Saturday, February 14, 2015

Before and After: Picture Windows


When we purchased our house, we knew right away that we would be replacing the mid-century style picture windows in the family room. 


We found a pair of very large picture windows at an architectural salvage store, which was the same place we found our utility room windows

It is very difficult to find large picture windows, let alone a pair, so we were very surprised and excited to incorporate them into our home. 

Another BEFORE, looking straight at the old windows. 

And AFTER. A great deal more light and very transformative for the room. 

The large windows offer a wonderful wall of light. Since this will be the most active room in the house besides the kitchen, it will be quite nice to have such an expansive view to the outside. 

As a reminder to those shopping for large windows (or other large household items), I would highly recommend being sure that the van you've rented is big enough to hold such items before you drive an hour away to retrieve them. It wasn't until we pulled up (Mike in the rental van, the three of us in the family car) at the salvage store that it occurred to us that we may have falsely estimated the size of the windows, compared to the size of the vehicle we brought to transport them. 

Lesson learned. 


  1. Oh my goodness Catherine they are stunning and worth the aggrevation you had to go through . Life lessons like this one are rough lessons I feel your pain.

  2. They are beautiful - but don't open - so no fresh air for that room?

    Just wondering. I do love them, but sacrificing fresh air had to be a difficult decision?

    Happy St. Valentine's Day!

    1. There are two windows on the opposite side of the room and a Dutch door to the right of the windows so we didn't worry too much about not being able to open them.

  3. Worth all the trouble and effort to get them home and into place. I bet all the new (old) windows on that wall look lovely from the outside too.


  4. Your new windows are gorgeous! Are they single pane and if so, will custom storm windows be necessary to keep the cold winters and winds at bay?

  5. Oh my goodness, those are absolutely gorgeous!!

  6. Well if anyone could make it work it would be you and Mike. They are so lovely Catherine. I'm truly thrilled for you. It will be the heart of the house with that light streaming in. So happy for ou my dear friend.

  7. Curious about the choice of salvage / vintage windows versus newer practical windows. Which is the better choice for such large windows?

    1. We priced out new windows but the cost was enormous (ten times more). We also are being very particular about glass size and muntin size as we want all the windows to match throughout the house. So we knew that any 'new' windows would have to be custom (made by a craftsman) or salvage. Salvage is wonderful in that you're using something that already exists. The cost is minimal - we paid $750 for a pair of large picture windows. So the long answer is that budget and aesthetic made us use salvage for this project. There are other rooms that we've hired a local craftsman to build windows. And yes, to keep with the period of the house, all windows are single pane. Storm windows go over these and offer the same energy efficiency as the new double pane versions. Best, Catherine

    2. love the windows and the amount of time and patience you put into getting your home right. you pay such close attention to every detail and it truly shows. what a labor of love!

  8. Looking like your country dream home, I know it would be mine...
    The windows look amazing, love the look and style, your furnishings will stage them perfectly, and they will be the perfect backdrop to your home.
    The windows of your homes soul.

    See you soon
    Happy Valentines Day


  9. Wonderful...such an amazing difference and so much added charm.

  10. What a difference your new windows made! So bright and sunny!

  11. Beautiful! Can't wait to see the room completed.

  12. WOW! Unconventional but perfect at the same time. LOVE them!

  13. I love those windows !
    I am selling my home and hopefully buying a little "cottage" .. it is super charming but has that one plate glass window in the living room. this sort of window would be so much nicer !

  14. Absolutely stunning windows and transformation. Very New England. You're doing a wonderful job of bringing this home to life.

  15. Stunning! Although I wouldn't want to be the one that had to paint them!

  16. Just wondering about safety? I know with new windows that go that low to the floor they need to be safety glass so as not to break into shards... These look BEAUTIFUL though.

  17. Absolutely gorgeous! They add such charm and LIGHT to the room. Well done!

  18. Great find! Lucky indeed. Do you plan to keep them bare or will you be adding some type of window treatment down the road?

  19. Oooh! I love that! Cannot wait to see what you do next!

  20. I do hope you'll share the storm windows you choose! Ours are not very appealing to look at and really don't seem to help with keeping the warm or cold in. I love our wood windows but the storm windows not so much! Maybe you have found better ones!

  21. Wow. These are a stunning find, and let in so much light! Plus, the size of the muntins and glass seem to be very period appropriate.


  22. Oh my word - they are amazing! This room is going to be gorgeous! I too learned the same hard lesson you learned. I rented a van to pick up an entertainment center on Craig's List. It didn't fit, so they took it apart. By the time I got it home, paid the mileage on the van and someone to put it back together, it was no longer a bargain. Sadly it didn't go back together as well as it should have either. Linda R (Phila burbs)

  23. Those are really awesome! I love the light and I love that you can chuckle a bit now about a little van mishap! This is looking quite lovely...

  24. Love your new/old windows. They will let the sunshine stream through the room ~

  25. I love the look, but are they single pane? Will you hang insulated drapes? We replaced all our single pane for triple/low-e what a difference.

    1. Yes, they are single pane like the rest of the windows in the house. They will have a storm window made for them, using low e glass (energy efficient). The storm windows offer the same energy efficiency as the double pane options in new windows.

    2. You'll enjoy the low e. We had a large window like that with a storm, all I can advise you to do is to make sure you have a tight seal on the storm or you will have frost between them. My poor husband replaced the seal a couple of times over 15 years and then we replaced the window. If you do decide to make drapes, a friend of mine lined hers with flannel and weighted them, they are beautiful. I love lots of windows, my tiny old house has 29!

    3. I was going to ask about the storm windows too....I'm glad that you guys will have that extra insulation---especially as you endure winters without power--you'll want to keep your wood heat IN. The house is coming along beautifully. xo

  26. Beautiful! What a brilliant find.

  27. The windows look amazing and stunned that you were able to find two of them! Such a difference and it's refreshing to know that others forget to figure too…

  28. Gorgeous! Such an amazing find!!

  29. Great Idea to replace older with wider new window. I guess fireplace is the next renovation.

  30. Girl, you are getting me through this winter! Those windows are insane! Those were meant for your home! You were meant to find those windows! Who cares about air've got a coolness factor beyond anything imaginable! Discovered your blog a few years back, always loving your green/frugal approach. Having young triplets & a house with a barn dating 1850ish, I've been so intrigued on how you approach your home. You've influenced me more than you can imagine. Thank you for the excitement! KN

  31. The windows are sheer magic in the space! And perfect for the gorgeous view outside. So glad you didn't do something common like putting in smaller windows- all those sashes and mouldings would have disrupted your great view and would have been boring for such a special room. These are wonderful. And, I love that this was your vision from the beginning and then you found them- house angels at work:) xxojoan
    p.s. funny (now, not then I'm sure;) about the van.

  32. Well done my lady! Just discovered your blog and these windows have me hooked! Looking forward to seeing more of this room. What a fantastic find. Woo hoo!

  33. Wow, Love these windows!!!! Perfect for your room!!!
    xo Louise

  34. It's incredible how a huge window can change the look and feel of a room! They almost cover the whole wall!


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine