Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cherry Cannons

Due to our cool June and July weather, the cherry harvest has extended into August in our valley. As the last of the year's crop is harvested, our late summer days are filled with the distant muffled pop and poof of cherry cannons. They go off throughout the day to deter birds from swooping in to feast on the red fleshy fruit.

It's a soft subtle sound that you don't notice so much after a while. But every now and then, during a quiet pause, you hear them and think...cherries.


I'm sure the cherry cannons subliminally led me to stop in at the local organic farm down the road from us.

It's not your standard farm stand catering to drive up customers. There are no displays of fruit or a counter to walk up to. It's just a big, old packing house. My visit went something like this:

What do you have for fruit right now? Are peaches in?

No, we'll be picking peaches next week. We just have cherries right now.

Yes, of course, cherries. What's the smallest quantity of cherries I can buy?

20 pounds.

I thought, 'no, too much', but said, 'yes, I'll take twenty pounds of cherries.' 

They've just been picked, so they're still warm and may have some leaves mixed that okay?

Just picked is good, sun warmed is perfect. 

cherries on pancakes
cherries for snack
cherries for lunch
cherries for dessert

We cleaned, pitted and froze about 15 pounds.

Perhaps we'll have cherries for Christmas like our Australian friends.


  1. Hi Trina

    What a treat in store for you. Don't you feel rich having all that delicious fruit in the freezer.
    I love your blog

  2. hi trina,

    that last shot of mike on the porch looks just like a magazine shot. it is perfect!

  3. Oh, Trina, the VIEW from the porch is amazing. AMAZING. Cherries are good, too!

  4. Just want you to know how lovely I think your blog is and how very much I enjoy it. I am from Portland and enjoy many of the same things about our beautiful area that you do. Love your view of Mt. Hood in your photo today.

  5. No such concept as too many ripe, sun-warmed cherries~

  6. Oh, how this makes me miss Idaho. I grew up in a small orchard valley and we had fresh peaches, apples and cherries every summer. Sigh. We used to vacation at Cannon Beach, Oregon for the 4th of July and would stop at local stands on the ride up and pick up flats like what you are carrying above. We are enjoying fresh peaches out here in NC. xoxo michele

  7. You can never have tooo many cherries...cherries to me, are a sign of Christmas...always cherries on the table for Christmas here in Australia..x

  8. Yes!!! Cherries at Christmas are the best! Love reading your blog! Mx (Sydney)

  9. Cherries are a perfect snack, I have to say that view on your porch is amazing!

  10. Hi Trina,

    OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! The view from your verandah is simply breath taking.
    Yes, here in Australia we love our cherries at Christmas. I get so excited to see the cherries on sale in our stores because that means Christmas is just around the corner.

    Kel x

  11. Wow, that brings back memories! I totally forgot about cherry canons.

    How nice it will be to enjoy cherries throughout the winter. A what an incredible view to pit cherries by. Great photo.

  12. Wow..20 lbs of cherries, indeed. Can I have some from your freezer stash? I'd love some sour cherry lemonade!! They look delish!
    Andrea @ townandprairie

  13. I wouldn't have been able to say no either! And I love that last shot, what a view!

    Enjoy those cherries!

    Kat :)

  14. That last picture is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  15. Cherrific!!! Couldn't resist. You can also drop them in brandy & bottle....heaven!!!

  16. What an amazing view of those mountains! Cherries just picked would definitely be my choice.....Have a lovely week Xoxoxo

  17. Wow, that last photo.....amazing! What a breathtaking view

  18. What a wonderful haul....cherries are so divine. And love your view. xo Terri

  19. We picked cherries up there last weekend with the kids. So fun for them. We only have a small bowl left....until next year.

  20. oh trina i am so jealous! luscious cherries & organic no less,yum!

    i also love that last pic of your husband with the majestic mountains as a backdrop...breathtaking to say the least. your photography is always a favorite of mine.
    have a wonderful week,

  21. YES! Cherries to me just scream 'Christmas!' Cherries on everything at Christmas lunch here downunder. Love em!
    I make a mean cherry jam if you're interested :)

  22. Yes cherries are a definite must at Christmas here in Oz along with plums, peaches and nectarines!

  23. Trina, I miss not having cherrys at christmas, here in England...they are such a festive colour. I used to dip them in white chocolate and they looked and tasted fab. In fact I'm doing that next week, here in the village for the senior's luncheon we are organizing...I'm sure they will love them! Robx

  24. I love love love your blog!!!! I live in New Bruswick and love all your post about Maine,I live 10 min from the Maine border and visit weekely! The view from your porch is breath taking!

  25. Oh I would love to be able to get some fresh from picking! The view from your porch is breathtaking.

  26. That is one amazing view! A workmate has been travelling around Oregon posting gorgeous photos of summer fruit, which is making me long for summer.

  27. The floor of your porch is so shiny? Do you spend time out there? Our porch shows wear from daily use.

  28. What a lovely post! I can feel the sweetness of these cherries in my mouth and I can see my red tongue afterwards... Enjoy them!

  29. The picture of your husband with the cherries and the mountains in the background is fantastic - incredible view.
    How long did it take you to pit all those cherries?

  30. I can eat cherries any time of the year! But the other treat on your post was the mention of a cool July. I was jealous at that alone since our scorching July is becoming our scorching August. Enjoy the cherries and the cool weather!

  31. Oh, we LOVE cherries! I keep wanting to make something with them but instead we end up eating them right out of the bowl! And that view you have? Divine!

  32. Holy fantastic scenery behind your handsome hubby! It's breathtaking! I don't recall ever noticing the views before. Cherrys are amazing too.
    Amanda M.

  33. I would like to come and visit and sit on your porch...what a view! Beautiful and a few cherries would be nice too!


  34. Wow, the view is breathtaking. Oh how I wish I lived there.

  35. Yum! The porch picture is breathtaking.

  36. Oh my gosh, that view is perfect! As are cherries..... : )

  37. LOVE cherries, but you could give me anything to eat because I'd come just for the thrilling pleasure of the view from your porch!!!

  38. 20 lbs?!! wow and yum!!

    your view is STUNNING. I would never leave that porch;) ohhhh... now I'm missing the NW - I remember the cherries well!
    I just showed the last photo to Dan and he said... "holy crap"!:)

    hugs to you and the sweetpeas!

  39. Yummy. :) You made me laugh so hard with "yes, I'll take 20 pounds of cherries." That is something I would do.

    That last photo is stunning! And your hubby's beard is cute, too.

  40. What a view! The cherries that vista and your smoldering husband!

  41. I love, love, love cherries! I could eat them by the pound.

    But that view from your porch? Gorgeous!

  42. My husband would be in absolute heaven to be able to have so many cherries for so many months. His favorite fruit by far. Those are lovely!!

  43. How delicious cherries!
    In my country, Costa Rica, is very expensive to buy cherries.
    I am delighted photography mmm :-)
    Zuly Castillo U.

  44. cherries all the time, sounds delicious! As always your photo's are beautiful.

  45. Oh my Gosh what a view.

    I'm from Melbourne , Australia.

    We are very spoilt for summer fruit here.

  46. 20 lbs of cherries. How fabulous...cherry smoothies, pitted cherries in salads, cherries on home made ice cream. I love cherries.

  47. That last photo....What a beautiful view how can you tear yourself away from it to live life is beyond me...I walk (no car at the moment)45 minutes and drag my toddlers along just so I can spot a peek at the tree tops from the National park and smell the eucalyptus air almost daily (depending on the rain which is not so rare this year). You and your your family are truly blessed. I have been reading your blog for a while but never commented - that view I just had to compliment...Love cherries and am looking forward to the cherry season over here in Sydney too..You have a lovely place BTW...Alice

  48. Twenty pounds of cherries!!! We just picked 'six' pounds of blueberries and were having mild anxiety flutters about what we're going to do with all of those! Well, if anyone can be creative with twenty pounds of's you! I see cherry jam, cherry cordial, cherry ice cream (yum)...cherry everything in your future...maybe even cherry stuffing at Thanksgiving and a cherry pudding instead of a plum at Christmas...oh the possibilities! :d
    And by the have the best porch view (and porch) that has ever existed in the history of porches...just too beautiful for words...I hope you'll be sipping some cherry-lemonade on it very soon!
    xoxo J~

  49. I have a bag of cherries in the fridge right now. Can not imagine 20 lbs!!! I echo everyone else, your view is extraordinary!!!!!!!! Xo, Pinky

  50. The view from your house is just stunning!
    Best regarads,
    Anna, Sweden

  51. 20 lbs. isn't bad. I've just ordered my 1st of 2 thirty-pound boxes of wild Maine blueberries! Yup, 60 lbs. I use them all year long!

    You could make some cherry preserves, they's go great on roasted poultry or brie! Enjoy!

  52. When can I come over? I won't be a bother... promise!

  53. Never noticed the view from the porch before! Breathtaking...

  54. Those cherries look delicious!! You two have been so busy, but you will enjoy.

  55. Cherries and Christmas mmmm- they go together! Well in Australia they do anyway. I wish I could have fresh ones now though- yum!

  56. OMG! You made me cry! Not intentionally of course! I LOVE the Mt Hood area and Mt Hood is my fav mountain. I have been to USA 3 times and I love the valley with all the fruit. Draper Girls orchard is my favourite. Yum CHERRIES!!!!!! Love from Australia!


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine