Sunday, July 24, 2011

Christmas in July

Country Living magazine was here for a photo shoot! The shoot was for their upcoming December issue. In the lazy days of mid-summer, we enjoyed everything Christmas -  

Wreaths, and 
Christmas cookies.

We even had a visit from a few of Santa's helpers (they enjoyed my roses). 

I have subscribed to Country Living for years. Some of my favorite images have come from their pages, as Country Living's aesthetics and sensibility have really resonated with me. 

Deputy Style Editor Lili Diallo contacted me last December with interest to include our home in the magazine. Needless to say, I was thrilled and honored. A winter or spring shoot wasn't possible as we had our hands full after the birth of our two sweet babies - so Christmas in July it was. 

Lili is an incredibly insightful and talented stylist, and so much fun! She also happens to be the author of the beautiful and inspiring design book titled, Details. 

Here are a few behind-the-scenes glimpses from our week! 

On Sunday, we ventured out to cut three Noble fir Christmas trees. The trees, strapped to the top of our car on a July morning, were a perplexing sight to many as we made our way home from the tree farm. 

Packages started to arrive on Tuesday, the day Lili arrived from New York. Wednesday evening brought the photographers and their gear. 

We learned a lot about the meticulous detail that goes into capturing magazine-worthy images. Screens were placed outside the nursery windows to filter light. 

Here's the crew in action! Photographer Max Kim-Bee (a selection of his gorgeous photography can also be found under the 'photographers' link at this site) with assistant Kevin Kerr, Lili, and Design Director Sheri Geller, who flew in for Friday. They're working on a shot in the living room. 

It was so much fun having them here. Max even helped out with some dish washing! Kevin and Sheri, with children of their own, held babies at just the right times. Kevin also gave us a few very welcome photography pointers!

Here are Sheri, Lili and Max discussing angles for the dining room. 

Mike, my mom, and Graham took a break before lunch, for which we moved the patio table and chairs into the shade under the porch. I'll do a post on our new patio table and chairs soon! 

At one point, Kevin and Mike moved the Christmas tree. 

The Country Living crew arrived in red rental cars... pure coincidence but festive nonetheless. The screen shown above was used to control the light for the dining room shots.

Having the Country Living crew here was wonderful. We really enjoyed the first-hand insight into the details, hard work, talent, and collaboration that create gorgeous images for publication. It was absolutely fascinating and everything they did was simply beautiful. 

We also especially enjoyed getting to know four lovely, inspiring people...who Mike and I consider new found friends. 


  1. I am smitten with your blog - totally. xoxo michele

  2. Oh my, I bet you are thrilled and at the same time happy it's over! I know those shots are exhausting - love how they bring their own Christmas stuff! A big congratulations!

  3. How exciting and that is one of my favorite magazines. Can't wait to see the spread.

  4. Congratulations on your Country Living photo shoot! I am so happy for you! What an honor and it is so deserved. Your house is beautiful and I have always thought it should be in Country Living magazine. Now it will be for countless people to enjoy. I cannot wait to see it.

    Merry Christmas...I mean I hope you have a good week! = )


  5. Congratulations! Your home is just stunning and I can't wait to see it in Country Living this Winter!


  6. WOW! I just wrote a Christmas in July post last week, but needless to say, Country Living didn't apppear on my front doorstep. :@
    I have subscribed to Country Living since about 1980 and can hardly wait for their holiday issue each year. Now, I am doubly excited to see YOUR house in that very issue.
    I have followed your blog and emailed many posts to our youngest daughter who has a daughter about the age of your twins. She LOVES your house and just moved into her very own country farmhouse this past weekend. Thank you for providing inspiring posts and photographs!

  7. I was just going to e-mail you this weekend! How exciting! I would have loved to have seen the whole thing. How fun it will be to see the photos knowing they were done in July! I've never even thought about how they do that. Congratulations on your well-deserved recognition from such a great magazine!

    And, wow, the babies are getting big!

  8. I knew it was only a matter of time until your beautiful home was featured! I truly can't wait to read the article!!!

  9. Congratulations! I'm so happy that Country Living did a shoot of your beautiful home and family, I can't wait to see it in their holiday issue!

    Kat :)

  10. Trina,
    I am so excited for you both! So deserving!! Your home is just breathtaking and I can see why they wanted to do a photo shoot there with your lovely family. The babies are growing leaps and bounds!! Can't wait to see the issue!!

  11. hi trina,

    i knew it would happen. it was just a matter of time. the home that you and mike have created was destined for print. i'm sure the layout is going to be gorgeous. and omg, the babies are HUGE! they are growing so fast!



  12. Ooh that looks like so much fun! I can't wait to see the issue! Your babies are adorable too!

  13. This is going to be the best issue of Country Living EVER!! Can not wait to see it! You already know how thrilled and happy I am for you and Mike- such a great acknowledgment of your talents and design work. Your home is beautiful and filled with love!
    xoxo from your biggest fan;)

  14. Congrats and so exciting!!! I simply adore Country Living and your home is definitely deserving to be featured! Awesome! :) Xoxoxo

  15. Congrats! I'm looking forward to seeing your article in the winter!

  16. Congratulations! I seriously cannot wait to see your house in Country Living - one of my favorite magazines!! SO EXCITED FOR YOU!
    In that shot with Sheri, Graham's cheeks are flushed the most beautiful color! Is that natural or edited slightly? I loved these new pictures of the babies, they are just adorable! :)


  17. How exciting. I can't wait to pick up a copy and read all about it!

  18. That is fantastic! Your house is actually my dream house so I will move heaven and earth to get a copy of the December Country Living mag delivered to Australia.
    Congratulations! It must have been so exciting.


  19. Congratulations and whew...what an exhausting few days that must have been. I am a big fan of Lili Diallo's work and have noted many Max photos but did not know the other two - thanks for sharing. What mad lives they must lead. How exciting to be part of it all for a few must seem surreal now...

    xo Terri

  20. How wonderful and fun! I am so happy for you!

  21. That must have been a wonderfully strange experience!

  22. That is so exciting Trina! And the twins look so happy and healthy, wow!
    Hugs, Dawn

  23. Oh, what a honor to get pictures of your home in a magazine. And you deserve it, both of you. It looks so wonderful both inside and outside your house.
    And thank you for a post that makes me smile. I suppose that you have heard the news that Norway is now living thru a catastrofy; almost 100 young people was killed last Friday by a crazy norwegian man. And we are only 4,5 millions in this country, so we "all" know each other. We are a whole country crying; our prime mininister, our king, reporters, young people, old people - side by side.
    Your lovely pictures gave me a break for a few minutes. Thank you.
    (And your children are growing so fast!! :-)

  24. Sadly, I doubt your home will be featured in the UK so I'll miss out :o( However, it must be a wonderful experience, and from what I see on your blog your lovely home certainly deserves to be featured - Congratulations!

  25. oh trina this was fun for me to peek at the details behind the scenes.
    how very clever of country living to choose your home! anticipation runs high
    that photo of the 'team napping' is ethereal, really made me pause, lovely.

  26. Congratulations, Trina and Mike. How exciting to be featured in Country Living! You two have done so much hard work on your home and it shows. I will be buying that issue for sure! So nice to see the twins too -- they are growing so quickly and are adorable.

  27. Very exciting. Lovely photos!!

  28. yay you!!!
    can't wait to see it all dressed for christmas. i always wonder how they achieve these fantastic july no less

  29. I am so happy for you! and not the least surprised. It is a great fit. This Christmas issue will be the BEST yet! You must have felt "is this really happening"? The babies are beautiful, and growing! Congratulations to you all!

  30. Oh my goodness how awesome!! I love Country Living Magazine and look so forward to seeing this Decembers issue. Your sweet babies are really growing and are so adorable!!

  31. Your babies are SO beautiful and getting so BIG!!!


  32. Holy garland! That is so fantastic!
    Merry Christmas,
    Kerry at

  33. This was looong overdue! I have thought since subscribing to your blog, more than a year ago, that you should have been in Country Living. Congratulations and so well-deserved. I have to say what I love about your style is the simplicity of it. So much country style is tons and tons of stuff, your home is breath of fresh (country!) air. Again, much congrats!

  34. I can't WAIT to see the magazine! You'll have to post about it when it comes out! Your babies are so sweet! Again, love the view from your house. I'm jealous :(

  35. Just beautiful, Trina! Coincidentally, we celebrated Christmas in July also. It looks like your holiday was extra special. Thanks for making my holiday merry and bright through your eyes and Merry Christmas in July to you and yours!

  36. My two favorite things...A COUNTRY FARMYOUSE and Country Living magazine! So excited for you!

  37. What fun, I'm looking forward to seeing the issue! What are you feeding your children? They are getting so big! Not to mention beautiful!

  38. This is so exciting! And when I see all the photographic gear (especially the items used for light control) I realize why most of us have trouble getting nice shots of our own work. LOL! And especially if we're trying to get photos of basement rooms with little to no exterior light! Can you pass on some of their photography tips please oh please! Congrats to you and your family on being chosen to be for the mag. :-)

  39. How EXCITING!
    I'll be looking forward to my December issue Big TIME!


  40. wow that's so cool can't wait to see the mag photos

    Merry Christmas (ah ah!!) and congratulations!!!
    p.s. We have the very same model of baby carrier!! So comfortable!

  42. Now I cannot wait until Christmas!!!! This issue will be a "keeper" for sure.
    The babies, oh my gosh, are growing like weeds!! They are perfectly adorable.
    xoxo Dianne

  43. ¡Me gustaría ver esa revista!
    ¡Linda tu casa!
    Un saludo desde Costa Rica,
    Zuly Castillo

  44. I've been a subsscriber of Country Living since I was a young bride (many years ago). I have a collection of Country Living magazines that goes back many decades. I have hauled them from the South to the Midwest and cross-country to the Pacific Northwest. Needless to say, I'm thrilled for you and definitely look forward to the Christmas issue!

  45. How exciting! I will be looking forward to getting the magazine. Your house looks gorgeous at Christmas time.

  46. Fascinating post! I can't wait to get my hands on that issue. I was so intrigued by the screen filtering, now I finally get how to achieve successful indoor sunny day pictures:)

  47. I just found your blog, and from what I can see of your home, it looks beautiful!!! Can't wait to see the spread.

    xo Mary Jo

  48. sooooo excited for you, Trina! I can't wait to see what Country Living worked up in your house!!!

  49. Great to have an insight into how a professional magazine shoot looks.
    YONKS UK :-)

  50. Beeautiful Trina! ooxxoo, Joyce

  51. Trina...this is so wonderful! From the very first moment I saw your beautiful home, I was reminded of the very best and most beloved issues of Country Living I had cherished over the years. I remember actually tearing up a bit seeing it all...and to think now you'll be gracing the pages of that well loved magazine...well it's just so special...I believe I'm tearing up again, this is so well deserved.
    Even though I'm desperate for summer at the moment (thunder & rain as we speak!), I now find myself wishing for Christmas time...what a thrill it will be get that very special issue!
    Congratulations and big hugs...
    xoxo J~

    btw- Graham, Margaret, and of course Mike, are just the sweetest and cutest...looks like G & M were totally at ease in the limelight. ♥

  52. How exciting with all the hoopla going on! How wonderful to be featured. Will look forward in seeing it all in print! Congratulations!

  53. I must admit, a tear rolled down my cheek. Christmas is in 5 months and I can hardly wait as this Christmas, will be my twins first year as freshmen away at College. I can imagine preparing for them to come home will be lots of fun.

  54. Oh how am I going to wait till Christmas to see your lovely home?....LOL It is a perfect match for the Christmas issue. Congrats! I can't wait to say, "I know this house!" Kit

  55. I am so excited for you all! I will be eagerly awaiting the Christmas issue :-) Christmas is my favorite holiday. I even have a Christmas blog... Blessings

  56. Country Living is one of my favorites. I am looking forward to your feature!

  57. Trina,
    How wonderful to take this next step with a major spread in an amazing magazine! And the Christmas issue!!! After years of buying a few issues per year off the newstand, I just ordered a subscription :) as I want to see this issue hot off the press! Bravo Trina and Mike. Love all the pictures of Graham and Margaret, who are of course the most beautiful sights to behold in your beautiful house.
    xoxo sharon

  58. Hi Trina-
    I love your home and Country Living. I am looking forward to seeing your home on its pages. How exciting.

  59. This is SO exciting. Country Living has been a favorite of mine for many many years! I wait for the December issue with anticipation!

  60. trina,
    this so exciting for you! i just need to know one thing though. how DO you keep your porches so clean? it looks freshly painted. looking forward to the CL photo spread.

  61. Hi Judi,
    We (rather, my mom) mopped the porch floor the day before. It's the second time we've mopped it and once again, we ask ourselves why we don't do it more often!

  62. What a treat! I'm thrilled that you shared this with us. I can't wait for the issue to hit the stands!

  63. Margaret and Graham...the two names we had chosen for our now nine month old son, Graham. I just found your blog a couple of months ago and have spent many evening catching up and admiring your love of simplicity and Americana style. We live just North of you! I have to know, where can I find the iron coat hooks hanging on your wall in the above photo?
    Congratulations-I can't wait until December!

  64. The team napping picture is so incredibly sweet - I love it!

    Thanks for sharing about your exciting adventure. I'll be anxious to see your photo shoot when I get my December issue of Country Living!!


  65. Thanks for sharing. I am just so happy for you guys. I always show my husband your house and say "THIS HOME BELONGS IN A MAGAZINE!"

    I can't wait to pick up the december issue - I have no doubt it will be amazing. :)

  66. Congratulatons on the photo shoot. I have been getting Country Living since 1980, it is my favorite magazine. I can't wait to see your home especially in the Christmas issue. I have followed your blog for a long time , it continues to be my favorite. Your home is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. Mickey

  67. Trina, I can't wait to get my copy!!! Congrats and I know the spread will be amazing!!

  68. Hi Trina, Mike, and children: How special for you and Country Living; you for receiving recognition for the wonderful job that you have done with your home and special for Country Living that they have such a home to feature in their magazine. I love the team napping picture and the one with Graham and Sheri. Your family is blessed.

  69. How fun! Congrats! I love Country Living, too. I'll be looking for you! :)

  70. Congratulations!! It was only a matter of time - your house is BEAUTIFUL! Every room could be the cover of a House & Garden magazine :)
    Ps. Your children are gorgeous - the shots of Margaret asleep are just beautiful. You and your husband must be so proud!

  71. Beautiful! Congrats on having your lovely home featured... I am a subscriber and look forward to getting the issue!

  72. I love Country Living! Can't wait for the December issue! Carla

  73. So exciting!! Love the sneak peek and can't wait to see the final photos. Congrats on having your fabulous home featured.

  74. This is so exciting for you all! You must have had a blast doing this. :) The babies look adorable too...and they are growing so much! Seven months, right? I'm looking forward to the CL spread...don't forget to share when you know!!! (I know you will! ;))


  75. so exciting! i can't wait to see the photos. I hope that they didn't over style your beautiful house.

  76. Congrats! This must be so exciting and I can't wait to see the photos.

    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Jenna from

  77. I love your style and home. It has been an inspiration for my decorating. Love the simplicity! Where did you purchase the white wicker chairs (seen in the photo on the porch)? I love them and they are exactly what I have been looking for.


  78. Hi Karyn,
    They are from Pier 1 and I hope to do a post on them soon! They're great!

  79. what an honor for you and your husband. I subscribe to Country Living. I will be looking forward to seeing your home in there in their Dec. issue.
    The children have grown since I last stopped by your blog. So adoreable.
    My fave pic was of your hubby and graham catching a nap. I have many a pic of my hubby and each of our kids doing the same thing. makes me smile.

  80. Note to Self: Be sure to buy the December issue of Country Living! What an honor! How exciting :)

  81. Hi Trina,
    I was so excited to see you in my December issue of Country Living! It is a great article and congratulations for making the front cover. Have a beautiful day...

  82. Such a warm and 'inviting' article and blog. My husband and I have designed and built six homes. All have been based on my grandparents farm home in GA. We now own the old homestead and have built, what we hope to be our final home, on the property. Your home reminds me of our newest old home. You all have captured the essence of all good things.


Thank you for leaving your thoughts. Kind regards, Catherine