Sunday, August 24, 2014

A New (Old) House

We closed on a new (old) house. It has been a little over a year since we re-located back east and we are very excited to finally have a house to call home. 

It is a fixer upper although not nearly as in depth as our last house. This home needs the most of one simple thing - paint. Inside and out. 

The front of the house has two large rooms which are divided by a center hall. 

One of the first things we did this weekend was remove all of the vinyl shades. 

More photos to follow! 


  1. Just beautiful! Excited to see what you do with it. Blessings on your new adventure.

  2. Congratualtions, what an exciting time. How is the garden, will that require much work?

    Lisa in B'ham

  3. This house looks so cozy and inviting- great bones. I am excited to see what you do with it. Love your style and look forward to lots more photos. Wishing you and your family much happiness in your new home!

  4. Congratulations! I can't wait to see how you make it your own.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing! VERY exiting! It's beautiful.

    Take care,

  6. Congratulations! I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  7. What a lovely new home!
    So happy for you. Can't wait to see the process!

  8. So exciting! I love old homes, they have so much character and warmth. Can't wait to see your new home, inside & out!

  9. I cannot wait to see more! Congratulations!

  10. Congratulations! I'm looking forward to more pictures. I hope you share projects so we can continue to learn from you. Your Oregon home was such inspiration for our own renovation.

  11. Congratulations! I am so excited, and can't wait to see what new things are in store, and look forward to seeing more posts about your new (old) house. I am certain it will be ever bit as beautiful and charming as your previous home. I use your blog for inspiration all the time. Thank you!!

  12. Oh, how I've missed all of your lovely photos of what you do in your home! I'm so excited to see what you do with your lovely new/old house!

  13. Congrats! I can't wait to follow the transformation.

  14. Congratulations! I am so excited for you. Can't wait to hear more.

  15. Congratulations! Looking forward to the beautiful transformation.:)

  16. Looking forward to seeing you work your magic on this one!

  17. It looks Amazing ! I am sure you will work your magic.I can't wait to see more Photos :)

  18. Congratulations on your new home! Wonderful light! Imagine the possibilities.....

  19. Lovely! Looking forward to following along on your journey. Mouse.

  20. Ooh, I am so excited for you and your family! :) It looks lovely already. I cannot wait to see what you do with it.

  21. Oh how exciting! I will enjoy following the progress.

  22. Such a beautiful news! I am really happy for all of you.
    I can’t wait to see how “she” (“home” is feminine in Italian) will be transformed by your sense of beauty
    Wish you a world of happiness in your new home!

  23. So happy for you! Looking forward to seeing what you do with this house to make it a home!

  24. Those wide board floors!! (Total envy.) Congratulations on your new home.

  25. Gorgeous! What a beautiful blank canvas. Love the painted floors. And that staircase, gorgeous! How exciting it must be to get in there and put your stamp on it!

  26. Wow! Exciting! All the very best for this wonderful adventure. I can't wait to see the whole house and the transformation your touches will make to it.

  27. Just getting rid of the vinyl shades had to get rid of their 'ick' smell.

    Congrats on the house !!!

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  28. Congratulations! How good it must feel to have your own home again! I can't wait to see what you do. It's very similar to mine, and I'm sure you'll inspire me.



  29. I cannot wait to see more!! Have Fun!!!

  30. Congratulations! I am so happy for all of you. And, me, too. This is going to be fun! Best Wishes and blessings in your new home.

  31. Catherine, how exciting -- for you, Mike and the twins AND for us, the readers of your blog. A new old house to fix up and put your personal touches on! I can't wait to follow your progress. I'm sure I'll savor every detail.

  32. I can't wait to see the progression of your work on this house. Your last restoration was one of the most beautiful that I've ever seen, and this one will be gorgeous, I'm sure. Congrats! Sue

  33. Congratulations! Your old home and transformation were so amazing - i can't wait to watch this one unfold, too.

  34. Looking forward to watching you turn your house into a home. Have fun! take care,Maryann

  35. Congratulations ! I am looking forward to seeing the transformation :)
    The light coming in the window is lovely.

  36. Oh Catherine, it's just stunning! How exciting for you and your family. Congratulations!

  37. How fun! Can't wait to see the transformation! laura

  38. Amazing home. The trim work and floors are in good shape for such an old home. Congratulations on such a good find.

  39. Such a gorgeous house! You and Mike will make it sing:) Can not wait to see the transformation!

  40. I am so excited to see you work your magic on this house. Thank you for taking us along for the ride. xo

  41. Oh how exciting. What a beautiful historic home with intact woodwork! I can't wait to see your plans for it.

  42. So excited for you and your family! Your new home looks amazing and I can't wait to see how you transform it with your excellent taste.

  43. It is beyond gorgeous with great bones and I can hardly wait to see more and watch you add your magic touch!! Thrilled for you!!

  44. Congratulations! I can't wait to see how you work your magic on your new place!!! It looks fantastic already, great rooms to work with! I've missed seeing regular posts from your old home, this brightened my morning!!

  45. Wow, great news! Can't wait to see how you bring the grand dame back to life. The Little's will love the space to run around in. So happy for you and the family. Love the 12 over 12 windows. We have tiny 6 over 6 in our 230 yr old cape. Patty/NS

  46. yippee! congrats - so very happy for you and your beautiful family (and for us, your readers!!) wishing you much happiness and many wonderful memories in your new home. I'm so excited to watch the upcoming transformation. linda (phila burbs)

  47. Hurray! Can't wait to see what you do with it -- it's beautiful already!

  48. How exciting! I can't wait to see the changes you are going to make... love old homes...

  49. What a wonderful home! I'm excited to see more photos!

  50. What a beautiful place! I look forward to lots of wonderful posts as you make it your home.

  51. I cannot wait to see what you do to this great house. I hope you sketch the floor plans so I can see where I am standing during the transformation. Like the mall with the red X "you are here". Best of luck in the new home, I will miss the little rental though ....

  52. Love your new home! Can't wait to see more pics!

  53. There's no place like home...
    There's no place like home!

    Put your magic on this house.
    It will shine!

    Keep us updated with tons of photos!

    How about a few of the little darlings!


  54. Wonderful! The house has great bones. Cannot wait to see the transformation into your home.

  55. So exciting, Catherine! I can't wait to see the transformation, especially the floors. Your new (old) home is charming and full of character, a real beauty.

  56. Congratulations, Catherine! This house looks so solid and looks to have such great bones. Enjoy your new project and home. Yeah!

  57. Congratulations! I can't wait to follow along the rebirth of this house. It will be gorgeous!

  58. I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see what you do with it. Please let us come along for the journey!

  59. I am so giddy for you! This is going to be fun! To watch, I mean... Haha... Exciting!

  60. Oh my gosh - I am ecstatic to watch the transformation of this new house! you are such an inspiration and I just love seeing the process.

  61. Congrats! hope you share the redecorating process with us here!

  62. This just made my day! Can't wait to see another one of your old houses take shape. When was this one built? The light looks amazing - can't wait to see more photos.

  63. How old is your new old house?

    This post was a Christmas gift in August for all of your readers! Sounds like I am not the only one who is rubbing his/her hands in anticipation of your magic touch. So fun.

    Enjoy the next chapter,
    Karla in (dry) CA.

  64. How exciting for your family, your own home again. Vinyl shades...must be an east coast obsession, we have them here in PA...we took ours down also.

  65. Fun! I can't wait to see what you do to it!

  66. Congrats! Are you in New England? If so, you're living my dream...hubby and I are making plans to leave NYC and buy a big ole' house to renovate.

  67. Oooh, I'm excited! This house looks like it's "right up your alley" and I can already see your beautiful oil paintings on the walls.

  68. Congratulations. I am so very happy for you.
    Best wishes as you settle in.

  69. I cannot wait to see the magic you and your husband do with this house, it looks like it will be beautiful. Looking forward to all the photos....thanks for sharing!!! Mickey in Pennslyvania.

  70. Thank you for the date, Catherine. 1825... what history it has! Incredible.

    Kind regards,
    Karla in (dry) CA.

  71. How wonderful! I'm so excited for you. What a wonderful new adventure for you and of course for us.

  72. How exciting! Can't wait to see more photos!

  73. Can't wait to see what you do with this house! Your last home was so beautifully restored. Hope your little ones are well as we don't seem to see them much on this new blog. Sharon

  74. Looking forward to seeing how you spruce up this beautiful home! I love your sense of style.

  75. so looking forward to future posts as you show us the changes you are making. Your kitchen from your previous home was a major inspiration for our kitchen remodel. Good Luck!


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine