Friday, April 12, 2013

A Love of Hydrangeas

I brought home a bouquet of cut hydrangeas the other day. 
It's made me think of all the hydrangeas I've planted in the garden. 

I've planted twelve varieties over the past several years. 
I just love them.

There's the Limelight and Mini Limelights that surround our dining patio. 

We also planted a hedge of Limelights along the old sauna building. 

My favorite varieties are those that express this wonderful lavender-blue hue. 
Nikko Blue, Endless Summer, Penny Pac...are all dependable for this coloring in their blossoms. 

This bed of Little Lamb hydrangea are under the windows at the east end of the dining room. 

Hydrangeas (hydro) are named for their love and need of lots of water. If your cut bouquets start to fade, give them a nice cool bath and they will brighten up. It's wonderful to watch. 

Endless Summer. 
This variety blooms all summer long. A few more examples of their blossoms follow below. 

Endless Summer. 

Endless Summer. 

Endless Summer. 

This hydrangea bed has mostly Endless Summer, with a mix of pinks and blues. 

They were so small (one gallon pots and smaller) when we planted them. 
It's amazing to see them so big now. 
You can see a large Nikko Blue blossom in the back corner. 

Classic Nikko Blue. 

They are all so brilliant in color. 

The north facing hydrangea bed has a wonderful view of the valley. 

This Pee Gee hydrangea is in the front bed which receives a lot of sun throughout the day. Pee Gee is a sun tolerant variety so I planted several of them. 

I also planted some Pee Gee's in front of the dining room windows (on left). As you can see, they look a lot like the Little Lamb hydrangeas underneath the east facing dining room windows (on right). 

Here they are again from the porch. 

Hydrangeas have been a wonderful addition to our gardens. They have thrived in our Pacific Northwest environment (we are in Zone 5). 

Also, the deer have never bothered them and unlike the roses, we've never had to treat them for anything (fungus, pests, etc.). 

They are amazingly low maintenance. 
They just need water. 

I hope to plant some of these favorite hydrangeas at our new home. I'll have to wait and see what zone we end up in! 


  1. So beautiful says it all . . . I hope Hydrangeas find places at your new home. You treat them beautifully . . .

  2. Trina your hydrangeas are gorgeous. I find it interesting that having only different varieties and colours of hydrangeas around your home are enough. You don't need anything else. I have a 34 year old hydrangea bush that gives me gorgeous colourful blooms in the summer and fall (white to rose) and last year I planted an Endless Blue one. I hope it survived the winter's cold winds and deep snow. I haven't dared take it's protective tent off yet! Beautiful photos! Pamela

  3. so pretty!! we are thinking of hydrangeas for our wedding flowers :)!

  4. Beautiful. I love Hydrangeas. We have planted several bushes, but I hope to plant more soon as we have expanded our back yard due to having to take down some diseased trees. I will have to look into the PeeGees since we are in the south and get a lot of sun in most places.

  5. oh i'm gonna miss snapshots of these hydrangeas. this is how they are supposed to look. not like mine in this desert that i pretend i don't live in. xo

  6. I love hydrangeas also...they are probably the easiest things in my garden, but are usually the first to say, "hey, give me some water."

  7. Absolutely beautiful. I wish we could grow them like that in West Texas. Now I'm motivated to go to the garden center and focus on planting things that WILL thrive here, like Lantana. Not as lovely as hydrangea, but certainly a lovely part of a parched landscape here.

  8. Oh, Trina! I don't know how you and Mike can bear to leave the home you have made so beautiful! I know you will do it again, no matter where you are, but this home seems perfection to me!

  9. Oh, Trina! I don't know how you and Mike can bear to leave the home you have made so beautiful! I know you will do it again, no matter where you are, but this home seems perfection to me!

  10. so old fashioned, romantic and southern...I will definitely be planting some at 822 this year

  11. How gorgeous your hydrangeas are-simply stunning.

  12. Hydrangeas go perfectly with your current house and style. Who knows what the future may hold for your next garden, but you have documented this one so well. The sights and smells are just lovely. I needed a little, light, summery pick me up today...thank you for the beautiful post! Tina

  13. Fantastic ! I love Hydrangeas and your pretty home !

  14. I'm sure where ever you are , your garden will be beautiful. I love my hydrangeas. I literally have over 20 plants of different varieties. Love them all individually and collectively. Hee Hee.
    So lovely your photos.

  15. Wait! When did you say you were moving? I am going to miss that gorgeous view!

  16. Your Hydrangeas are beautiful, I especially like the White ones - so different.
    I have just 2 in the garden and although they survive bad winters here they never really look amazing. I have one variety called 'Zorro' that I rescued from neglect and I'm trying to ensure it recovers this year.
    More Hydrangeas is what I need.
    Thanks for posting such lovely images.


  17. I love them too. At my old house, when I went through a "learning to propagate" phase. I had over 100 Nikko Blues :) I moved so hopefully Monrovia won't sue me. Yours are gorgeous and I so, so enjoy your photography.
    Maybe you should take cuttings of a few and start them for your new house! If you need any propagation know who to call!

  18. I love how you raise your flowers and your children.
    You are leaving quite the heirloom legacy for the next owners of your home.
    Beautiful. Happy landing in the next zone. May you continue to grow, to thrive and to blossom.

  19. Oh Trina, you have a yard I could only dream of having. I love all the hydrangea varieties you have planted and the beds look absolutely beautiful. We really only started our landscaping last year... and we still have so, so much to do. You give me a little hope that maybe one day... for now I suppose I'd better be thankful that my tiny little hydrangeas are still alive! ;-) Have a wonderful weekend.

  20. Hi,

    I'm a fiend for hydrangeas and your are just lovely!!

    I've pinned these beauties here:

    Cheers :+)

  21. Someone is so lucky to have bought your home with all those wonderful plants already there and blooming!
    Wishing you all the luck in the world on your move !
    Besos, C (back in the US)

  22. Hydrangeas are gorgeous and so are your photos. Specially the one with the snow covered mountain in the back ground. Thank you. Jane

  23. Simply gorgeous. I have a few endless summer and I love them. Yours are so beautiful.

  24. I love hydrangeas! I bought a bush a couple of years ago. I have been waiting patiently for it to grow big and beautiful. I can't wait to see its blooms this year!

  25. Oh I see these plants so lovingly planted and nurtured and get sad you must leave them behind.

    Someone is going to be SO LUCKY to call that wonderful place HOME.

    Your hydrangeas are absolutely breathtaking, just omg WOW.

  26. BEAUTIFUL! Just so beautiful...

    Take care,

  27. Hydrangeas are some of my favorite flowers. Although I didn't know there were so many varieties! Yours are so beautiful.

  28. You can never have too many hydrangea or boxwood. Have you tried Strawberry-Vanilla? They are in the pee gee form, but pink and white.
    xo, Lissy

  29. I know this is ridiculous because there is nothing tragic about hydrangeas, but this makes me want to cry because it is all so beautiful, your daughter is so darling, and I had pictured your family living in that house always. I feel that whoever moves into your new home will be The New People, and to me, they will still be The New People, fifty years from now.

    Take care, Em

  30. Your blog has inspired me to plant more hydrangeas! It must be disconcerting to have the house on the market without knowing what plant zone you'll be in next. Hope all gets settled soon.

  31. The hydrangeas are beautiful!

  32. Beautiful!!! I have hydrangea envy..they are my favorite but I live in Florida and can't grow them! :(

  33. Thanks so much for the tip about giving my cut hydrangeas a bath. That should help them last longer.

  34. looooooooooove your flower!!!!! angie from germany

  35. Hi Trina! I just found this blog and I am in love ! I am the mother of 22 month twins and love renovations and interior design . Your style is perfection

  36. Have you ever tried an oak leaf hydrangea? We move a lot and it has become a tradition for us to plant an oak leaf hydrangea in the yard of each home that we purchase.

    Great post!

  37. Yes we did plant an oak leaf hydrangea years ago!

  38. I am so jealous as every time I have tried to grow them here in UK they have died. I do have a climbing Hydrangea which is two years old now and going strong so fingers crossed. I had hydrangeas everywhere for my wedding as they too fill me with joy. Thanks for sharing your pics xx

  39. We just moved into our new home in December. We had the most beautiful hydrageas (all Endless Summer)!!! I hated leaving them! The worst part was that I recently found out that they have been DUG UP AND THROWN AWAY!!!!! Sigh. Im hoping new plants will bloom beautifully here in our new abode as well.

    Happy gardening!

    Mrs. U

  40. Hi Trina
    I have always wanted to buy that pic of the tub and hydrangeas floating. You should sell your shots on etsy!!!

  41. Your blog over the past year has inspired me to write my own. To help me "survive" in the country and to garden!! I posted for the first time on Sat. Thank you Trina x

  42. Just wanted to say that I appreciate your lovely blog even more in light of the events of this past week. On my morning walk today, I came across a long stream of runners. Turns out, they had organized a little race in honor of Boston. That was heart-warming, especially since my big accomplishment of the morning was buying a donut and flowers. Anyway, I hope everyone has had some moments of comfort or uplift this week.

    Take good care, Em

  43. oh I just love them too. They are amazing.

  44. These are all positively beautiful. I am becoming more and more enamored with this flower/plant thanks to my late MIL who was so proud of her plants and always took time to share & show them off to me. Really enjoyed this post as it brought back some very fond and happy memories.

  45. Trina, these superb images remind me of the hydrangeas in my parents' garden. They really are without question the most beautiful flower. The colours, the shape, the variety, the leaves. Perfection.

  46. These flowers are one of my favorites. nice pics.

  47. These flowers are one of my favorites. nice pics.

  48. Your hydrangeas are amazing! We are moving in a few weeks to a house with much more shade, and I am so excited about the prospect of hydrangeas!~

  49. You should trying rooting some just in case it takes a while for your house to sell. You just need to put a limb on the ground with a brick/stone on top. When it's ready just snip it from the mother plant. A little pice of your current home to your next home.

  50. Beautiful! Are the Pee Gee hydrangea a smaller variety? I love the look of white hydrangeas and want some for my front bed but our porch is only about 2 feet off the ground so I feel like I need a shorter variety than most that I can find. Thoughts?

  51. Lisa, The Pee Gee in the front bed (in front of dining room windows) is a smaller variety. I think they get as tall as 4 feet. Also, mini Limelight would be a good choice. Best, Trina

  52. I can't get enough of hydrangeas! You capture all that is wonderful about them!

  53. There stunning, ive always loved them. Will hopefully be adding one to my new border once its finished.

  54. Trina your entire website is a joy and a visual delight....I adore the hydrangeas you have growing...I will be planting some in my own garden very soon...your home is also beautiful, you've done an amazing job.

  55. So sorry to lose you to your new job. Look every day to see if there's a new post, but nothing after April, when 'associate editor' loomed so seductively.

    Are you coming back, or should I take this off Favourites list?

  56. Gorgeous Hydrangeas! My favorite flower by far:)

  57. This flower color varies with the pH of the soil where it is plante.

  58. I saw your hydrangeas in the bathtub refreshing. Think it was so pretty that it would look lovely like that if you were having a party or ladies over for tea. Special.


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