Thursday, May 14, 2015

Before (Before) Pictures

Although I've already posted on what the house looked like when we purchased it, I realized how different it looked with the prior furnishings. So I've put together a few 'before' before images as I find it so fascinating to see how a home was used, where the furniture was placed, and where the special nooks were created. 

The photo above is of the formal living room and I think it's so interesting that there wasn't a sofa in front of the fireplace. We have learned that the fireplace was not used for the entire time the prior owner had the house (25 years), so perhaps that is why. 

Instead, there was a sofa on the other side of the room. I finally understand this placement because after owning our house for many months now, I've come to appreciate that this beautiful spot has the most spectacular end-of-the-day light. 

Although I plan on putting a sofa in front of the fireplace (hopefully a pair), I will probably create another nook in this same area to allow for lazy day reading, tea sipping or to just to soak up all of that late afternoon light.  

The room that we are going to use as an office/library was used as a guest room. The room looks so different with beds in it. It makes me realize how distracted we've been with all the foundational things that come with the renovation, that we haven't even begun to contemplate furniture placement and decor for this room. Although I do have a great many inspiration photos in my three ring binder.  
The dining room had wall to wall carpet. Underneath of course were the many layers of lead paint. It will be quite different when the floors are finished (sealing remains, the last phase). Also, we are in the very long process of purchasing double french doors to replace the metal sliders. 

I say it is a long process because few showrooms seem to have them on display, despite being a relatively common feature.  So we are put in the position of buying something sight unseen. This has sparked many phone calls to door companies and dealers - endless. 

The other side of the dining room - I love the clock. 

The kitchen nook. We'll be doing the same thing, just with different table and chairs and light... None of which we have found quite yet. 

This is the family room which will be quite different. Lighter wood floors, new windows on the west wall and different furniture placement. 

The staircase has already transformed into something quite magical thanks to our expert restoration craftsmen. 

Here is the master bedroom, which shows the bed facing away from the fireplace. My hope is to place the bed (which we already purchased) facing the fireplace (it should fit). I asked Mike to measure for a queen size bed and he said that there is plenty of room...But, still, until you get the bed in there, you aren't completely sure. 

On the other side of the room you can see the old painted glossy brown floors. 

The smaller upstairs bedroom was used as a nursery for the prior owner's grandchildren.  At first, I purchased two twin canon ball beds, only to realize that they wouldn't quite fit the way I planned. So those went to the guest quarters and I purchased a full size canon ball bed instead. But, that may be too wide for the spot I was considering. So should I steal one of the twins from the pair? 

The third bedroom shows only one twin bed. We'll be putting a full sized bed in here. 

Like the master bedroom, I hope to place the bed facing the fireplace. 

Here is the landing, which shows the curtains still hanging. I had taken those down just after the closing, but then wished I had taken a before picture. Too tired to re-hang them, I was glad to have this photo that shows them. 

My mom came to visit us over the Easter holiday this past April and I was able to show her the house for the first time. She doesn't read my blog so she hadn't seen any pictures yet. 

Later I showed her these before photos and in her words,  she "thought it looked better before."

Hmmmm, hopefully when it's done, she'll feel differently.   


  1. Wow, it was very different! I LOVE what you are doing and am so excited to watch you taking your time to find just the right things for the house. I'm sure it takes a lot of patience. The end result is going to be breathtaking and I can't wait. How lucky you are to be able to restore this house with your very careful touch. I just can't wait to see it all done, but am really enjoying the process too.

  2. Thank you so much for showing before the renovation photos! I love the house before but I'm sure you will make great improvements. I love the beams in the family room! It looks like a very large home, can we see pictures of the exterior? Thanks for sharing so we can see how it looks after the reno!

  3. It was nice to see the before pics. I absolutely love what your are doing with your home. It already appears to be more calm, inviting, and definitely refreshed. I'm sure your mom will feel the same!

  4. Mom doesn't read my blog, nor has she read any of the 5 books I've written. Her hobby? Reading !

    A friend's mom, when she came to see her new house, just purchased, starting crying before entering the house. Told her not to do it, too much work.

    It seems we have the exact drop-leaf gate leg dining room table. Mine is mahogany, great shape, and $115 from thrift store. Cannot believe some of my 'treasures'.

    You should probably do a post on patience. Yours is off the charts, taking your time and getting all the renovations done correctly. While having young children. I'm in awe.

    Garden & Be Well, XO T

  5. Well, as a retired real estate broker, I love sites such as yours. It's obvious this particular Colonial style house has "great bones", but it would take a true purist to see the potential and bring it back to life. You and your husband Mike are doing a marvelous job. No detail is overlooked, it seems. Thanks for bringing us on the journey. Am signing as anonymous only because it's easier. Anne

  6. Catherine, thank you for sharing your visions and progress with us. Your respectful regard for previous owners' uses of the home is admirable. It's all a part of the legacy of a fine vintage home. How wonderful it is to have old photos to include with the story of your new home. These and the home could not be in more capable hands than yours and Mike's.

  7. Catherine,

    What a transformation, and it's not even complete! I have to respectfully disagree with your mother, and think the house is headed in a much better direction! I can't wait to see your furniture placement, and your gorgeous artwork and mirrors hanging on the walls.



  8. Wow what a difference paint makes! When you're done it'll be so beautiful your mom will have to agree that the after is better! Honestly, the before looks a little like a haunted house to me...

  9. Great pictures. I m particularly interested that the beds are in front of the windows. It seems to be an 'American' thing as I don t seem to see it in interiors from other countries. Why is this such a popular placement? It would feel very odd not to be able to look out of the window from my bed!

    1. That's very interesting and I'm not sure why...But yes, to be able to look out the window while in bed is a must!

  10. I loved the After of your farmhouse in Oregon, and I know I'm going to love the After of this house too. I agree that your mother will too.


  11. So cool to see before pictures, and you did a great job capturing every room. I did my best, but I wish I had taken more. For my husband's birthday, I put together a photo book of the first 10 years in our house. The transformation is remarkable, and it's very fun to see how far we've come in renovating our house. Anytime we get frustrated with a project, it's nice to be able to look back. I can't wait to see more of your progress!

  12. wow. Your Mom is a tough customer. ha.

    I loved seeing the before pictures.

  13. I loved seeing pictures of the house before you started working on it! It has so much potential I can't wait to see the end result!!! I am sure your mom will think it will look better when you are done:).

  14. Oh, Mothers. I remember when I told my mom that I was painting the house white. She nearly died. And when I bought white slipcovers and white linens, she almost died a second death. And she still feels the need to note every time she's over, that one of my ornate frames is still empty. But she has grown to trust my own personal taste. She even painted her kitchen white!

    I felt as though we were walking through your home with you. It makes us appreciate even more all of the efforts you've made in lovingly restoring it.

    1. I can relate! My mom is not a fan of my decorating style. I can't pinpoint exactly what she dislikes, as I think it's just about everything!

    2. Your Mom may be a lot like mine. With mine, it's all about "warmth," and nothing I do is ever about "warmth." For example, your last post about paint color showing the empty room made me think "Oh don't dare put any furniture in that room because the symphony coming from those twelve-over-twelves will be completely drowned out!"

      Then today quite by accident I saw a quotation on someone's tumblr that said it all for me:


  15. I would like to put in a good word for Marvin doors when it comes to French doors. At first we had a regular French door from the home improvement store. Rain would pour (not just drip) into the house to the point that we had to redo the flooring. We then purchased a Marvin French door. Although we live in Colorado, where we have 60 miles an hour wind which drive the rain towards our north facing (!!) French door which has no overhead cover whatsoever, not a drop is coming through.Yay for Marvin doors!

  16. lol! you gotta love mommas!!!! thanks for showing the befores; can't wait to see the afters!!! linda r (phila burbs)

  17. I look forward to every update you post. I can barely contain my excitement to see the complete tour once you are done. I love that you are pulling back all the layers and letting the original shine through. It's going to be wonderful! ~Holly L.

  18. I laughed out loud at your Mom's reaction. My Mom would have said the same. I'm sure she will love it when all is said and done!

  19. Oh my, not sure what to say to that! I'm sure you've improved upon it tremendously. I, too, love to see how prior owners decorated the house (we're on our 3rd house). Love all those fireplaces and that old wood floor!

  20. How fun to see the before pictures! I'm sure the walls held many special memories for the family that resided there. However, it is going to be gorgeous when you are done! Can't wait to see what you do, because this home has great bones and as stated by another commenter, you are so patient!

  21. Your Mom thought it looked better before? That's funny. I love watching you make your house into a dream home. Everything you do looks WONDERFUL! And, gosh how many fireplaces do you have? I can't imagine being lucky enough to have a fireplace in my bedroom!!

    1. There are five in all - one is in working order, one is being used to vent boiler exhaust (office) and the other three will b,e in varying degrees, operational. Yes, as someone who has never had a home with more than one fireplace, I think it will be quite festive.

  22. Oh, No! It already looks 1,000 times better. From the paint colors, floors to new stairway - it all looks amazing. I was surprised at the curtains hung in the bedroom you will use as an office/study. One window had curtain and sheers, the next one had curtains, sheers and shade, and the 3rd had nothing. Comical! So anxious to see the finished how and to say "Job well done!"

  23. Wow- for a moment I thought you were showing us your completely restored and fully decorated home. I almost fell over thinking- my, has her decorating style changed!!!!

    Moms can be so encouraging at times! I literally cannot wait to see your after photos. I imagine it will be simply beautiful with your own awesome unique style!

  24. Whaaat? Your mom doesn't read your blog? Amazing!

  25. We all have our mom's stories to share. I remember coming home one day after a day of antiquing and aquiring great finds. I was giddy walking in with all my precious finds. My mother walked over took one look and said, "You're filling this house with junk." So don't fret my dear friend. She will love it. It will be magnificent. Like all you do. I'm so proud of you and Mike.
    Love you.

  26. Thank you for sharing these photos! So fun to see where this house has been and where it is going. I love your style so much. In the smaller upstairs bedroom, would a layout like this work for you with one twin bed?

    1. That's what I was thinking...Except, I'd put the nightstand next to the bed, under the window. Thank you for sending the link! Pinterest is so wonderful for ideas. Best, Catherine

  27. I really enjoyed seeing these, "before", photos!

  28. I have to say, I'm a little smitten with all the crazy trim colors. Not sure I could live with them but I'm still smitten.

  29. Are those stencils in the nursery original Moses Eaton or put there by the previous homeowner? Your house is old enough that his son would've been able to do it. Even if they're not original they're still nice.

    I love following the restoration of your home. It's going to look fantastic once done. You have craftsmen doing the work instead of contractors which is what a house like that deserves.

    1. No they are not Moses Eaton stencils, unfortunately. The previous owner painted those and they are quite lovely, although we are painting over them. I am interested in doing murals in other rooms of the house - done by a local historian who specializes in that.

  30. Thank you for sharing what it looked like before and some of what your plans are.

    I wonder if it is just the perspective, but it looks like it would have been a tight squeeze to put the sofa in front of the fireplace and have plenty of walking space in the living room so that could be why it wasn't in front. Especially if the owner was elderly and needed the space to walk around.

  31. i can't wait to see done and i hope you will post side by side room by room!

  32. I too laughed out loud at your Mother's comment ...
    Thankfully the old saying "can't see it from my house"
    is True so she should be Okay.
    As for me I so look forward to all you posts.
    loving seeing the before pictures an updates.
    Thanks for taking us on the journey.
    Blessings ~~ Connie

  33. Great before photos. The house certainly has good bones and tons of charm...all those fireplaces! Wow. Festive, indeed. Forget the everyday decor, I'm already drooling to see your home complete and dolled up for the holidays! ;)

  34. I love that our Mother's are always so honest with us:) so enjoyed seeing these, I can totally relate to this having just finished renovating our French farmhouse, it looked very similar! Can't wait to see your finished photos

  35. While not the response you were hoping for, there is something endearing about your mom's comment. I hope my sons appreciate my honesty. I, on the other hand, love your style and cannot wait to see the after photos! This seems like a home that your family will reside in for years, and your home will change with those seasons. All the Best!

  36. A house in the middle of a renovation is never at its best! I can't wait to see your changes. This dear house was lost in the past and will be so happy to have a new sweep of freshness!

  37. Oh my goodness!!!! I haven't had time to check out your whole blog, just the renovation parts you have been posting lately and SERIOUSLY!!!!! Where did you find a house like this?!?!?! Incredible!!! With fireplaces in every bedroom... I am drooling (gross huh?!?!?!) I will get caught up... someday... but tell me where this house is!!! I am not jealous of your work to do but I completely jealous of your home!!!! Thanks for sharing this! I can't wait for the end- product!!! You will do amazing work!!!

  38. "She thought it looked better before" Gotta love moms and their honest opinions lol My mom wanted me to gut my 1930s kitchen and reminds me of her advice every time the subject comes up.

    I love that clock too and the beams in the family room are incredible.

  39. I'm sure your house when all is done will look much better than before, but it is hard for some to see that mid restoration. I have loved seeing the process here (as I enjoyed the process in your last home). It is going to be beautiful.


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine