information along.

  7. The "new" windows make so much difference! To me appropriate windows are so important to a house. The snow and ice are really impressive! I grew up in New England and miss the snow here on the California coast, but I can believe winter gets tiresome at this time of year.


  8. I think we've had more snow accumulate in the past two weeks than we've had all winter this far. And it's still snowing... At least the boys love it!

  9. Definitely not in Oregon anymore!
    I enjoy watching your progress!

  10. The windows look great. New England has just been hammered this year. I feel for all of you hardy northerners having to deal with more snow today. I live in the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina and we haven't had a measurable snow all year, though we've had some occasional very cold temps. Yesterday was sunny and 65 degrees. It was glorious. Really felt like spring. Just hope the plants don't start budding too early because there will inevitably a severe cold snap coming.

  11. oh my...i bet it makes for a gorgeous amount of quiet outside...i love watching this too...I am so inspired..

  12. Reading this from sunny Australia, I can't get my head around all that snow!!! It's quite unbelievable.
    Stay warm,

  13. Everyone in Illinois is thinking of everyone out east. Take care and all the best, Mary Beth

  14. Windows are looking so good, but I can't get over all that snow! The icicles are amazing too! Linda R (Phila burbs)

  15. Gosh, the amount of snow you have had is amazing.We get very little here in the uk. Ive discovered your blog and i am now reading it forwards and backwards. I keep reading posts on your transfer many thrift stores are full of it here.wish i could send it your way!


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine