Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Weekend Updates...And a Snow Storm

As the snow started to accumulate yesterday afternoon, Mike ran over to our new house to check on things. I also asked him to take some photos so that I could see some of the progress going on inside. 

I had been to the house earlier that morning but it was very blustery so the children and I only stayed for a moment and stayed in the car.  Usually when we go over, we run around the yard and peek inside the windows. 

This is a photo taken from the far end of our property. 

One thing I was able to see from the car was that the painter had made great progress on the barn. The whole house will eventually be painted but due to rain delays, only the barn will get done before winter. Here it is with the red paint scraped off. 

I was excited to see the progress on the center hall stairs. The floor re-finishers scraped a great deal of the paint off the stairs by hand. 

The floors in the downstairs bathroom are also coming along nicely. 

The east parlor (which will be an office) looks so much brighter without the grey painted floors. 

I was so excited to see these images, as the new wide plank floors in the kitchen are starting to be laid. It is such an improvement from the 1950's vinyl flooring that was in there before. I am putting our kitchen dining nook in front of this window,  although not exactly sure which table and chairs we'll use. 

Here are the floors on the south side of the kitchen. The 2 x4's along the wall are to make the room more square as there was quite a difference in wall profile. 

And here's the west side of the kitchen. 

This is the west parlor. 

And the landing in the center hall. 

Back at our other home (our rental house), we lost power just before sunset. Thankfully, I had just taken out all of our battery operated candles for a dear friend's birthday the day before. 

The batteries last forever and there is of course, no fire hazard in using them. 

The quite scene outside our window just before dark fell. 


  1. The house looks great! I love the wide plank floors. I have to admit I am a bit envious of your snowstorm. It was just blustery and gold here in NJ yesterday ~ a little snow would have been nice!

  2. It's going to be breathtaking, Catherine.

  3. I loved looking at the farmhouse. It brought me back to when we built our home, oh so many years ago. In the early 80's my husband and his brother built our colonial reproduction. It was authentic, and as I look at your home, I see ours... someday I will do a blog post on that. All these years later, I love it as much as I did then. My wide pine floors throughout the home is one of the things I cherish most. Our cozy home has survived raising an amazing son and daughter and all of their friends, through high school, college and into adulthood. It has survived puppies, lots of puppies. And it was home to my husband during his last days of life. A comfort to all of us. And now, it is my safe place. It is where all of my most precious memories have happened, beginning with designing and building this home. Thank you for taking me back. I am enjoying your journey.

  4. How exciting! I am loving following your progress on this amazing house!

  5. I love the progress..and the snow! We didn't get any snow in the lakes region in New Hampshire, but a friend in Maine (a few hours from us) had around 14" of snow!



  6. I love seeing your pictures! I am however, not happy to see the snow.....quite yet! Everything is coming along nicely, thank you for sharing with us:)

  7. Catherine,
    So lovely. I hope you enjoy each and every moment of your sweet home and family.
    Enjoy your blog so much!

  8. When I posted pictures of our renovation - bare floors, no walls, I was sure that readers would think me mad. But I see these images myself and can envision the outcome.
    It's good to see the before, the process and the pretty at the end. Looking forward to watching as you shape your new family home.

  9. Love every post This house is very light, great windows!

  10. Love seeing your progress. I am eagerly anticipating each step along the way. So exciting!! Home is beautiful- a blank canvas for which to leave your mark. Will you paint all the walls white? Or choose historic colors, this time around?

    1. Most likely use white to just tidy the walls up for now and then eventually, explore more historic hues. We have so many decisions to make in regards to the renovation that adding paint colors to choose from seems very overwhelming.

  11. Thank you for the update. It is looking beautiful. But, I really love your mantle with the dumpling's artwork and toys. It's just too cute! Linda R (Phila burbs)

  12. So lovely...Oh how I loved your last home...but this one is going to be just a sweet! and the snow...i love it when it snows and the world grows quiet...

  13. How beautiful the snow looks and your progress on the house is wonderful...it is looking so good.

  14. Thanks for posting. :) I'd been waiting and checking my feed reader all weekend just to see what progress has been made. Can't wait to see you all in this beautiful home!

  15. So pretty. It's a winter wonderland. I love your improvements. I too have renovated a very old house and I love watching your progress. Old house lovers love EVERYONE'S old houses. Can't wait to see what happens next.

  16. I am fascinated by the architecture of this house. being from the west coast, an old house for me is 1890, or 1880. I recently watched the John Adams HBO miniseries and was struck by seeing "real" people living in a colonial home in context. The fireplaces, in particular, are so distinctive and speak to the time when they were necessary and not just decorative like the one in my "old" 1925 house.

  17. Love the floors. So beautiful. I want it for my house so bad!

  18. Catherine, things are looking great and moving along quickly. I have a question, and I apologize if you've already addressed it. Do you plan to have a generator at your new home? With the brutal New England winters, I imagine power outages could be common there. I live in the Southeast, and while we don't have lots of snowstorms, our ice storms can lead to power outages and there have been many times I've wished for a generator.

    1. YES! Our rental house has a generator but only after we spent last Christmas in a cold house. We were reminded this storm to add that to the new house list! A definite must as a house gets cold very fast if you don't have wood heat. Best, Catherine

  19. Wonderful progress, you much be so excited every time you"peek in the windows". My favorite room " just as it is " has got to be the "office" Love the color, in fact that is my dining room color. I am a white walls and color on the woodwork person, a timeless look. Stay warm.

  20. I love to hear about your new old house. It is so enjoyable to watch it unfold in your posts. I think I can imagine the outcome based on your previous home, that I found to be so inspiring. Thank you for sharing all that you do!

  21. Catherine, Such progress!! Your new house was truly a diamond in the rough, I can see from the latest photos that it is going to be beautiful!! Your new home is feeling prouder and loved already! I look forward to seeing the progress reports. JoAnn

  22. Dear Trina & Mike - what a joy to see everything at the new/old house moving ahead so quickly. MOTH's just finishing off the renovation of the last 2 rooms upstairs here at The Hedge. It's only taken 8 years, but the impending wedding of Son #5 in 3 weeks & a nagging wife has put the fear of God into him! We are about to experience our first blast of hot Summer weather here tomorrow, so different from all your snow. Kisses to the 2 cherubs.
    Millie xx

  23. Love that quiet scene outside your window. I am a fall/winter person at heart, and strange as it must seem, just seeing that view outside your window brings a sense of peacefulness and joy to me. Thanks for sharing!

  24. I absolutely love your new home!!! Your first photo of
    your home in the snow looks like it belongs on the front of a
    New England Christmas card!!
    ........just gorgeous!!!


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine