Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Downstairs Bathroom - Updates

This is what we started with. So beautiful really, as it was. But the bathtub, sink and toilet all needed to be replaced, as did the flooring. 

Here is the vintage sink and bathtub, from the art deco era. 

There was also a lovely little linen closet which seemed about twenty years old judging by the materials used to construct it. 

The wallpaper was removed first, which came off quite easily. 

Here's the room with just the wallpaper removed. This alone 'updated' the room tremendously - in making it look older and less vintage. 

The toilet, linen closet, sink and flooring followed. 

The bathtub was last due to its weight. 

The linen closet was removed because we are having the original wide plank floors refinished along with the rest of the house. Once those are done, we can begin building the bathroom back up again. 

The bathtub, toilet and sink will all stay in the same places, just replaced with updated fixtures. 

Quite the contrast today. I've found that things often get worse before they get better with renovations, and that is certainly the case here. 

We are in that phase of the renovation where most of the time we have a heap of things on the lawn that are ready to be disposed of. 


  1. This is so fun to follow! I love your heaps and the potential they leave in their wake.

  2. Even in its raw state that bathroom has huge potential to look great. I'm sure you'll work your magic to make it spectacular. Looking forward to following your renovations.

  3. I've fallen in love with your blog; your life seems a lovely dream. :-) I'm so excited to go on this new restoration journey with you and your beautiful family.

  4. I have fallen in love with your blog; your life seems a lovely dream. I'm so excited to go on this restoration journey with you and your beautiful family!

  5. What a huge project! No pain, no gain, right?

    Going to be a fabulous re-do - hang in there! : - )

  6. I love the big windows in the bathroom! So far so good, love watching this process!

  7. It will be exciting to see the next phase of your project!

  8. Can't wait to see it completed. I know it will look beautiful. Love all of that natural light!

  9. those floors are amazing. so glad you can keep them.

  10. I hope you share what new tub and sink etc you choose!

  11. That bath gets such great light! To me, that's one of the most important things a home should have :)

  12. It is so fun! My husband and I are also about to embark on a similar journey. For now I'll live vicariously through you. One question though, I know you had mentioned in a previous post that you're not currently living in this home while you're renovating (makes sense, children and debris don't mix well) but I'm wondering, especially when it was just the two of you in your previous project, at what point did you move in? We're thinking that once we have a kitchen and a bathroom available for use that we'll be ok but I'd like your opinion since you've been there. Thanks for your detailed posts, you have a tremendous sense of style.

    1. Dear Val, For the most part, we've always tried to get the dirty work (demolition) out of the way before we move in. Now that we have children, we will go even further than that as the health and safety of the home is of the utmost importance to us. Best, Catherine

  13. You guys are really moving along. Thanks for the update. linda r (phila burbs)

  14. I am so glad you decided to keep the art deco batht and sink! I live in an art deco house with matching chimneys and rosettes and still enjoy it every day. It is style somewhere between classic and modern and is very wanted in Europe. Also thank you for making the effort to keep everyone updated despite huge renovations and two little ones running around.
    best wishes,
    Brugge, belgium

    1. Dear Evelien, I'm so sorry to say that we did not keep the art nouveau bath and sink - BUT someone will be able to as we donated it to Restore (recycled house parts). Best, Catherine

  15. Do you think that closed porch shown in last photo was once open, like a back porch ? Love following the project.

    1. Hi Mary, I'm not sure if it was once open or not. I imagine not because winters are so long here. Best, Catherine

  16. What great big windows that bathroom has. It's going to be so light and beautiful when you are done. Thanks for sharing. I get very excited when I see a new post from you. :)

  17. Enjoyed the journey with your former home, and now with this new (old ; ) one! It brings back so many memories of the restoration of my own 1870's home, 18 years ago. Back in the day we had so much less available to us, in terms of appropriate paint and fixtures. It's always a pleasure to see your posts, Catherine.

  18. I love watching the house "evolve." Once you are finished, the house will become a home. That is what is important. Hopefully there are no big surprises ahead!! Enjoy!

  19. Hi dear Catherine, so excited to watch this renovation unfold!!! I am living vicariously once again through you as nothing like that old, amazing house is available where we live, or I'd be in there like a shot doing the same as you!! Well, I have a lot less energy than you two, but you know what I mean. Such potential!!! I am very curious where you guys settled down. Hope all is well with the little ones. You have renovation experience now and I hope it is making things easier! So exciting!!!! xo Terri

  20. Wallpaper removal did not go well for us this Columbus day weekend! LOL

  21. This bathroom has the most amazing light and space-It is going to be beautiful when you are finished.


  22. Love watching this new reno unfold. Love all the windows in the bathroom.

    I think I would do some rearranging though to get a useful shower without sacrificing the windows. Not sure about your dimensions, but if it fit I would turn the tub 90 degrees and build a wall by the door to house the shower plumbing and then the window would be at the end of the tub and not get much water on it either. Keep toilet where it was and put sink where linen closet was.

    1. Great idea! We will probably not do a shower in the downstairs bath but this is something we could consider in the upstairs bath. Thanks for the input! Best, Catherine

  23. A free standing piece of antique furniture of some kind would so much better for storage than that linen closet you ripped out ... but I bet you've already thought of that. Can't wait to see what you do in this bathroom!

    1. You know me so well! Yes, I'd rather have something antique there than a plywood cabinet. The search has not begun but I have a very clear visual of what I'd love to have there. Best, Catherine


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine