Thursday, September 4, 2014

Cozy Summer Mornings

The leaves have begun to turn. It is true. As summer winds down from year to year, it is always a surprise that the season will not last forever. 

But I'm also glad, for my favorite season is Autumn. We've had cooler nights and crisp mornings recently that make pancakes an extra cozy treat. 

The dumplings call these Easter eggs as they are various shades of brown, white and blue. 

Here's the last of the local strawberries, Mmmmm. We will miss them until next year. 

We've been enjoying a new pancake recipe. Jennifer posted them on her blog Dear Lillie and they are truly wonderful. It's a new family favorite around here. 


  1. Your photographs are beautiful.
    I'll be right over for a pancake! :)

  2. You create wonderful memories for your family, and photograph them so beautifully for us to enjoy!

  3. Trees are enriched by what they let go of.

    Trees shed their clothing ahead of the toughest season, and are strengthened.

    Leaves display their true colors before dying.

    Me too, autumn.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  4. Wow. I don't what I like more the beautiful photos or the thought of the pancakes. Yummmmm.

  5. So Glad you have started posting regular again ! cant wait to see what you do to the new house

  6. Little dumpling hands! So sweet.

    Autumn in New England- oh my.

    Kind regards,
    Karla in (dry) CA.

  7. Your photographs always make me swoon. Love the addition of the strawberries on the pancakes. We will have to try that!

  8. I pinned this recipe Catherine. I am thinking Sunday morning breakfast. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Catherine---
    Did you substitute any of the ingredients ie eggs or use soy yogart instead of regular yogart?
    S from Pac NW!

  10. We did substitute flour with Gluten Free All Purpose Baking Flour but did use all other listed ingredients.Enjoy! Catherine


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine