Monday, September 5, 2011

Hydrangea and An Old Desk

I think this may be our last clipping of Endless Summer hydrangea blossoms for the summer. 

Last year, the blossoms were more pink as the plants were still adapting to the soil in their new home. 

I put the vase of hydrangea on top of an old desk in the corner of our living room. It's an old family piece that my dad grew up using as a child. It originally belonged to my Great Great Grandparents. 

I recently moved this marble lamp from my office upstairs. I don't use the office much these days as it's not conducive to the activity that occupies most of my days... playing on the floor with Graham and Margaret. 

I love that hydrangeas last so long after cutting. The last bouquet I made lasted several weeks. As long as you keep trimming their ends, they stay happy. 

I also made a small cutting of roses. 

This old clock was the first antique Mike and I bought together. 
Note to self: remember to wind the old clock. 

I love the fluted legs of the desk. 

I also like the shelf underneath. 



  1. Beautiful hydrangeas, precious baby! So enjoy visiting your blog.

  2. Love this post Trina! As always. Have a lovely week!

  3. It's all absolutely beautiful. I planted Endless Summer this year and hope they turn out as beautiful as yours.
    Oh, and your little precious is adorable.

  4. Hello Trina
    I see the next generation, who I'm sure will cherish this beautiful piece of family history.


  5. That desk is beautiful indeed, and how lovely that it is a family antique!

  6. Beautiful flowers. I just dried the last of ours for the season. The desk is quite lovely! Love seeing the little one in the backround. They have grown up before our eyes!

  7. beautiful flowers. and yes, the legs and shelf and proportion of this little desk are lovely.

  8. Such a lovely desk and vignette. Your photographs are always so bright and cheerful...beautiful home!

  9. Love this post! And, I do believe I even caught a peek of one of my favorite artists- Mary Cassatt??
    I love the panning out picture!
    Kerry at

  10. Absolutely darling on that last shot. I am always wondering how you keep everything so neat and tidy with two little always looks like a lovely (but comfortable and welcoming) showcase, so very fun to see the "off camera" shot and realize that maybe, just maybe, you occasionally have a bit of unscheduled decor there as well. Lovely post...the flowers are so gorgeous and your decorating does exactly what it should: make the flowers look even more beautiful while the flowers make their setting look even more beautiful.

  11. LOL!! I love the "realty" shot at the end. Lovely desk, isn't it great to have pieces with so much history? They add so much character to a home. Kit

  12. That desk is stunning! I love old furniture. So many stories to tell.... Hydrangeas just gorgeous. Planted some last year (cuttings) but they didn't take and can only blame heavy clay soil. Yours have inspired me tho so will try again cos I do love them so. Cutey pie on the floor!!! x

  13. Oh what beautiful hydrangeas, they take your breath away. Have a lovely week.

  14. Well, dear heart...I like your desk..the lamp is beautiful..I would give just about ANYthing to grow flowers like that and the clock is best BEST of all...after you panned out. :)))

  15. I love antiques but I especially love beautiful antiques with family history. Lovely home, as always.

  16. Yes, that is a Nice, old desk!
    I have aborter great tip for keeping the hydragas lasting long; if they start to wilter, simply submerge Them in cold water for an hour or so, and they Will spring right back to life! This tip came straight from Martha Stewart heræld, and it works like a charm.


  17. What a beautiful piece of family history and I LOVE the hydrangea shots. And of course, my favorite is the panned out shot of your little Margaret.

  18. What beautiful flowers. The colors are gorgeous.

  19. Beautiful! I love that you have antiques with so much family history.

  20. as always, CRAZY more beautiful than the next...if you do not mind me asking...what kind of camera do you use? you photos are ALWAYS so gorgeous!!!

  21. Your hydrangeas are lovely!!! Here in Texas our season for hydrangeas is springtime/early early Summer. I miss my hydrangeas already and can't wait to see them again next year!

    Love the desk always do such a beautiful job of creating stunning spaces in your home. :)



    P.S. You all seem to live a very simple, yet beautiful life. You don't seem to have a whole lot of "extra" things sitting out---which is refreshing to see cause so many homes are cluttered to the extreme. Do you find this way of living hard to maintain? What do you do when someone givesy you a gift that you really don't like what it is? I hope my question makes sense...I'm trying to simplify my life and it's hard when our generous family keeps giving us things!!

  22. Hi Gail,

    I do like to keep things sparse but it's impossible to avoid clutter. Just the everyday things...odds and ends, it all accumulates. So we try to keep things tidy but it's a constant effort!

    Hi Lesli,

    I use a Canon Rebel xsi and Photoshop elements!


  23. The last shot is the best :) Lovely post.

  24. Oh Trina, everything is so beautiful!
    Like Gail said, I also admire how simple and un-cluttered your home is. I try to do the same in our home as much as possible.
    Lots of love to you and the little ones!
    xo Dawn

  25. Trina, your house always looks lovely. But I love the desk and the shot of the handles, they are beautiful. Lovely! This year we had alot of hydrangeas but I felt that they burnt quickly once august came. They are my favorite. We have more than 30 bushes on our property and I always look forward for cuttings way into the fall. This year there are so many that are burnt and crisp already. But I still keep at it. It's raining here today, but I plan on cutting some tomorrow. Last year I was cutting until November. Crazy! Love your post. Good Job

  26. Can't get enough of them myself, my endless summer variety have turned into their end of summer green/purple/rust colors, of course they're still beautiful and will continue to be till the beginning of Oct.
    You have a beautiful home!

  27. I love Hydrangeas! Can you believe that a fan presented Madonna with a glorious blue hydrangea recently at the Venice Film Festival and she turned her nose up at it? Whats wrong with some people. All flowers are gifts from nature and should be cherished! I myself have little luck with my Hydrangeas. They have the best soil conditions in my garden and have been in their spot for 7 years and I have yet to get a single blossom.

  28. Oh, look who's sitting wonderful! Margaret has a much better view of the beautiful flowers and the amazing desk from the upright vantage point doesn't she?!
    The desk is truly remarkable, it's in such great shape for being so wonder you have such a love for antiques and care for them so lovingly, it's in your blood, and from both sides it seems!
    Graham and Margaret will now carry that love forward...which is so special.
    xo J~

  29. Lovely post. Do you do anything special to get your hydrangeas to bloom so abundantly? I have 4 Endless Summers and 4 Annabelles. I was disappointed in the blooms. Not very many. Any advice you have would be appreciated! I so enjoy your blog.

  30. My favourite flower and beautifully arranged in this lovely vignette. Love your mix of things. And bub just outside the shot. So sweet. Thanks for you helpful comments re cameras, will keep it all in mind when I upgrade. Just desperate to get off that auto setting !

  31. Oh how I love that desk! It is beautiful. Our hydrangeas are DONE here in Pa. I am drying them now! I also love the clock on the wall, beautiful!!! XO, Pinky

  32. Hi Ann,
    We watered our hydrangeas twice as much this past summer. That helped with our blooms. Even the plants that are in mostly shade did better with more water.
    Other than that, we just make sure to do our spring fertilizing.

  33. Wow! Look at all that dark hair! Your son has light hair and your daughter dark hair. They are precious. Love the hydrangeas, roses and the desk also.

  34. Trina - you have the most beautifully delightful home! Everything you style is absolutely stunning....not to mention your sweet little munchkin. :)

    xoxo laurie

  35. That desk is beautiful, and I love the whole setting - the hydrangeas are gorgeous - I would love to grow them, but I don't know how they would handle the clay here in north Texas.

    Your photography is beautiful!

  36. Just beautiful! There is nothing better than having a family piece like that in your home that tells a story. I love the vintage feel of your display and your hydrangeas are exquisite!

  37. Reading your beautiful hydrangea blog tonight brought a smile to my face! Love that your family still treasures your great,great grandparent's desk!

  38. Hi,

    Long Time Reader, love the blog.

    Did you see Madonna was in Italy the other day and a fan gave her a bunch of hydrangeas and she was very rude about it and said she loathed them??? Me, I'm a fan, I think their huge mop heads are gorgeous. Madonna and I will have to agree to disagree on this issue.


  39. I deeply believe you have the touch to create very peaceful and warm places. Perfect combination, perfect corner!

  40. That's one sweet desk, I'll tell ya...for sure...thanks for showing it to us...the temps are cooling down over at the cabin these days....I smell bonfire in the air soon...hop over and check out what Mel's Designs from the Cabin has made for the Craftville Pop up Market Day sale this Saturday...Mel

  41. Sooo beautiful! Amazing how much impact these could have in a room...beautiful photography too!

  42. Hi Trina, Mike and childen: Again, I thoroughly enjoy your photos and stories. The last photo needs no words! Cindy

  43. How fabulous! What a beautiful piece! Have a wonderful day, Kellie xx

  44. Gorgeous. And I love the stories that go with each piece - it's what makes a home! Thanks for the giggle at the end.

  45. I love simplistic beauty...and babies!


  46. The pan out is adorable. xoxo Dianne

  47. What a peaceful atmosphere you have and you can almost here the lovely clock ticking!

  48. I love the pan-outs. They make me laugh because it's always the same around here.

    Your desk is lovely.

  49. I love that julep cup that the rose cuttings are in!

  50. You put together some very beautiful things! OF COURSE the baby is the MOST beautiful!

  51. What a beautiful life and family you have created

  52. The flowers are just beautiful along with your children. What great pic's you took. I love your house, it is so gorgeous!!

  53. I just found your blog and I LOVE it!!!


  54. I love much also hortensia, wonderfull house, greeting from Belgium

  55. The flowers and the furniture are lovely...but the real beauty is in the last photo! ;-)

  56. Love your blog so much! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful photos. I believe your antique desk is a "library table." My mom has one from her dad and it looks very similar. If I'm not mistaken the drawer and the shelf underneath is what defines the difference. I love it all the same!

  57. Ahhh, Endless Summer, two of the most beautiful words in the english dictionary, and my best grower ever! I just leave mine alone and let them do what they trying this and that to change colors.
    Trina, the bath is something that I would only expect to find here...just beautiful. Gosh water photographs so beautifully in your tub!
    You make me want to try new things with my camera, thank you for that.
    The children are growing my goodness and YOU look just wonderful, wonderful. Motherhood is treating you well & always thank you for panning out.
    xo Lisa

  58. Trina,

    Your taste in decorating is exquisite! I too have an old farm house and know the joys of decorating them!

  59. Less is more, stunning taste.

    Lou ; )


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