Friday, January 15, 2010

A Beautiful Marble Frame

I have to tell you about this amazing find... As an antique frame collector, I was in awe when I recently came across this beautiful marble frame. The oval frame is 9-1/2 x 12 with a 5x7 opening. It's a lovely size for an intimate portrait although I've temporarily inserted a print of one of Matisse's nudes, which I think goes quite nicely with the rounded lines of the carved marble.

The aged marble indicates that it's probably from the late 1800's. The oval detail is so beautiful and in such perfect condition that holding the frame made me feel as if I was granted a pleasure typically reserved for museum staff.

But I wasn't in a museum. I was standing in an antique store thinking that this little gem would cost hundreds....hundreds upon hundreds of dollars - oh, who will be so lucky to have it? But as I turned to look at the price tag (adhered with Scotch tape), it read, "$75." I may have started to hyperventilate at this moment because I couldn't believe something so rare and so beautiful and in such pristine condition, could be priced so modestly.

So I splurged big time and brought her home with me.

I absolutely cannot wait to learn more about the origins of this lovely frame. This is such a part of my love for antiques - discovering the amazing stories that come along with them.


  1. Ohh how lucky you are. You knew what you had.

  2. What a beautiful frame -- I've not seen a marble frame but yes, I can imagine that it was indeed Victorian.

  3. It is gorgeous! I would love to come across something as special as that! Love the print with it!


  4. how lovely. i wonder how many times i have passed on something like that. not knowing how special it is.

  5. Amazing! It is one of those finds you will treasure forever! I was already loving your blog and I adding you to my favorites:) I will come back to this post often to visit your marble beauty!

  6. Bella dear - you must be living right !

  7. I'm so excited for you! How lovely. xoxo

  8. It's lovely...where will you display her?

  9. That's a gorgeous frame. Thank goodness you brought her home with you, otherwise you'd be regretting it 10 years from now! I hate when that happens...

  10. The frame is beautiful and the print you used is perfect. What a fun find!

  11. That is a lovely frame. Can you imagine trying to carve that marble in an oval shape. I would have been so worried it would crack and break. Beautiful indeed.

  12. It is absolutely stunning Trina... stunning!

  13. Just stunning! I have never come across a marble frame in all of my hunts.I would have bought it in a heart beat too.

  14. Hi Trina,

    What a fantastic find. It was just waiting there for you. From the photo it doesn't look to have any cracks , dents, chips. Great job, where will you hang this little beauty????
    Take Care
    Tasmania, Australia

  15. That frame is a beauty! Now you have me itching to get out and about today searching my favorite antique and junk shops! :)

  16. I am serious when I say you are a master shopper! Great find!

    xo Terri

  17. Hi Trina,

    This is just a beautiful, beautiful frame. I have never seen one like it. Perfect for your house. Can't wait to see where you hang it.


  18. oh beautiful, took your eye to uncover it though, I am sure the price tag was a reflection of the fact that it had been sitting in the shop unpurchased for a long time

  19. What a lucky find! I would have paid the money and run too! The print you've put in it suits it well.

  20. Wow, that frame is gorgeous! What a special find.

  21. I just got totally sucked into your blog for about 30 minutes and I love your home. I love your choices in furniture, fabric, colors, finishes. Everything is just gorgeous. I am now a follower and I look forward to more!

  22. I've just stumbled upon your blog ~ it's lovely!

    You are certainly a lucky lady to spy such a great find. Enjoy!


  23. What a beautiful frame. I love finding unexpected treasures like this. I've just come across your lovely blog, it's great.

  24. What a beautiful find. I've never seen a marble frame.

    - The Tablescaper


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