Thursday, October 16, 2014

New (Old) Floors

Our resourceful floor re-finisher, who is quite passionate about historic floors, has found some new wide plank white pine floor boards for us to use in our kitchen. They have been sitting in storage at a nearby saw mill nearby and were surprisingly affordable. 

While the two bathrooms had the original wide plank flooring beneath the linoleum, the kitchen floors did not. These new wide planks are the next best thing as they are the same wood species (white pine) and similar width as the floor boards throughout the rest of the house. 

They are resting in the kitchen, becoming acclimated to the environment, before they are installed. 

Here are some updates on the floors in the rest of the house. The sanding of the dining room floor is nearly done. 

Just the edges around the perimeter of the room remain. 

The sanding in the west parlor is done. This photo shows the width of some of the original plank floors. 

Here is the north side of that room.

It's hard to believe that one day we will be cozying up to a fire in this room (hopefully by Christmas). 

Here is the north side of the west parlor. 

The east parlor (otherwise referred to as the office) is now also paint free. The downstairs bathroom is just off the office, which has yet to be sanded. 

Here's the north side of the office. 

Things are progressing slowly but surely on the rest of the house. 


  1. What a beautiful house, even in this state. I see a medallion on that ceiling. Is it staying?

  2. Wow! That is quite the progress! How old is the house?
    As always, can't wait to see more!


    1. It was said to be 1825 but some folks think it's earlier than that. So not sure exactly. Best, Catherine

  3. I remember those days :) Glad to see you're embracing and enjoying it!

  4. My dream house!! I love those floors, the fireplace and surround, everything! What a beautiful home you have, that fireplace will be so cozy when the snow is falling:)

  5. What a wonderful room this is going to be, I can't wait to see it completed!

  6. be still my heart. can't wait to see these beauties when they are finished. they are gorgeous even now. linda r (phila burbs)

  7. Can't wait to see the finished product. I know it will look beautiful!

  8. I am enjoying following the progress of your home. The floors are wonderful and it's great that you found pine planks to do your kitchen floor with. The rooms are so bright - lots of windows. Blessings, Pam

  9. I am loving all the windows and light! :)

  10. This house is going to be SO pretty when finished! Enjoy all your posts. Also, have been searching your recipes for one that had spelt this something you use? Thank you

  11. Your home reminds me of the one in the movie "Little Women" (newer version). Certainly a dream home!

  12. Looks great! I think y'all are making very quick progress! Have fun! xxoj.

  13. Love the wide plank floors! I'm enjoying seeing the progress of your renovations!

  14. What a gorgeous canvas with which to work!! Those wide plank floors are stunning as are all the architectural details. I enjoy watching your homes evolve so much! Best.

  15. Thank you for keeping us updated on your progress! What is the difference in square footage, this new home vs your previous home? Ronda

  16. I believe our last home was just over 2,000 square feet, not counting the living space of the guest house. Our new home is probably twice the size of our last home. Best, Catherine

  17. Loving seeing the progress of your renovation- what a beautiful historic house. I'm curious what was under the linoleum in the kitchen? Was it a skinnier wood plank? Thats what I would think if the kitchen was added as an addition considering a kitchen would not have likely been included in the main part of an early 19th century house. It very well could be older than 1825- some likely clues might be in the attic or the basement!

    1. Hi Megan, Yes, the skinny pine flooring, which we'll use as the subfloor for the wide plank boards. Yes, we're still trying to determine exact age. We've had a few historians through that have had some thoughts but so far, no definitive date. I'll have to check with our local historical society and see if they have any information. Best, Catherine

  18. Thanks so much for all the posts on your renovation. It is encouraging to me as we work on our old house.

  19. Hi Catherine, I've never commented before but have always enjoyed all your postings - always beautiful and serene. I am really enjoying seeing this renovation - I know you will make it so beautiful and peaceful. Thank you for letting us see it evolve. Lucy

  20. The house is looking so lovely already! The floors look wonderful! I know the many hours and hard work that went into this! Hang in there!

  21. What a find! What is your plan for the "sliders" ?

  22. Hi Mary, I'm not sure what the "sliders" are. Best, Catherine

  23. Ohhhh, those floors are going to be so lovely! I have such a weekness for pine. :)

  24. Everything is looking great! I love the look of painted wood floors sometimes but I don't think I could ever bring myself to do that to beautiful wood flooring! Going through your initial pictures of the house, all I could think was "Oh those poor floors!" It's looking great! Can't wait to see them finished!

  25. Catherine...I'm looks like there are rows of "nails" in/on the refinished floors?...Is this the way floors were laid, in the 1800's?...Though now that I think about it, the floors would need to be face-nailed..the boards weren't tongue and grove?!

  26. Sliders are those awful sliding the dining room. You must not be originally from New England, here we have sliders ( not small hamburgers ) hahaha.

  27. I was wondering the same thing as Mary ; ) I've heard sliding patio doors also referred to as "sliders" and "door walls". Love seeing your progress!

  28. You are making amazing progress! The rooms already look like they are rapidly changing into your home. I am so happy you found a wonderful old house to take care of, and share on your blog. I am pretty sure the comment about the sliders was referring to the sliding glass door.

  29. "SLIDERS" - as in the sliding glass doors, I don't know how I missed that! Yes, we will be replacing those with french doors. The floor refinisher called yesterday during a rain storm and said that the 'sliders' were leaking on the floors. So we like them even less now. Best, Catherine

  30. Oh such a lucky find ! I love wide plank flooring.Your new home will be as amazing as your old one.So happy for you !

  31. I'm so curious as to how you'll finish your beautiful pine floors? Laura

    1. Hi Jeff, We want the color of the floors to look like they've aged so we are going to use a stain underneath the sealer. We are hoping to match the original color of the floors that were in the west parlor (room with grey painted rectangles on them). Best, Catherine

  32. Oh wow...those floors are absolutely gorgeous!!!

  33. Hi Catherine, I am so curious as to how you will be finishing the floors? Will you stain? Will you use tung oil? Was hoping you could fill me in! Thanks! Laura

    1. Hi Laura, I've done so much research and based on my criteria for a healthy finish AND a lovely patina, we will use a water based stain with a water based sealer. We are still deciding on exact color. We are aiming to match the original color that was in the west parlor. Best, Catherine

  34. I'm kind of in love with the fragments of mural left on the walls. I want that.

  35. Hi Steve, I agree...And I just spoke to a lovely woman last night who will have a huge impact on this room - in time. Best, Catherine


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine