Friday, February 27, 2015

Renovation and The Three-Ring Binder

Whenever I begin a project (house or otherwise), I organize that project into a three-ring binder. Perhaps I am old-fashioned, perhaps I am technically inept, regardless, it helps me tremendously. 

This particular three-ring binder has been with me awhile, it was in fact used for our old house.  

For our current house renovation, I created tabs within the binder organized by category or room. The task of listing all of those categories, and in what order, well, it is my first step towards putting plans into action - for me. 

Mike operates mostly in his head, quite successfully. 

Whenever I offer to review my binder with Mike, he responds mostly with dread to the invitation. I think it's because he is not so necessarily visual and therefore, a three -ring binder with twenty tabs, filled with ideas on just about everything, can be a bit overwhelming. 

I suppose, it can also infer that a substantial amount of work may lie ahead.

This calms me...but I'm afraid it sometimes may do the opposite to my husband. 

Despite this left brain exercise to organize my right brain tendencies, I do think that he would have to admit that my three-ring binder serves an invaluable purpose for us while working with contractors. Again and again, I have found that where language can fall short, visual aids can translate ideas rather effectively. 

We will be installing a new front door down the road and I've used the two photos above (which I have taken) to convey our vision. Images such as these are much more effective in capturing the essence of a feature than words or even drawings, in my opinion. 

I also like to have a place to keep all of the endless notes I take. Through our two whole house renovations, I have found myself with so many notes scribbled down while consulting with various trades. My notes are for my own personal use, so for the most part I'm the only one who needs to read my sloppy penmanship and, ahem, my misspellings.  Yes, I do know how to spell 'hedges.' 

I do have a Pinterest board for our renovation, but nonetheless I like the streamlined resource of my notebook. For some time, this photo of a Sheraton settee I purchased at auction was the only direction I had for a particular room. I had no doubts about its placement but needed to mull over what would accompany it. 

Is anyone else this 20th Century, or is it just me? 

I also feel as if placing an inspiration photo in my three ring binder- like this Damask covered Chippendale sofa - will compel me to be brave and wiggle out of my comfort zone (e.g., neutrals). I hope it works. 

Notes on how to apply floor sealer...I'll have to type those out before I give them to our floor contractor. 

My four year olds love to help with the three-ring hole punch. The sound of it is so tactile, I suppose that is part of the fun. And after all these years, one (yours truly) can still manage to spill all of the tiny paper punches onto one's floor... Simplistic tool yes, but needless to say, I panic when I can't find mine. 

Mike just returned from checking on the house, something he does every night even if he was just there a few hours ago...I will get a quote from him on my three ring binder when he comes into the room. 

"What do you think of my three ring binder?" 

"My favorite part of the three ring binder is the first page with all of the phone numbers (of the various trades). "

I assumed as much...But he continued. 

"The rest of it is essential for you to organize thoughts, for us to determine design choices and finishing details, and also to communicate ideas to various trades as well as between the two of us." 



  1. I totally agree, and have the same thing going to get through some projects at my house. It may be old-fashioned, but it works!

  2. Un saludo desde España.Me gusta mucho utilizar lápiz y papel

  3. Your binder uses more of your brain than simply using a computer. Brain cells to left/right brain for writing, tactile with pages, choices of page types, etc.... Already been much written about, since computers.

    Soon, it will be a branch of psychology, as a prescription, for many.

    How the brain stores information read with natural lite on a page vs. lite from the back of a computer screen goes to two different brain regions.

    Your 3-ring binder is the difference between brilliance and mediocre for many brain types. Never apologize for creating one. Sad, the children being raised now, who would perform best creating 3-ring binders yet must conform, solely, to a computer screen. This is not merely sad, but harmful to forming brain power.

    Go Mike. Go YOU !! A great team.

    Garden & Be Well, XO T

    1. Wow, suddenly, I don't feel so out-of-date! xoCatherine

  4. I too love the wonderful skill of arranging ideas on paper. I am the same way with reading. I enjoy the physical copy of a book or magazine in hand. With that said I also love the many ideas available on Pinterest. I would love to follow you. Would you share where I can find you on Pinterest?

    1. I'm not sure how it works, I'm just under my name, Catherine Burke. I too prefer a physical copy of a book to nestle into. Best, Catherine

  5. Catherine, I look forward to your posts more than I can tell you! Your post today was awesome, I too have many binders for my various projects..I have a Home binder, a rather large recipe binder and my most recent binder for the baby I am expecting in August, our first (I'm 44) so this is a very special binder:) My husband rolls his eyes at my binders but I don't care, I love them..All the best. Have a great weekend, Amy F.

    1. That is wonderful to hear! I too have other binders...baking binder, recipe binder, etc. Congratulations on your pregnancy, and motherhood. My husband and I are proud to be older parents to our children. We reflect on our blessing of parenthood every day. Best wishes, Catherine

  6. I can't imagine trying to deal with such a huge job WITHOUT an easy to use tracking system. I have found 3-ring binders to be the easiest to use. I always create one for big jobs here - putting an addition on, redesigning the garden, etc. It makes what could easily be overwhelming into a manageable project, albeit one with many parts. With tab dividers, a three-hole punch, and plastic sleeve protectors to corral the small bits like fabric samples, brochures and plant tags, I am able to keep all of the parts in order. Good luck - and thank you for your posts.

  7. I am a "paper" person as well. I have an iphone, but I have a little pocket calendar that I carry in my purse. My recipes are all in a 3-ring binder. And I am the post-it-note queen! Sometimes old-fashioned is BEST! Blessings from Missouri!

  8. I use a binder also when renovating a house...there's nothing quite like using a pencil on paper...and I use one daily in my studio to keep track of orders I'm working on with all the details right there in front of me...when I finish an order I fold the page lengthwise and move on to the next. Loving what you guys are doing to your new old home :)

  9. I am so loving your post on the renovations to your "new" home. A five over five center hall colonial in New England is my dream home, and location. I have hundreds of tear sheets all filed in clear sheet protectors in 3 ring binders. Not to mention paint samples, fabric swatches, etc. all for a house I will someday have and for my current house.

    1. I truly believe that visual planning often materializes, it's quite amazing! Best wishes, Catherine

  10. I'm with you on the binder. We haven't done our full house reno yet, but my binder was the best way to stay organized when we bought our house. In fact, I had to do a post to share it on my blog too: Our systems (and our notetaking) look very similar.

  11. I thoroughly enjoyed this post. It made me chuckle. I use Pinterest a lot to organize ideas for future remodels. My husband finds it overwhelming. Good to know there are other couples out there who approach things differently. Mike definitely gave the right response when asked about your binder. Do you think he had a clue you would be quoting him? I'd say so.

    1. Maybe...I sure was surprised with his response!

  12. I am going to adopt this idea...I love pinterest, but I can't glue and paste in my house diagram as well....GREAT IDEA!

  13. I do all my bookkeeping by hand in a "Dome" book for my eBay business and then add it all up with a hand calculator. For some reason, I find this very fulfilling to do at the end of each month. I love your design book for what it is--a hands on journal of thoughts, facts and desires.

  14. OMGosh....I too have a home binder, garden binder and several recipe binders. Contractors are astonished when I can pull out how much I need or what I did last time. My pictures convey way more details than my words. It has shown many people what I can not get across. Pinterest is great, but this is my own measurements, floor plans and such. It made my day to read your post because I am always inspired by your home and ideas. Thanks Joan!

  15. I can completely relate. I love Pinterest for similar reasons, but there's something about physically having a reference in your hands, and compiling actually photos and penning actual notes.

  16. Love this very real posting! And, yes, it does say you're very 20th century! I'm working on getting out of the 19th, so kudos for making it as far as you have! ;-)

    When we lived in California and were doing a major remodel, I found it was very useful to carry my (smaller than yours) binder with me to any trade places. It seemed to convey that I was a decorator, and I always got better service than when I forgot it at home. No, not a decorator...just a binder fan!

    1. That's so funny, yes, I do think one comes off as a 'professional' - or at least, professionally minded, when one pulls out the very organized binder.

  17. I do have a binder/ notebook (not loose leaf) for rooms and organizing... I make sketches and glue cut out photos from magazines and things...regarding textiles, ideas to repurpose old textiles, upholstery and such... but really, it's a mess!
    I'm the only one that can possibly make heads or tails of it.
    my hubby... would think it was fuel for a fire. A really hot, flaming fire. :/

  18. I'm so happy and grateful you posted this information. I wanted to ask many times how you managed to do this, if you an innate magical skill. This takes real work and thought, which is obvious, but to see it on paper, organized into a binder is enormously helpful to me, more than I can say. Thank you very much. I feel inspired in a very real way.

  19. As much as I like to joke about my being 'bozoputer-challenged' -- I couldn't live without Pinterest. We're re-doing a Dutch colonial, + I can't imagine being without Houzz + Pinterest. etc. However, it sounds like your + your husband's visual/not visual dynamic is the same as ours -- right down to my spousal equivalent's refusal/reluctance to sit + 'look at Pinterest with me'!

  20. I use notebooks for everything!! And, yes.....the husbands love to hear all about them! It takes all of ONE minute for his eyes to glaze over (hahaha). Oh well

    1. My husband skips the glazing and goes straight to nodding off.

  21. Ha Ha - Love your binder! I have mixed systems, transitioning from old school. I have a 3 ring binder for my to-scale sketches in plastic sleeves for an addition I have been visualizing and dreaming about for ten years. (Started rather grand and expansive, now minimum and affordable!) We've now moved into our former vacation cabin full time and it's going to be time soon to make it all real. I also have expandable files full of magazine clippings and vendor cards organized by room. (I'm a magazine-aholic and can't resist the printed page.) I will scribble what I like about the photo or the feature I'm interested in (which may just be a vignette on a table), and any additional notes are usually on index cards in these files. In my nod to technology, I have my files on One Note on my computer, which are in 'notebooks' with tabbed headings. I put all the photos I gather online here whether from Pinterest, Houzz, or various websites, and I can type in my notes about them. I find this is the best virtual notebook system for me and closest to my paper one. But I still love to make sketches and floor plans complete with dimensions and furniture placement on paper. I never could get the hang of CAD or drawing floor plans on the computer, despite the numerous non-professional programs. But yes, I do use the eraser a lot!

    1. My husband is an engineer and is very familiar with CAD. I was over the moon a few weeks ago when he said that he could make CAD drawings of the kitchen and baths. It looks quite complicated, although perhaps that's just his program.

  22. I use notebooks for just about everything. I actual prefer it to regular files since I can use the tabs to sort things by category. I have notebooks for: bill payment, forms, medical, auto, coupons, errand binder, recipes, décor, warranties, guardianship, budget, financial, important documents and just about anything you can think of. That way, everything is really organized.

    I use Pinterest to store images-often times I create a secret board for a room I am working on-that way I can store images or just photos of ideas that I want to use in that particular room.

    I use the camera on my phone as well-both to show the guy at the hardware store what part I need but also to take photos of screws and such that I purchased for a particular project (and might need to use again) or just to send a text to my husband with an image to see if that is the right part before I buy it. I love seeing how other people organize things.

    1. That's wonderful! I recently took a picture of something in a book so that I could print it out (didn't have a copier) and include it in my three-ring binder! It works very well and opens up all of my books for further exploration.

  23. have so loved following along with the reno on your new home. your design vision is just lovely, classic but so fresh.

    i am right there with you on having to have tactile organization. i depend on and love my cell phone (we call them our i babies around here), use pinterest heavily & instagram for my pics and just mindless fun. but, i do not feel truely organized if i do not have a "real" list. real being ink on paper. i have dozens of notebooks, a daytimer and post it notes floating around like secretarial butterflies everywhere. for absolutely must have shopping items, sharpie notes on my hand!! unless a tragic accident occurs, i can't lose or forget that list :).

  24. I think your binder is genius. We are building a cabin and need a way to organize our thoughts. Thank you for sharing!

  25. YAY for you and the system that works for YOU and your husband! I'm totally old school and use binders for *everything*...visit to see one way. I've got binders for finances, house, farm, a new place/farm to buy and live, my husband's paperwork dealing with his death, etc., a notebook for "stuff to do now"...there's too much LIFE to miss out on due to my increasing terrible memory!
    One thing I do differently...I buy school notebooks that have pockets, zippers inside and can be zipped up outside thus ensuring the contents don't fall out and are lost. It costs a bit more but the decrease in worry due to potential loss is well worth me anyway. I even keep notebooks in the car with stamps, envelopes, sticky notes, cards/envelopes, etc. ...all those things I find I need while off the farm and don't want to buy "special". Every vehicle has such a little treasure trove and I've lost count of the numbers of times it's been useful.
    My husband and I renovated our old farmhouse and farm and I also sent out newsletters to keep others informed. This was before the day and age of everyone having a computer and no one had a blog. My girlfriend told me, "I have to teach you how to keep your calendar on your phone" to which I responded...I don't think so, I'm old school. Since she was hacked, and lost almost everything, she hasn't brought up the topic again.
    YAY old school!

  26. I love those approach -- I'm an old-fashioned binder person, too! In my few months of house renovations. thus far,, I've learned that the projects can become overwhelming and a well-organized system is key to making the tasks feel manageable. I created a rather detailed binder when planning my wedding, and I think it was the only way I stayed sane through the process!

  27. I love it, and have for years kept folders with pictures for each room or notes. I have an heirloom camel back sofa that has been in my husband's family for generations. He had it reupholstered in a shiny damask years ago, I hate it...most of my furniture is in neutrals, natural fabrics, except a french chair that I reupholstered in damask, not shiny. Looks great, looking for fabric now for the sofa. We will be building an addition to our old house (we are calling it the 19th century addition to our 18th century house), and have a Pinterest board for ideas found on line. My husband is with Mike, but I think he appreciates my vision, and pictures help them see what's in my head, better than my words.

  28. Great idea! You're a very good organizer and visionary. Thanks for posting this.

  29. I, also use notebooks for pretty much's something I learned from my parents; my grown children, and my grandson have the "paper" bug too! I have tried to use my tablet/pc/cell but to no avail, it's just not the same. My husband jots reminders down but that's as far as he goes.

  30. I also rely on pen and paper and notebooks for tracking my projects and inspirations. I do use Houzz and/or Pinterest to convey some design ideas to my husband for the kitchen remodel that we are nearing completion on. I think he's on the same page as your husband, mostly nodding off but also appreciating the organization and ideas. I kept a spreadsheet for tracking the budget and recording the expenditures and a notebook with my "to-do" list (my husband kept his on post-it notes that I found throughout the house).


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine