Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Kitchen Updates

The kitchen in the photos above has now turned into this...

This post was going to be about Mike removing the wall paper in the kitchen...but somehow, that seemed a tad out of date. This bundle of blue cabinetry, etc. includes the upper cabinets and soffit  after he removed them. 

As I type this post, Mike is back at the house (which is not far from our rental house) removing the lower cabinets. But before he does that, he has to move the upper cabinets into the dining room to make room. 

What a difference it makes to remove the soffit. It ran all along the west side of the kitchen and really created a closed-in feel, especially over the sink. 

That vertical box-like beam to the right of the picture window is an old structural post. There is also a structural beam running horizontally across the top of the oven wall, which is why a soffit was installed there. 

Both of those walls will be bumped out about three inches to enclose the structural post and beam, which will also make the room more square. This will create a deeper window sill above the sink, as well as a deeper threshold for the door going into the living room (where black plastic hangs now). 

The yellow mark shows the area of the formica backsplash. 

We will be meeting with the kitchen designer this week to review the cabinetry plans. I am very excited that the cabinets will be locally made. Our first bid for cabinetry came from our local lumber yard, which were considered to be a semi-custom option. It was suggested that they would be much more affordable than anything custom. They would have come unfinished (because we want to use no-VOC paint), which would have left us to paint the cabinetry ourselves. 

I solicited a second bid for custom-built cabinets anyway and to our shock, it was very competitive compared to the semi-custom option. The custom cabinets will arrive already painted with our choice of no-VOC paint, and all of the cabinets are made from solid wood. No particle board or plywood. 

Lesson learned...Always shop around. 

And as of today...

All cabinets and appliances are being donated to Restore.


  1. Wow! Taking that soffit down really did make a difference! Can't wait to see this progress!

  2. Oh how exciting!

    Your kitchen is going to be absolutely amazing. YAY!

    Doing a happy dance for you both!!

  3. Congrats on the progress. I can't wait to see the finished result.

  4. Glad you found cabinets you like and that are a good quality. I like the color of the cabinets you are removing. I spent a lot of time researching and planning a complete kitchen remodel. Today I quit. Our home is 4.5 years young we just bought it, the previous owners did not take care of the home. The kitchen will have to do unless my husband takes over.

  5. So exciting! Thanks for letting us follow along on this journey. Are you going to keep your changes era-appropriate?

    1. Dear Catherine, We are going to do a historic renovation as much as possible. Sending hugs and love, Catherine xo

  6. Kitchen magic happening! What is the flooring under the white vinyl or whatever it is? Wood floors that could be salvaged? This is exciting, this is the heart of the home, where love happens (and good food), so excited to see the progress!

    1. We are removing the vinyl and hoping to re-finish the original wide plank floors. We won't know their condition until the existing flooring is torn up so keeping fingers crossed it's in good shape. Best, Catherine

  7. Looking good! It is nice you can donate cabinets too. That is such a large space, very jealous here, I am hoping you have a large kitchen table in it. I can see the kiddies playing games while you "get dinner ready".

  8. I love seeing the process; I cannot wait until we can do this in our home. While our kitchen is functional, it is cheap 1990's/builder grade in an 1800's colonial - not a good match. Far from as green as we want as well.

  9. This is exciting! I'm especially excited to see the cabinets and how they're constructed without plywood. Are you guys planning to expose the structural post and beam you mentioned in the post? Could provide a rich element to the space. Your last kitchen was so beautiful and timeless and I cannot wait to see this one!

  10. Oh this is so exciting!!! It's gonna be beautiful! Thx for keeping us up to date! Linda R (Phila burbs)

  11. Looks like a really fun project! Can't wait to see more!
    Happy you discovered the custom cabinetry, I used to design high end kitchens and always needed at least some custom cabinets to create the best design. Check out Enkeboll and Outwater for embellishments and architectural elements/details to really customize your project!

  12. It already looks so much better. And I'm so glad you are going local for the cabinets. Can't wait to follow along!

  13. We thought our local building centre would be the best price too. Then checked a kitchen store and we can have custom, soft close, better handles and hinges and wood too for 2k less. They are 1hour away and will deliver and install and came to verify measurements and will do us a custom butcher block island. We were totally surprised and happy to go with the kitchen company. You will have your's installed before we do as we have to rebuild from the cellar beams up as it is so uneven. Patty/NS

  14. Catherine, it's so fun watching another renovation from you & Mike! Can't wait to see what goodness you come up with for this wonderful old home!

  15. Catherine, I'm so thrilled to be watching another renovation of yours! Can't wait to see what wonders you and Mike bring to this great old home!

  16. Who did you solicit the second bid from for the custom cabinets? Is it a local place? We're going to be looking for new cabinets next year and I'd love to have a high-quality affordable option.

    So exciting to start another house renovation with you!

  17. Hi Catherine. I work for a custom cabinet shop on the west coast and would like to put in my professional two-cents worth...think about discussing with your cabinet shop using formaldehyde-free plywood for the construction of your cabinet boxes instead of solid lumber. While solid lumber sounds like it is the better construction, in actuality, as the weather changes, lumber wants to expand and contract as well as really wanting to go back to its original shape...tree (round). So you end up with cracks, split seams and warping. When you put a lot of money into nice cabinets, you want them last for 2-3 decades. With the formaldehyde-free plywood you are ensured of a "green" product but with structural integrity. Columbia Forest Products produces a product called PureBond that you can look up on their website to find out more about. I'm sure there are other lumber companies that also produce a NAUF product but Columbia Forest Products was the first one that come up when I googled it. Just something to think about. I'm excited to see your kitchen remodel! Actually, your entire house remodel! It's a wonderful house and as Elizabeth Bennett might say, "looks happily situated."

    1. Hi Traci, Thank you for passing that along. I will inquire when we meet with them again. Best, Catherine

    2. I came back to your blog after a long absence as I remember your wonderful kitchen in your old house and was looking for ideas for our home. I don't mean to pry but I am confused as I remember you as Trina and now the posts are by Catherine. What have I missed?

    3. Trina is a nickname of Catherine - a nickname I didn't want to go by anymore.

  18. So excited to see your remodel unfold. I am sure it will be beautiful as you have great style.

  19. Oh.... No... the first pictures in the list I was all "Oh how COOL they kept it vintage! LOVE love love the new "closed kitchen" and that awesome wallpaper- I am just drooling..." then went down the list and .. "...oh..."


  20. So many possibilities for this room! Very exciting, and that's awesome that the custom was close in price. Hopefully the flooring will be in good shape.

    Take good care,

  21. I was "late to the party" with your last house, but loved everything you had done. Looking forward to an amazing transformation! Ronda

  22. I can't wait to see how the kitchen is going to evolve from here! I love your design aesthetic - so beautiful, simple, and timeless.

  23. Wow, what a big job! We demo'd our kitchen about five years ago. It's fun and hard work and so satisfying. Can't wait to see your progress!

  24. What a nice big kitchen! Tons of possibilities!

  25. So good to find your post...in the spring we are starting our kitchen from scratch in our 1806 home.....still don't have a clue as to what we are doing.....want to make a wall of cabinets from old doors to try to match the doors in our house...and then a wall of white bottom cupboards with a wood counter top.....please hurry & finish yours so I can get more ideas..... LOL Have fun!! Would love to show you some pics of what I am starting with but don't see an option to add pics....


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine